Lesson 24 Vocabulary
Popularity (by total correct streak): 0
Popularity (by number of users): 0
to love | 愛する | |
art museum | 美術館(びじゅつかん) | |
nature | 自然(しぜん) | |
~nights ~days | 〜泊〜日(〜はく〜か) | |
scenery, landscape | 景色(けしき) | |
to fail, to mess up, to screw up | しっぱいする | |
destination | 行き先 (いきさき) | |
old man | おじいさん | |
old person | 年より | |
motor | モータ | |
port | 港 (みなと) | |
to attend | 出る | |
time and date | ニチジ(にちじ) | |
to save | セーブする | |
maple | もみじ | |
plan table | 計画表 (けいかくひょう) | |
as was expected | やっぱり | |
waterfall | たき | |
if I am correct | たしか | |
Chinatown | 中華街(ちゅうかがい) | |
Chinese food | ちゅうか料理 | |
private lodging house | 民宿(みんしゅく) | |
a little while ago | さっき | |
with much trouble | せっかく |
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