If you need to know, you don't need it.
Popularity (by total correct streak): 5
Popularity (by number of users): 3
reveal | 明かす | |
become red | 赤らむ | |
ridicule | あざ笑う | |
be in a hurry(panic)/be impatient | 焦る | |
give an order | 誂える | |
flood/overflow | 溢れる | |
behave like a spoiled child | 甘える | |
fear/have misgivings | 危ぶむ | |
walk/go on foot | 歩む | |
be anxious | 案じる | |
warp/swerve/deflect/be strained | 歪む | |
be enthusiastic about | 意気込む | |
run a business | 営む | |
accept | 承る | |
open your heart | 打ち明ける | |
deny/negate | 打ち消す | |
drive in /devote oneself to | 打ち込む | |
down your head for shame | 俯く | |
nod | 頷く | |
groan/moan/roar | 唸る | |
attack | 襲う | |
flatter | 煽てる | |
fall behind | 劣る | |
become weak or old | 衰える | |
become frightened | 怯える | |
exert/cause | 及ぼす | |
turn up | 折り返す | |
harm/injury/damage | 害する | |
reflect | 省みる | |
look back/review | 顧みる | |
hoist(flag)/put up | 掲げる | |
dictate | 書き取る | |
stir/churn/beat up | 掻き回す | |
run (race ) | 駆ける | |
gamble | 賭ける | |
incline/bend | 傾ける | |
harden | 固める | |
set up | 構える | |
bite off | 噛み切る | |
twine(coil)round/be in volved | 絡む | |
dress up | 着飾る | |
build | 築く | |
injured (intransitive) | 傷付く | |
injured | 傷付ける | |
train yourself) | 鍛える | |
amuse oneself | 興じる | |
forbit/prohibit | 禁じる | |
different/go wrong | 食い違う | |
rot/decay | 朽ちる | |
overturn/reverse/overthrow | 覆す | |
include(in) | 組み込む | |
combine/assort | 組み合わせる | |
kick away | 蹴飛ばす | |
speak ill of | ||
try | 試みる | |
concentrare/elaborate | 凝らす | |
learn by experience(regret) | 懲りる | |
be absorbed/grow stiff(shoulder)/be finical(fashion etc) | 凝る | |
be clear/be serene | 冴える | |
prosper | 栄える | |
split ((in two))/be torn [rent]/burst | 裂ける | |
lift [hold] up/give/ offer/sacrifice | 捧げる | |
present/submit/hold out | 差し出す | |
be hindered [prevented] ((from doing))/be interfere ((with)) | 差し支える | |
give/grant/confer | 授ける | |
become settled/be fixed | 定まる | |
decide/determine | 定める | |
guess/sense/presume | 察する | |
attain enlightenment/perceive | 悟る | |
udge | 裁く | |
hinder/interfere/affect/hurt/do harm | 障る | |
finish up/complete | 仕上げる | |
lay in stock/procure | 仕入れる | |
force/compel/press/urge. | 強いる | |
commence/ lay (mines)/ set (traps) | 仕掛ける | |
partition/divide;/settle accounts | 仕切る | |
be moist | 湿気る | |
sink | 沈める | |
be intimate with | 親しむ | |
tailor | 仕立てる | |
train/discipline | 躾ける | |
wilt/fade | 萎びる | |
endure/bear/stand/keep out/exceed/surpass | 凌ぐ | |
pierce/permeate | 染みる | |
dress stylishly | 洒落る | |
follow/conform | 準じる | |
call/name | 称する | |
install/equip/mount | 据え付ける | |
set (table)/lay (foundation) | 据える | |
scoop/spoon | 掬う | |
rub/chafe/become sophisticated | 擦れる | |
control/command | 制する | |
run along/follow | 沿う | |
accompany | 添う | |
conform to/agree with/be based on | 即する | |
provide/attached | 備え付ける | |
be furnished with/be among;to be one of/be possessed of | 備わる | |
tower/rise/soar | 聳える | |
dye | 染まる | |
dye/colour(transitive) | 染める | |
elude/evade/dodge/parry | 逸らす | |
disobey/go against/break/violate | 背く | |
entitle | 題する | |
bear/endure | 耐える | |
bear/endure | 堪える | |
die out/become extinct | 絶える | |
rise/be promoted | 高まる | |
participate/be concerned in | 携わる | |
drift about | 漂う | |
leave | 立ち去る | |
stop by/drop in | 立ち寄る | |
give up/cut/break with/kill | 断つ | |
get out/escape | 脱する | |
pay for another(someone else) | 立て替える | |
grope along to/arrive somewhere after a struggle | 辿り着く | |
follow (road)(course) | 辿る | |
tie up in a bundle | 束ねる | |
grant/bestow | 賜る | |
keep/preserve/hold | 保つ | |
slacken/loosen | 弛む | |
hang/droop;/lower | 垂れる | |
spend/waste | 費やす | |
serve/work for | 仕える | |
govern/administer | 司る | |
be used up/be run out | 尽きる | |
join/connect | 接ぐ | |
succeed/take over | 継ぐ | |
exhaus/serve (a person) | 尽くす | |
add one thing to another | 付け加える | |
inform | 告げる | |
poke/prick/gore | 突っ突く | |
refrain ((from))/abstain | 謹む | |
become stiff/become taut/thrust (ones opponent) | 突っ張る | |
hold a post/be employed/act | 務まる | |
raise ((money))/advertise for/call for/nvite | 募る | |
mutter/murmur | 呟く | |
get strong | 強まる | |
strengthen | 強める | |
extend/stretch out | 連なる | |
go through | 貫く | |
link/put together | 連ねる | |
handle/manage | 手掛ける | |
meet by chace | 出くわす | |
turn/shift | 転じる | |
turn/shif | 転ずる | |
enquire/seek information | 問い合わせる | |
ask/question | 問う | |
respect/honor | 尊ぶ | |
go far off | 遠ざかる | |
explain/persuade | 説く | |
sharpen | 研ぐ | |
achieve/carry out | 遂げる | |
stop/come to an end | 途絶える | |
stagnate/be delayed | 滞る | |
put in order/arrange | 整える | |
recite/chant | 唱える | |
be rich | 富む | |
accompany | 伴う | |
handle/deal in | 取り扱う | |
tackle/wrestle with | 取り組む | |
manage/control | 取り締まる | |
nvestigate/ examine | 取り調べる | |
collect/extort | 取り立てる | |
act as an agent for/convey (a message) | 取り次ぐ | |
install | 取り付ける | |
remove | 取り除く | |
surround | 取り巻く | |
mix/put together | 取り混ぜる | |
take back | 取り戻す | |
order | 取り寄せる | |
feel [be] sad /sigh/ament/grieve/regret | 嘆く | |
throw down/ throw out | 投げ出す | |
rebuke/scold/tell off | 詰る | |
become emotionally attached | 懐く | |
name (person) | 名付ける | |
lick/look down | 嘗める | |
afflict/harass/molest | 悩ます | |
accustom | 慣らす | |
domesticate/tame | 馴らす | |
consist of | 成り立つ | |
resemble closely | 似通う | |
do thriving business | 賑わう | |
run away | 逃げ出す | |
blur/blot/ooze | 滲む | |
carry on shoulder/bear | 担う | |
become dull [blunt] | 鈍る | |
