Popularity (by total correct streak): 266
Popularity (by number of users): 2
twelfth | tolfte | |
wrong | fel | |
number | ett nummer, numret (5) | |
zero | noll | |
yes; well | jo | |
to wonder | undra, undrar (I) | |
if, whether | om | |
bloke, chap | en kille, killen (2) | |
girl (slang) | en tjej, tjejen | |
my | min, mitt, mina | |
your (from du) | din, ditt, dina | |
ill, sick | sjuk, sjukt | |
this | det här | |
oh | å | |
to pardon, forgive | ursäkta, ursäktar (I) | |
it doesn't matter, think nothing of it | för all del | |
good-bye | adjö |
Quisition is a browser-based flashcard system that repeats old cards and introduces new ones at optimal time intervals. You can create your own card packs or use those developed by others.