Basic Arabic (with vowels)
Popularity (by total correct streak): 0
Popularity (by number of users): 6
نَحْنُ | we (na h nu) | |
هُمَا | they [dual] (hu mA) | |
هُمْ | they [masc] (hu m) | |
هُنٌَ | they [fem] (hu nna) | |
مُدَرٌِس | teacher (mu da rri s) | |
خَبٌَاز | baker (kha bbA z) | |
مُحَاسِب | accountant (mu hA si b) | |
مُمَرٌِضَة | nurse (mu ma rri da _) | |
مُهَنْدِس | engineer (mu ha n di s) | |
نَجٌَار | carpenter (na jjA r) |
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