omit/leave out/skip (over) | 抜かす | |
slip out/sneak away | 抜け出す | |
put to bed/lay down | 寝かせる | |
be twisted/be distorted | 捩れる | |
be jealous/ be envious | 妬む | |
knead/work over | 練る | |
let loose/set free | 逃す | |
escape | 逃れる | |
face/front on/look out on/face/meet | 臨む | |
capture/occupy/usurp | 乗っ取る | |
speak ill of;/abuse | 罵る | |
swallow deeply | 飲み込む | |
get into (a car)/ship (passengers) | 乗り込む | |
shine/look pretty | 映える | |
make progres/advance | 捗る | |
consult with | 諮る | |
attempt/plan | 図る | |
encourage/cheer | 励ます | |
be zealous/endeavour/make an effort | 励む | |
come off/worn off | 剥げる | |
turn oneself ((into))/disguise oneself ((as)) | 化ける | |
be bashful/blush | 恥じらう | |
feel ashamed | 恥じる | |
spring/bound | 弾む | |
accomplish/carry out/achieve | 果たす | |
end/be finished | 果てる | |
stop/prevent/obstruct | 阻む | |
grow | 生やす | |
hasten/quicken | 早める | |
swell (from inflammation)/become swollen | 腫れる | |
oppose/aggainst | 反する | |
refrain [abstain] ((from doing, a thing))/wait | 控える | |
leave/pull out | 引き上げる | |
lead | 率いる | |
cause/raise | 引き起こす | |
pull down/lower;/reduce | 引下げる | |
seduce/drag along | 引きずる | |
take charge of/take over | 引取る | |
be warped [distorted]/be strained. | 歪む | |
soak [dip] ((a thing in.)) | 浸す | |
make fun of/jeer at | 冷やかす | |
spread/be propagated | 広まる | |
deepen/heighten/intensify | 深める | |
swell (out)/expand/bulge | 膨れる | |
indulge ((in))/be addicted ((to)/be absorbed ((in)) | 耽る | |
age | 老ける | |
be based on/have origin in | 踏まえる | |
step into | 踏み込む | |
look back | 振り返る | |
be shaking | 震わせる | |
be distant | 隔たる | |
inform/report | 報じる | |
inform/report | 報ずる | |
throw into | 放り込む | |
throw out(give up) | 放り出す | |
grow senile/shade off/fade | 惚ける | |
be proud of | 誇る | |
come apart at the seams | 綻びる | |
leave something to a person | 任す | |
defeat | 負かす | |
give board to/provide meals | 賄う | |
be diverted/slip into | 紛れる | |
mix/cross (swords) | 交える | |
wait eagerly for | 待ち望む | |
be settled/be in order | 纏まる | |
escape from;/avoid | 免れる | |
make round/roll up | 丸める | |
postpone | 見合わせる | |
overlook/fail to notice | 見落とす | |
(happen to) see/catch sight of | 見掛ける | |
show off | 見せびらかす | |
satisfy/fill/fulfill | 満たす | |
disarrange/disturb | 乱す | |
be disordered/be disturbed | 乱れる | |
follow persons example(learn) | 見習う | |
go at the right time | 見計らう | |
look out over | 見渡す | |
be connected or related | 結び付く | |
join/tie on | 結び付ける | |
swarm/gather | 群がる | |
bless/show mercy to | 恵む | |
turn [roll, tuck] up | 捲る | |
wake up | 目覚める | |
face on | 面する | |
establish | 設ける | |
propose/suggest | 申し入れる | |
hold (a meeting) | 催す | |
let leak | 漏らす | |
rise/swell | 盛り上がる | |
leak | 漏る | |
leak out | 漏れる | |
rest | 休める | |
soften/allay/ease/lessen/soothe/calm | 和らげる | |
own | 有する | |
shake/jolt;to rock/swing | 揺さぶる | |
swing; sway/flicker/waver | 揺らぐ | |
become loose | 緩む | |
loosen | 緩める | |
require/need ((doing, to do))/want ((doing, to do))/take/cost | 要する | |
call somebody to halt | 呼び止める | |
read out loud | 読み上げる | |
recline on | 寄り掛かる | |
weaken/be dejected | 弱まる | |
weaken | 弱める | |
weaken/downcast | 弱る | |
cut [push, force, squeeze] in/intrude ((into))/jump a queue | 割り込む | |
remarkable | 著しい | |
greedy/vulgar/shabby/vile | 卑しい | |
solemn/grave | 厳かな | |
foolish/silly/stupid | 愚かな | |
faint [faintly]/dim [dimly]/slight | 微かな | |
clean/pure | 清らかな | |
gorgeous/dazzling | きらびやかな | |
filthy/unfair | 汚らわしい | |
smoky | 煙たい | |
heartening/reassuring | 心強い | |
helpless/unpromising/lonely/disheartening | 心細い | |
likeable/desirable | 好ましい | |
skillful | 巧みな | |
poor | 乏しい | |
mild/calm/gentle | 和やかな | |
miserable/wretched | 情無い | |
tender-hearted/compassionate | 情深い | |
well-known | 名高い | |
smelling of fish or blood | 生臭い | |
lukewarm/halfhearted | 生温い | |
smooth | 滑らかな | |
painful/embarrassing/disturbing | 悩ましい | |
over-familiar | 馴々しい | |
sleepy | 眠たい | |
desirable/hoped for | 望ましい | |
gorgeous/bright/colorful | 華やかな | |
long(long time no see) | 久しい | |
even/flat | 平たい | |
looking forward to | 待ち遠しい | |
perfectly circular | 真ん丸い | |
perfectly circular | 真ん円い | |
unsightly/ugly | 見苦しい | |
empty/ineffectual/futile | 空しい | |
brilliant/remarkable | 目覚しい | |
looks cheap | 安っぽい | |
loose/mild/generous/lenient | 緩やかな | |
good | 良い | |
greedy | 欲深い | |
troublesome/annoying/complicated | 煩わしい | |
dare to do | 敢えて | |
addressed to | ~宛 | |
the truth/frankly/as it is | 有りのまま | |
sure enough | 案の定 | |
moderate/irresponsible | いい加減 | |
unconditionally/as a rule | 一概に | |
at a (single) stroke | 一挙に | |
now(too late)/at this late hour | 今更 | |
by nature/by birth | 生まれつき | |
the second/B/《後者》the latter | 乙 | |
all over/given up hope | お手上げ | |
naturally/spontaneou/of its own accord | 自ずから | |
system/lineage/group | ~系 | |
area/district | ~圏 | |
the late (deceased) | 故~ | |
brightly/brilliantly | 煌々と | |
depending on the circumstances | 事によると | |
especially/above all | 殊に | |
before/ahead/in advance | 先に | |
officer/profession | ~士 | |
order/sequence/times | ~次 | |
child | ~児 | |
illness | ~症 | |
certificate/licence | ~証 | |
an article [item] | ~条 | |
young woman | ~嬢 | |
system | ~制 | |
in advance/beforehand | 先だって | |
immediately/right away | 即座に | |
area/district | ~帯 | |
moment/brief time | 束の間 | |
casual/unconcerned | 何気ない | |
above all/the first thing one needs [has to do] | 何より | |
and | 並びに | |
anything/whatever | 何なり | |
