Chapter 1 Part 2
Popularity (by total correct streak): 1262
Popularity (by number of users): 29
ja | yes | |
Jahr | year | |
kein | no, not any | |
Kunst | art | |
Land | Land, state, country | |
Mutter | mother | |
natürlich | of course, naturally | |
nicht | not | |
Österreich | Austria | |
österreichisch | Austrian | |
sagen | to say | |
schön | beautiful, nice | |
sehr | very | |
sein | to be | |
Stadt | city | |
studieren | to go to college/university | |
Tag | day | |
und | and | |
Universität | university | |
Vater | father | |
wann | when | |
was | what | |
wer | who | |
wie | how | |
wie viele/viel | how much/many | |
Wissenschaft | science/scholorship | |
Wissenschaftler | scientist/scholar | |
wo | where | |
Wort | word | |
ziemlich | fairly, rather |
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