a group/a party | ~派 | |
in advance/beforehand | 前もって | |
in its entirety/whole | 丸ごと | |
perfectly/just as if | 丸っきり | |
side | ~寄り | |
civility/courtesy/compliments | 愛想 | |
relation(ship) | 間柄 | |
interval | 合間 | |
dirt/filth | 垢 | |
go in the red | 赤字 | |
give up/resignation | 諦め | |
evil | 悪 | |
chin | 顎 | |
yearning/longing | 憧れ | |
flax/linen/hemp | 麻 | |
a bruise | ||
hit/per | 当り | |
deterioration/growing worse | 悪化 | |
treatment/service | 扱い | |
good offices/recommendation/intercession | 斡旋 | |
overwhelm/overcome/overpower | 圧倒 | |
pressure/coercion/oppression | 圧迫 | |
stress/pressure | 圧力 | |
substitute character | 当て字 | |
heir | 跡継ぎ | |
putting off/postponing | 後回し | |
oil painting | 油絵 | |
rain gear | 雨具 | |
sweet flavour | 甘口 | |
net | 網 | |
fault/error | 過ち | |
in advance | 予め | |
hail | 霰 | |
state/condition | 有様 | |
assassination | 暗殺 | |
mental arithmetic | 暗算 | |
hint | 暗示 | |
rest | 安静 | |
differ | 異 | |
meaning | 意 | |
appology/excuse | 言い訳 | |
clinic | 医院 | |
running away from home | 家出 | |
anger | 怒り | |
stylish/a clever way of handling the situation | 粋 | |
objection | 異議 | |
living worth | 生き甲斐 | |
training | 育成 | |
many | 幾多 | |
different opinion/objection | 異見 | |
intention | 意向 | |
switching over to | 移行 | |
nature/temper/appetite | 意地 | |
migration/immigration | 移住 | |
costume | 衣装 | |
the opposite sex | 異性 | |
historic ruins (remains relics) | 遺跡 | |
still | 依然 | |
dependence/dependent; | 依存 | |
consign (goods (for sale) to a firm)/entrust (person with something)/commit | 委託 | |
all present | 一同 | |
a part | 一部分 | |
parting | 一別 | |
one side/the whole surface | 一面 | |
a glance/a look | 一目 | |
uniformity/evenness/impartiality | 一様 | |
evenness/uniformity/monotony/equality | 一律 | |
a series/a chain/a ream (of paper) | 一連 | |
all together/summing up | 一括 | |
at once | 一気 | |
apparently/outwardly | 一見 | |
absolutely | 一切 | |
one mind/the whole heart | 一心 | |
the whole place | 一帯 | |
undergo a complete change | 一変 | |
intention | 意図 | |
a change | 異動 | |
run a business | 営む | |
challenge | 挑む | |
(flash of) lightning | 稲光 | |
pray | 祈り | |
emigrant/immigrant | 移民 | |
volition | 意欲 | |
clothes | 衣料 | |
power/influence | 威力 | |
clothes | 衣類 | |
different opinion/objection | 異論 | |
stamp/seal | 印鑑 | |
gloom | 陰気 | |
retirement/retired person | 隠居 | |
passive | 受身 | |
movement | 動き | |
a whirlpool | 渦 | |
napping | 転寝 | |
fan | 団扇 | |
lier | 嘘つき | |
detail | 内訳 | |
copy | 写し | |
lawsuit/complaint | 訴え | |
a hollow/a cavity | 空ろ | |
bowl | 器 | |
ability/skill | 腕前 | |
rainy weather | 雨天 | |
dried plum | 梅干し | |
reverse/inside out/upside down | 裏返し | |
on sale | 売り出し | |
have a secret love affair | 浮気 | |
operation | 運営 | |
shipping/transport | 運送 | |
fare | 運賃 | |
and so on/and so forth | 云々 | |
transport/carriage | 運搬 | |
fortune | 運命 | |
transportation | 運輸 | |
making use of | 運用 | |
English letter | 英字 | |
projection | 映写 | |
reflection/mage | 映像 | |
hero | 英雄 | |
liquid | 液 | |
inspection | 閲覧 | |
spoils/trophy | 獲物 | |
neckband | 襟 | |
smoothness | 円滑 | |
veranda/balcony | 縁側 | |
coast(beach) | 沿岸 | |
euphemistic/circumlocution | 婉曲 | |
production/direction | 演出 | |
along railway line | 沿線 | |
marriage proposal | 縁談 | |
long way(distant place) | 遠方 | |
harmony/satisfaction/integrity | 円満 | |
tail | 尾 | |
emergency | 応急 | |
gold | 黄金 | |
visit to a patient(doctor) | 往診 | |
apply | 応募 | |
almost all/majority | 大方 | |
large | 大柄 | |
outline | 大筋 | |
the sky | 大空 | |
full width/large scale | 大幅 | |
flood | 大水 | |
public/open | 公 | |
cowardice/timidity/chiken) | 臆病 | |
(giving) birth | お産 | |
teaching | 教え | |
male (animal) | 雄 | |
flattery/compliment(not real) | 御世辞 | |
fallen leaves | 落葉 | |
errand | お使い | |
attendant/companion | お供 | |
Shinto shrine | お宮 | |
a diaper | おむつ | |
idea/suggestion | 思い付き | |
tasteful/meaning/grace/charm/refinement | 趣 | |
father/old man | 親父 | |
a chip box/time/an occasion/an opportunity | 折 | |
cage/jail cell | 檻 | |
I (ego) | 俺 | |
gentle/mild | 温和 | |
deterioration/changing for the worse | 改悪 | |
marine transportation | 海運 | |
foreign currency | 外貨 | |
reformation | 改革 | |
shell | 貝殻 | |
(an outward [external]) appearance | 外観 | |
class/state | 階級 | |
channel | 海峡 | |
interview/announce | 会見 | |
nursing | 介護 | |
holding a meeting or event etc | 開催 | |
collection | 回収 | |
reform | 改修 | |
monster | 怪獣 | |
remove/cancelation | 解除 | |
Foreign Minister | 外相 | |
outline | 概説 | |
forwarding | 回送 | |
class/level | 階層 | |
reclamation/pioneer | 開拓 | |
conference/discussion | 会談 | |
reform | 改定 | |
revision | 改訂 | |
a road | 街道 | |
corresponding | 該当 | |
in the street | 街頭 | |
intervention | 介入 | |
concept/notion | 概念 | |
development | 開発 | |
height above sea level | 海抜 | |
nursing | 介抱 | |
dissection/autopsy | 解剖 | |
foreign ((ideas))/ imported | 外来 | |
circulation | 回覧 | |
outline/summary | 概略 | |
ocean current | 海流 | |
improvement/reform | 改良 | |
circuit (electric) | 回路 | |
sea route | 海路 | |
(outward) looks | 顔付き | |
extracurricular | 課外 | |
nucleus | 核 | |
status/character/case | 格 | |
arts and sciences/literary attainment | 学芸 | |
qualitative difference | 格差 | |
scattering/diffusion | 拡散 | |
a bachelor | 学士 | |
every kind | 各種 | |
every other week | 隔週 | |
confidence | 確信 | |
reform | 革新 | |
((set up))a theory | 学説 | |
decision | 確定 | |
acquisition | 獲得 | |
score (music) | 楽譜 | |
secure ((a seat))/maintain | 確保 | |
revolution | 革命 | |
establishment | 確立 | |
academic background | 学歴 | |
a gamble | 賭け | |
cliff | 崖 | |
running fast | 駆け足 | |
family finances | 家計 | |
manufacturing | 加工 | |
chemical combination | 化合 | |
temize | 箇条書 | |
Mars (planet) | 火星 | |
fossil/fossilization | 化石 | |
rivers | 河川 | |
synthetic fibres | 化繊 | |
depopulation | 過疎 | |
a subject/an assignment | 課題 | |
broken(Japanese etc) | 片言 | |
tidying up | 片付け | |
beside(s)/while | 傍ら | |
flower bed | 花壇 | |
livestock | 家畜 | |
epoch-making | 画期 | |
((sing in)) chorus | 合唱 | |
agreement | 合致 | |
own convenience | 勝手 | |
active | 活発 | |
combination/union | 合併 | |
(iron) hammer | 金槌 | |
joining | 加入 | |
stock (company) | 株式 | |
pollen | 花粉 | |
money/currency | 貨幣 | |
seasoning(flavoring) | 加味 | |
crowded | 過密 | |
(rice) gruel | 粥 | |
overwork | 過労 | |
cancer | 癌 | |
simplicity/easiness | 簡易 | |
irrigation | 灌漑 | |
ophthalmology | 眼科 | |
eyeball | 眼球 | |
toys | 玩具 | |
brevity/simplicity | 簡潔 | |
reduction/return to origins | 還元 | |
nursing | 看護 | |
Chinese language | 漢語 | |
stubborn | 頑固 | |
publication(issue) | 刊行 | |
customary practice | 慣行 | |
advice/counsel/recommendation | 勧告 | |
conversion | 換算 | |
observation | 監視 | |
custom | 慣習 | |
spectators | 観衆 | |
application form | 願書 | |
interference/intervention | 干渉 | |
solid/strong | 頑丈 | |
feeling/sensation | 感触 | |
important/essential/vital | 肝心 | |
cheer | 歓声 | |
customs(duty) | 関税 | |
rock | 岩石 | |
infection | 感染 | |
main line | 幹線 | |
simplicity/plain | 簡素 | |
point of view | 観点 | |
sensitivity | 感度 | |
first year | 元年 | |
executive staff | 幹部 | |
perfect | 完ぺき | |
pardon/forgiveness | 勘弁 | |
very emotional | 感無量 | |
invitation | 勧誘 | |
being concerned in | 関与 | |
tolerance | 寛容 | |
originally | 元来 | |
viewing | 観覧 | |
bureaucrat | 官僚 | |
custom | 慣例 | |
60th birthday | 還暦 | |
presence/dignity | 貫禄 | |
relief/mitigation | 緩和 | |
legislative bill | 議案 | |
injury/harm | 危害 | |
planning | 企画 | |
standard | 規格 | |
feel free to | 気軽 | |
organ (body) | 器官 | |
quarterly (magazine) | 季刊 | |
crisis | 危機 | |
listening comprehension | 聞き取り | |
effect | 効き目 | |
returning to Tokyo | 帰京 | |
play/drama | 戯曲 | |
fund | 基金 | |
comedy | 喜劇 | |
resolution | 議決 | |
give up [abandon] right/abstain from voting/be absent | 棄権 | |
origin | 起源 | |
organization | 機構 | |
married | 既婚 | |
affected/snobbish | 気障 | |
mention/entry | 記載 | |
signs/symptoms | 兆 | |
disposition/(a) temperament | 気質 | |
settlement date | 期日 | |
Diet building | 議事堂 | |
describing | 記述 | |
weather/climate | 気象 | |
regulation | 規制 | |
sacrifice | 犠牲 | |
steamship | 汽船 | |
donation | 寄贈 | |
forgery ((of a document))/copy | 偽造 | |
noble | 貴族 | |
topic of discussion | 議題 | |
disposition/nature | 気立て | |
methodical ((in))/exact ((in))/punctual/particular about details | 几帳面 | |
regulation/provisions | 規定 | |
starting point | 起点 | |
orbit/railroad track | 軌道 | |
technical skill/ability | 技能 | |
model/example | 規範 | |
aroma | 気品 | |
a [the] tone/(the) spirit | 気風 | |
undulation | 起伏 | |
scale | 規模 | |
too serious | 生真面目 | |
signature register | 記名 | |
agreement/treatment | 規約 | |
dramatization (film) | 脚色 | |
reversal | 逆転 | |
scenario | 脚本 | |
objective | 客観 | |
relief/rescue | 救援 | |
temporary absence from school | 休学 | |
ultimate | 究極 | |
too narrow/too tight | 窮屈 | |
(plant) bulb | 球根 | |
aid/rescue/help | 救済 | |
a waiter/a page(boy) | 給仕 | |
school lunch | 給食 | |
temporary stop war | 休戦 | |
a palace | 宮殿 | |
old friendship | 旧知 | |
poverty | 窮乏 | |
hill | 丘陵 | |
wonder/miracle | 驚異 | |
study subject | 教科 | |
association | 協会 | |
coeducation | 共学 | |
sympathy | 共感 | |
conference/(a) consultation | 協議 | |
environment/circumstances | 境遇 | |
learn a lesson | 教訓 | |
forcing/enforcement | 強行 | |
firm/vigorous/strong/stubborn | 強硬 | |
teaching materials | 教材 | |
poor crop | 凶作 | |
trader | 業者 | |
training | 教習 | |
nostalgia/homesickness | 郷愁 | |
the teaching profession | 教職 | |
compulsion | 強制 | |
administration | 行政 | |
an achievement/》(business) results | 業績 | |
coexistence | 共存 | |
co-operation/harmony | 協調 | |
agreement | 協定 | |
birth place | 郷土 | |
threat | 脅迫 | |
business/affairs | 業務 | |
resonance/sympathy | 共鳴 | |
home town | 郷里 | |
strong | 強烈 | |
republicanism | 共和 | |
localize/set limits | 局限 | |
extreme | 極端 | |
residence | 居住 | |
refusal/rejection | 拒絶 | |
fishing boat | 漁船 | |
fishing village | 漁村 | |
rejection/refusal | 拒否 | |
permission | 許容 | |
duty/(an) obligation | 義理 | |
interchange | 切替 | |
atmospheric current | 気流 | |
a gap/a break/》a pause | 切れ目 | |
doubt | 疑惑 | |
a germ/a bacterium | 菌 | |
nearsightedness/shortsightedness | 近眼 | |
urgent/emergency | 緊急 | |
suburbs/outskirts | 近郊 | |
equilibrium(balance) | 均衡 | |
shortsightedness | 近視 | |
diligence | 勤勉 | |
testing/scrutiny | 吟味 | |
at work | 勤務 | |
taboo/forbidden thing | 禁物 | |
labor service | 勤労 | |
space | 空間 | |
hunger | 空腹 | |
division/section | 区画 | |
section (of track etc) | 区間 | |
stalk | 茎 | |
an end/a stop/a pause/punctuation | 区切り | |
grumble | 愚痴 | |
bending/indentation | 屈折 | |
necklace | 首飾り | |
necklace/choker | 首輪 | |
warehouse/cellar | 蔵 | |
expert/professional | 玄人 | |
balance (figure) in the black | 黒字 | |
group (math) | 群 | |
warship | 軍艦 | |
military affairs | 軍事 | |
a monarch/a sovereign/a ruler | 君主 | |
(social) group/crowd | 群集 | |
(social) group/crowd | 群衆 | |
military preparations | 軍備 | |
military uniform | 軍服 | |
penalty/punishment | 刑 | |
performance | 芸 | |
proccess | 経緯 | |
passage/progress | 経過 | |
rhythmical/light/lighthearted | 軽快 | |
warning | 警戒 | |
meter/gauge | 計器 | |
opportunity/chance | 契機 | |
Sincerely yours | 敬具 | |
abatement | 軽減 | |
publish [print] | 掲載 | |
a slant/(an) inclination | 傾斜 | |
formation | 形成 | |
condition/situation/prospects | 形勢 | |
careless/hasty | 軽率 | |
carrying something | 携帯 | |
form/figure | 形態 | |
judgement/penalty/punishment | 刑罰 | |
expenses/cost | 経費 | |
police inspector | 警部 | |
contempt/scorn | 軽蔑 | |
career | 経歴 | |
route | 経路 | |
drama company | 劇団 | |
encouragement | 激励 | |
beast | 獣 | |
take a vote | 決 | |
resolution | 決意 | |
tuberculosis | 結核 | |
blood vessel | 血管 | |
a decision | 決議 | |
carrying out (plan) | 決行 | |
combination/union | 結合 | |
settlement of accounts/closing | 決算 | |
monthly tuition fee | 月謝 | |
finals (sports) | 決勝 | |
crystal | 結晶 | |
formation | 結成 | |
union/unity | 結束 | |
decision/determination | 決断 | |
monthly installment | 月賦 | |
shortage | 欠乏 | |
servant | 家来 | |
diarrhoea | 下痢 | |
a matter/an affair/subject | 件 | |
authority/power | 権威 | |
a side job | 兼業 | |
original form | 原形 | |
a prototype/a model | 原型 | |
power/authority/jurisdiction | 権限 | |
current | 現行 | |
in good health | 健在 | |
original work | 原作 | |
public prosecutor | 検事 | |
atom | 原子 | |
the head of state/sovereign | 元首 | |
original document | 原書 | |
a prize/a prize contest | 懸賞 | |
decrease/reduction | 減少 | |
health | 健全 | |
chemical element | 元素 | |
developing (film) | 現像 | |
principle/general rule | 原則 | |
point of view | 見地 | |
the spot | 現地 | |
limit | 限定 | |
starting point | 原点 | |
original (text) | 原典 | |
atomic bomb | 原爆 | |
the text(original) | 原文 | |
strict/ in close | 厳密 | |
wisdom/sagacity/advisability | 賢明 | |
thrift/economy | 倹約 | |
crude oil | 原油 | |
use〈a thing〉both as…and | 兼用 | |
power/authority/influence | 権力 | |
vocabulary | 語彙 | |
favor/courtesy | 好意 | |
act | 行為 | |
agreement | 合意 | |
public performance | 公演 | |
regret | 後悔 | |
voyage | 航海 | |
engineering | 工学 | |
protest | 抗議 | |
conference/ (a) consultation | 合議 | |
Imperial Palace | 皇居 | |
prosperity/a boom | 好況 | |
mining (industry) | 鉱業 | |
industrial | 興業 | |
tableland/plateau | 高原 | |
alternate | 交互 | |
archaeology | 考古学 | |
work/handicraft/maneuvering | 工作 | |
farming | 耕作 | |
mine (ore) | 鉱山 | |
workshop/training | 講習 | |
an oral statement | 口述 | |
deduction | 控除 | |
negotiations | 交渉 | |
high/noble/advanced | 高尚 | |
an) improvement/a rise/progress | 向上 | |
march(parade) | 行進 | |
spices | 香辛料 | |
precipitation | 降水 | |
flood | 洪水 | |
synthesis/composition | 合成 | |
open (secret)/public | 公然 | |
dispute | 抗争 | |
conception | 構想 | |
restriction/restraint | 拘束 | |
a setback/retreat/a recession | 後退 | |
glossy finish ( photographs) | 光沢 | |
public corporation | 公団 | |
be satisfactory/be going well | 好調 | |
oral | 口頭 | |
reading | 講読 | |
subscription | 購読 | |
purchase | 購入 | |
official/approved | 公認 | |
lighting and heating expenses | 光熱費 | |
ruin/devastation | 荒廃 | |
buy | 購買 | |
popularity/favorable reputation | 好評 | |
issue | 交付 | |
surrender | 降伏 | |
excitement | 興奮 | |
public appeal/public contribution | 公募 | |
skillful/clever | 巧妙 | |
government business/public use | 公用 | |
retail | 小売 | |
efficiency | 効率 | |
public | 公立 | |
guard | 護衛 | |
short (build) | 小柄 | |
check(money) | 小切手 | |
words/phrases | 語句 | |
domestic products | 国産 | |
state/national | 国定 | |
confession/profession | 告白 | |
national defense | 国防 | |
national ownership | 国有 | |
paradise | 極楽 | |
United Nations | 国連 | |
black tea | 焦げ茶 | |
word root | 語源 | |
individual | 個々 | |
feeling/mood | 心地 | |
knowledge/know-how/notion | 心得 | |
mental attitude/intentions/care | 心掛け | |
will/intention/resolution/an aim/ambition/desire /kindness | 志 | |
an error | 誤差 | |
orphan | 孤児 | |
the deceased | 故人 | |
a treetop | 梢 | |
personality | 個性 | |
family register | 戸籍 | |
small change | 小銭 | |
ancient times | 古代 | |
a foot warmer (with a quilt over it)/a kotatsu | ||
(an) exaggeration/ (an) overstatement | 誇張 | |
funny/humorous/comic(al)/ridiculous. | 滑稽 | |
diplomatic relations | 国交 | |
curio | 骨董品 | |
fixation | 固定 | |
a matter/an affair | 事柄 | |
solitude/loneliness | 孤独 | |
a (verbal) message/(the) word | 言付け | |
Go board | 碁盤 | |
particular case | 個別 | |
peculiar ((to))/own/native/inherent/proper | 固有 | |
a calendar/an almanac | 暦 | |
isolation | 孤立 | |
perseverance/patience/endurance/energy | 根気 | |
ground/reason/a basis/ foundation/evidence/(an) authority | 根拠 | |
mixed race | 混血 | |
insect/bug | 昆虫 | |
root/basis/foundation | 根底 | |
confusion | 混同 | |
the root/a basis/(a) foundation/essence | 根本 | |
meeting again | 再会 | |
disaster | 災害 | |
bacillus/bacterium | 細菌 | |
craftsmanship/trick | 細工 | |
mining | 採掘 | |
vote(decision)/roll call | 採決 | |
rebuilding | 再建 | |
reappearance | 再現 | |
money sorce | 財源 | |
stock | 在庫 | |
profit | 採算 | |
collecting/gathering | 採集 | |
a return to life/rebirth | 再生 | |
finances/economy/financial affairs | 財政 | |
the very best | 最善 | |
adoption/selection/choice | 採択 | |
cultivation | 栽培 | |
recurrence/a relapse | 再発 | |
cell (biology) | 細胞 | |
use/adopt | 採用 | |
rod | 竿 | |
the difference [balance] | 差額 | |
wine cups | 杯 | |
handstand | 逆立ち | |
fraud/swindle | 詐欺 | |
a work | 作 | |
plan | 策 | |
fence | 柵 | |
reduction | 削減 | |
mistake | 錯誤 | |
military or naval operations | 作戦 | |
shout | 叫び | |
instruction | 指図 | |
a discussion meeting | 座談会 | |
rough | 雑 | |
miscellaneous goods | 雑貨 | |
murder | 殺人 | |
gossip/chatting | 雑談 | |
try/judge/decide | 裁く | |
coordinate(s) | 座標 | |
chill | 寒気 | |
Samurai warrior | 侍 | |
effect/function | 作用 | |
acid | 酸 | |
oxidation | 酸化 | |
mountains | 山岳 | |
House of Councillors | 参議院 | |
maternity leave | 産休 | |
remaining money | 残金 | |
postnatal/postpartum | 産後 | |
cruelty | 残酷 | |
produce | 産出 | |
reference | 参照 | |
calling on | 参上 | |
(bank) balance | 残高 | |
a (landing) pier/a wharf | 桟橋 | |
praise | 賛美 | |
mountainside | 山腹 | |
maternity and gynecology department | 産婦人科 | |
product | 産物 | |
mountain range | 山脈 | |
finishing | 仕上げ | |
breeding | 飼育 | |
the tide/a current/sea water | 潮 | |
dentist | 歯科 | |
self | 自我 | |
qualifications | 資格 | |
vision | 視覚 | |
self-conscious | 自覚 | |
device/trick | 仕掛け | |
direction | 指揮 | |
magnetism | 磁気 | |
porcelain | 磁器 | |
colour balance | 色彩 | |
ceremonial hall | 式場 | |
enterprise | 事業 | |
funds/capital | 資金 | |
axis/;axle | 軸 | |
plan/an arrangement/a device/a contrivance/a mechanism | 仕組 | |
death penalty | 死刑 | |
self/oneself | 自己 | |
enforcement | 施行 | |
thought | 思考 | |
intention/aim | 志向 | |
taste/liking | 嗜好 | |
matter/facts | 事項 | |
timetable | 時刻表 | |
hell | 地獄 | |
time difference | 時差 | |
freely/at will | 自在 | |
inspection/observation | 視察 | |
property money | 資産 | |
support | 支持 | |
independent/autonomous | 自主 | |
surrender | 自首 | |
embroidery | 刺繍 | |
resignation | 辞職 | |
drop ( water) | 雫 | |
institution/establishment/facility | 施設 | |
prior/beforehand/in advance | 事前 | |
son | 子息 | |
continuance/maintenance | 持続 | |
self-respect;conceit | 自尊心 | |
font | 字体 | |
refusal | 辞退 | |
secret intention | 下心 | |
groundwork/foundation | 下地 | |
trade in | 下取り | |
burning low | 下火 | |
parents home | 実家 | |
disqualification | 失格 | |
question | 質疑 | |
be overthrown/fall from power | 失脚 | |
industrialist | 実業家 | |
home discipline(training) | 躾 | |
practical trainng | 実践 | |
simple/plain/homely | 質素 | |
truth/fact | 実態 | |
lack of harmony | 失調 | |
jealousy | 嫉妬 | |
actual cost or price | 実費 | |
pointing out | 指摘 | |
point of view | 視点 | |
a rotation | 自転 | |
an auxiliary verb | 助動詞 | |
human waste | 屎尿 | |
landlord | 地主 | |
endure/bear/stand/keep out/shelter | 凌ぐ | |
turf | 芝 | |
first train | 始発 | |
otolaryngology | 耳鼻科 | |
private property/personal effects | 私物 | |
administration of justice | 司法 | |
fat/grease | 脂肪 | |
a) wish/ (a) desire/a choice/an ambition. | 志望 | |
the result/the outcome/circumstances/particulars | 始末 | |
mission | 使命 | |
local | 地元 | |
vision | 視野 | |
social life | 社交 | |
refusal | 謝絶 | |
company owned house | 社宅 | |
some/few | 若干 | |
a samisen. | 三味線 | |
slope/bevel | 斜面 | |
gravel/pebbles | 砂利 | |
private ownership | 私有 | |
profit | 収益 | |
learning | 修学 | |
cycle/period | 周期 | |
Lower House;House of Representatives | 衆議院 | |
starting work | 就業 | |
employee worker | 従業員 | |
totalization | 集計 | |
attack | 襲撃 | |
income and expenditure | 収支 | |
from beginning to end | 終始 | |
Masters degree program | 修士 | |
engage [be engaged] ((in)) | 従事 | |
all day | 終日 | |
fullness/repletionnt | 充実 | |
gathering up | 収集 | |
modification (grammar) | 修飾 | |
at a crossroads | 十字路 | |
stick [cling] ((to))/be attached ((to)) | 執着 | |
pliant/pliable/flexible/supple | 柔軟 | |
repeat | 重複 | |
accommodation/admission/seating | 収容 | |
up to this time [the present] | 従来 | |
security guard | 守衛 | |
play the leading part | 主演 | |
subjectivity | 主観 | |
training/ascetic exercises | 修行 | |
cram school | 塾 | |
celebration | 祝賀 | |
destiny | 宿命 | |
a handicraft | 手芸 | |
sovereignty | 主権 | |
sponsorship | 主催 | |
gather data [materials]/interview | 取材 | |
object/reason/meaning | 趣旨 | |
various | 種々 | |
main meal | 主食 | |
main cast | 主人公 | |
the subject/the nucleus | 主体 | |
topic | 主題 | |
bleeding | 出血 | |
appearance | 出現 | |
(child)birth | 出産 | |
arrival (at work ) | 出社 | |
birth | 出生 | |
promotion | 出世 | |
proposing a question | 出題 | |
march/be mobilized/go out | 出動 | |
expenses | 出費 | |
display | 出品 | |
main leadership | 主導 | |
person in charge | 主任 | |
head | 首脳 | |
deffence | 守備 | |
method | 手法 | |
establish | 樹立 | |
semi express (train) | 準急 | |
private use | 私用 | |
a method/a way/a means | 仕様 | |
top group | 上位 | |
performance (music etc) | 上演 | |
land near the castle | 城下 | |
lifetime | 生涯 | |
erasing | 消去 | |
sky | 上空 | |
impact | 衝撃 | |
evidence/testimony | 証言 | |
evidence/proof | 証拠 | |
collation/comparison | 照合 | |
detail | 詳細 | |
boss | 上司 | |
rising | 上昇 | |
promotion | 昇進 | |
stuation | 情勢 | |
news/information(person) | 消息 | |
true character/consciousness | 正体 | |
accept | 承諾 | |
atmosphere/emotion/feeling | 情緒 | |
symbol | 象徴 | |
pediatrics | 小児科 | |
an employee | 使用人 | |
passion | 情熱 | |
concession/conciliation | 譲歩 | |
illumination | 照明 | |
treaty | 条約 | |
victory/win | 勝利 | |
land on | 上陸 | |
distillation | 蒸溜 | |
encouragement; | 奨励 | |
exception | 除外 | |
staff member | 職員 | |
colony | 植民地 | |
professional duties | 職務 | |
Ladies and Gentlemen! | 諸君 | |
advice | 助言 | |
move slowly | 徐行 | |
whereabouts/the position | 所在 | |
possession | 所持 | |
Ms/Mrs | 女史 | |
particle | 助詞 | |
belong to | 所属 | |
treatment | 処置 | |
fixed/appointed/prescribed | 所定 | |
income | 所得 | |
punishment | 処罰 | |
the first edition | 初版 | |
book review | 書評 | |
disposal/management/punishment | 処分 | |
common people | 庶民 | |
general affairs | 庶務 | |
possessions/ownership | 所有 | |
a camp/a position/a formation | 陣 | |
progress | 進化 | |
personal character | 人格 | |
deliberation | 審議 | |
advance | 進行 | |
new/rising | 新興 | |
promotion | 振興 | |
report/notification | 申告 | |
a newly married couple | 新婚 | |
judging | 審査 | |
talent | 人材 | |
gentleman | 紳士 | |
truth | 真実 | |
believer | 信者 | |
pearl | 真珠 | |
advance | 進出 | |
mentality | 心情 | |
new face/newcomer | 新人 | |
holiness | 神聖 | |
friendship | 親善 | |
truth | 真相 | |
prompt | 迅速 | |
human body | 人体 | |
new building | 新築 | |
a double suicide | 心中 | |
presentation | 進呈 | |
progress/development | 進展 | |
a shrine/a temple/a sanctuary | 神殿 | |
progress | 進度 | |
vibration | 振動 | |
freshman | 新入生 | |
trust/confidence/credence | 信任 | |
mystery | 神秘 | |
patience | 辛抱 | |
people | 人民 | |
truth | 真理 | |
invasion | 侵略 | |
medical examination | 診療 | |
source of water | 水源 | |
propulsion | 推進 | |
flushing | 水洗 | |
playing wind instruments | 吹奏 | |
guess | 推測 | |
(rice)paddy field | 水田 | |
reasoning/ (an) inference | 推理 | |
numeral | 数詞 | |
worship | 崇拝 | |
hem line | 裾 | |
growth | 生育 | |
growth | 成育 | |
results;fruits | 成果 | |
correct/right | 正解 | |
regular/legal | 正規 | |
justice | 正義 | |
livelihood | 生計 | |
political power | 政権 | |
elaborate/delicate/exquisite | 精巧 | |
constellation | 星座 | |
sanctions | 制裁 | |
political policy | 政策 | |
keep an accurate account | 精算 | |
life and death | 生死 | |
stillness | 静止 | |
sincere/faithful | 誠実 | |
maturity/ripeness | 成熟 | |
youth/springtime of life | 青春 | |
purity/innocence | 清純 | |
Bible | 聖書 | |
normality/normal | 正常 | |
in good order/regularly/systematically | 整然 | |
be dressed up formally | 盛装 | |
prosperous/splendid/grand | 盛大 | |
good and evil/purity and impurity | 清濁 | |
enactment/establishment/creation | 制定 | |
static | 静的 | |
iron manufacture | 製鉄 | |
fine weather | 晴天 | |
justice/propriety | 正当 | |
adult age | 成年 | |
uniform | 制服 | |
conquest/subjugation | 征服 | |
manufacturing method | 製法 | |
precise/exact/detailed | 精密 | |
tax office | 税務署 | |
declaration/statement | 声明 | |
full name | 姓名 | |
limitation/restriction | 制約 | |
physiology/menses | 生理 | |
influence/power | 勢力 | |
stand in a line | 整列 | |
son | 伜 | |
duty/obligation | 責務 | |
flattery/compliment | 世辞 | |
household | 世帯 | |
correction/revision | 是正 | |
generation | 世代 | |
incise/cut out | 切開 | |
compelling/serious/severe | 切実 | |
touch/contact | 接触 | |
conjunction | 接続詞 | |
establishment | 設置 | |
compromise/cross/blending | 折衷 | |
establishment | 設定 | |
persuasion | 説得 | |
out of print | 絶版 | |
establishment/foundation | 設立 | |
public opinion | 世論 | |
(small) tray | 膳 | |
Zen (Buddhism) | 禅 | |
fibre | 繊維 | |
complete recovery of health | 全快 | |
election | 選挙 | |
religious mission | 宣教 | |
declaration/announcement | 宣言 | |
preceding/go ahead | 先行 | |
selection | 選考 | |
war damage | 戦災 | |
specialization | 専修 | |
tactics | 戦術 | |
diving | 潜水 | |
height of prosperity | 全盛 | |
previous age/previous generation | 先代 | |
first arrival | 先着 | |
a premise/presupposition/a prerequisite | 前提 | |
a priori/inborn/hereditary | 先天的 | |
future prospects | 前途 | |
battle/fight/combat | 戦闘 | |
;sneaking in | 潜入 | |
ship | 船舶 | |
annihilation | 全滅 | |
exclusive use | 専用 | |
occupation/possession/capture | 占領 | |
goodness/excellence | 善良 | |
war potential | 戦力 | |
precedent | 前例 | |
an aspect/a phase/physiognomy | 相 | |
monk/priest | 僧 | |
an image/a figure | 像 | |
suitability/fitness | 相応 | |
general meeting | 総会 | |
launching (newspaper) | 創刊 | |
miscellaneous trees | 雑木 | |
urgent | 早急 | |
augment/reinforce/increase | 増強 | |
sending money | 送金 | |
running | 走行 | |
synthesis/total | 総合 | |
search /investigation | 捜査 | |
search (for someone or something missing)/investigation | 捜索 | |
handling/control | 操縦 | |
the Minister of Finance | 蔵相 | |
ornament | 装飾 | |
promoting/increase/advance | 増進 | |
creation | 創造 | |
relativity | 相対 | |
magnificent/grand/splendid | 壮大 | |
strife/riot/rebellion | 騒動 | |
shipwreck/accident | 遭難 | |
market price | 相場 | |
equipment | 装備 | |
establishment/founding | 創立 | |
promotion | 促進 | |
restraint/shackles/restriction | 束縛 | |
side | 側面 | |
materials | 素材 | |
obstruction/prevention/interdiction | 阻止 | |
lawsuit | 訴訟 | |
growth | 育ち | |
a measure [step] | 措置 | |
simplicity/artlessness/naivete | 素朴 | |
loss | 損失 | |
duration/continuance | 存続 | |
party/company/a band/a team | 隊 | |
interaction/correspondence/take care | 対応 | |
degeneration/retrogression | 退化 | |
in general/mainly | 大概 | |
physique/build | 体格 | |
dropping out of school | 退学 | |
big money | 大金 | |
treatment/service/pay | 待遇 | |
confrontation/showdown | 対決 | |
personal experience | 体験 | |
opposition | 対抗 | |
extermination | 退治 | |
general public | 大衆 | |
deal with | 対処 | |
retirement (from work) | 退職 | |
attitude | 態勢 | |
a talk/an interview | 対談 | |
bold/daring | 大胆 | |
equivalent | 対等 | |
nothing | 台無し | |
non-payment/default | 滞納 | |
contrast/comparison | 対比 | |
voluminous/bulky | 大部 | |
feces/shit | 大便 | |
speak [act] for | 代弁 | |
expectant waiting | 待望 | |
scenario | 台本 | |
negligence/carelessness | 怠慢 | |
interview(meeting) | 対面 | |
substitution | 代用 | |
physical strength | 体力 | |
dialogue/(a) conversation | 対話 | |
break in the deadlock | 打開 | |
a bonfire/an open-air fire | 焚火 | |
compromise | 妥協 | |
height/length(measure) | 丈 | |
blow/strike/batting (baseball) | 打撃 | |
agreement | 妥結 | |
poor work | 駄作 | |
addition | 足し算 | |
majority rule | 多数決 | |
assistance | 助け | |
(child) hug | 抱っこ | |
healthy/well/fine/strong/good ((at))/skillful ((at, in))/expert | 達者 | |
escape | 脱出 | |
achievement | 達成 | |
withdrawal | 脱退 | |
shield/buckler | 盾 | |
(the ceremony of) the erection of the framework of a house/a principle | 建て前 | |
transitive verb | 他動詞 | |
example | 例え | |
(on) the other hand | 他方 | |
busy | 多忙 | |
sprit | 魂 | |
variety | 多様 | |
a sag; slackening/relaxation | 弛み | |
single/sole/individual | 単一 | |
Japanese poem | 短歌 | |
stretcher | 担架 | |
short temper | 短気 | |
unity/union/work together | 団結 | |
exploration/expedition | 探検 | |
assertion/(an) affirmation | 断言 | |
shortening | 短縮 | |
firmly/definitely | 断然 | |
carbon© | 炭素 | |
junior college | 短大 | |
monotony | 単調 | |
sole/single | 単独 | |
husband (informal) | 旦那 | |
short wave | 短波 | |
protein | 蛋白質 | |
cross section | 断面 | |
elasticity/flexibility/spring | 弾力 | |
public order | 治安 | |
animal husbandry | 畜産 | |
a beast/a brute/Damn [Hang] it! | 畜生 | |
accumulation/accumulate | 蓄積 | |
a landform/geographical features | 地形 | |
intelligence | 知性 | |
milk/breast | 乳 | |
order | 秩序 | |
suffocation | 窒息 | |
intellectual | 知的 | |
embarkation/launch | 着手 | |
colouring | 着色 | |
sit down | 着席 | |
attention | 着目 | |
landing | 着陸 | |
start of (construction) work | 着工 | |
living room | 茶の間 | |
tea ceremony | 茶の湯 | |
somersault | 宙返り | |
relay/hook-up | 中継 | |
advice/warning | 忠告 | |
slander/libel/defamation | 中傷 | |
the center/the nucleus | 中枢 | |
lottery/raffle/drawing (lots) | 抽選 | |
interruption/suspension/break | 中断 | |
poisoning | 中毒 | |
irritated/offended | 中腹 | |
neutrality | 中立 | |
neutralize/counteract | 中和 | |
guts/bowels/intestines | 腸 | |
butterfly | 蝶 | |
super-/ultra-/hyper- | 超 | |
signature/sign/sealing | 調印 | |
the sense of hearing | 聴覚 | |
a director general/Secretary | 長官 | |
lecture attendance | 聴講 | |
collection | 徴収 | |
stethoscope | 聴診器 | |
challenge | 挑戦 | |
arbitration/conciliation/mediation | 調停 | |
long (e.g. novel film) | 長編 | |
handy/convenient/useful/serviceable/valuable | 重宝 | |
cooking | 調理 | |
harmony | 調和 | |
confrontation | 直面 | |
literary work/book | 著書 | |
storage/preservation | 貯蓄 | |
intuition | 直感 | |
well-known | 著名 | |
dustpan | 塵取り | |
medical treatment | 治療 | |
wages | 賃金 | |
precipitation/settlement | 沈殿 | |
sinking/foundering | 沈没 | |
silence | 沈黙 | |
display | 陳列 | |
gaining on/solving (crime) | 追及 | |
pursuit | 追跡 | |
exile/banishment | 追放 | |
crashing(airplane) | 墜落 | |
feeling keenly | 痛感 | |
regular/general/usually | 通常 | |
keen/acute | 痛切 | |
cane | 杖 | |
use | 使い道 | |
common | 月並み | |
a joint | 継ぎ目 | |
pipe/tube | 筒 | |
place of work | 勤め先 | |
tsunami | 津波 | |
saliva/sputum | 唾 | |
tsubo jar/pot/vase | 壷 | |
flower bud | 蕾 | |
dew | 露 | |
hanging bell | 釣り鐘 | |
strap | 吊り革 | |
allowance | 手当 | |
definition | 定義 | |
an offer | 提供 | |
cooperation/joint business/link-up | 提携 | |
look fine/appearance | 体裁 | |
presentation/suggest | 提示 | |
set meal | 定食 | |
correction;revision | 訂正 | |
slumpbe stagnant | 停滞 | |
mansion/residence | 邸宅 | |
retirement age | 定年 | |
bank/weir | 堤防 | |
too late | 手遅れ | |
number of moves | 手数 | |
easy/simple/informal | 手軽 | |
adaptation | 適応 | |
suitability | 適宜 | |
aptitude | 適性 | |
skill/tact | 手際 | |
process | 手順 | |
handcuffs/manacles | 手錠 | |
familiar | 手近 | |
iron and steel | 鉄鋼 | |
iron scraps | 鉄片 | |
an iron bar | 鉄棒 | |
adjustment/touch up | 出直し | |
the flat [palm] of the hand | 掌 | |
arrangement | 手配 | |
arrangement/plan/programme | 手筈 | |
guidance | 手引き | |
model/pattern | 手本 | |
preparations/arrangements | 手回し | |
on hand | 手元 | |
divide the work | 手分け | |
the sky/the air/the heaven | 天 | |
country/rural districts | 田園 | |
the whole country [land] | 天下 | |
revolution/rotation | 転回 | |
convert/divert | 転換 | |
moving or changing residence | 転居 | |
transfer office | 転勤 | |
inspection/checking | 点検 | |
source of electricity power | 電源 | |
change schools | 転校 | |
heven | 天国 | |
message | 伝言 | |
genius | 天才 | |
disaster | 天災 | |
exhibition/display | 展示 | |
legend | 伝説 | |
dotted line | 点線 | |
heavenly body | 天体 | |
transmission | 伝達 | |
heaven and earth/the universe | 天地 | |
change of post | 転任 | |
prospect | 展望 | |
be introduced ((into, from))/be handed down | 伝来 | |
fall | 転落 | |
section(building) | 棟 | |
trunk | 胴 | |
agreement | 同意 | |
mobilization | 動員 | |
same feeling | 同感 | |
pottery | 陶器 | |
discussion/(a) debate | 討議 | |
motive | 動機 | |
a class/a rank/an order/a grade | 等級 | |
the same class | 同級 | |
living together | 同居 | |
going to school | 登校 | |
unity/unification | 統合 | |
a trend/a tendency | 動向 | |
bankrupt | 倒産 | |
investment | 投資 | |
fellow/companion/comrade | 同士 | |
friends/comrades | 同志 | |
sympathy | 同情 | |
dojo(for martial arts) | 道場 | |
regulation/control | 統制 | |
being elected/winning the prize | 当選 | |
just/right/proper/natural/inevitable | 当然 | |
escape | 逃走 | |
lead/command | 統率 | |
reach at | 到達 | |
governing | 統治 | |
agree with | 同調 | |
(cannot) possibly | 到底 | |
dynamic/kinetic | 動的 | |
equality | 同等 | |
magnificent/grand/impressive | 堂々 | |
throw | 投入 | |
introduction/install | 導入 | |
the one concerned | 当人 | |
enclosure (letter) | 同封 | |
run away(criminer) | 逃亡 | |
winter sleep | 冬眠 | |
alliance/union | 同盟 | |
shake/stir/tremble/be disturbed (heart) | 動揺 | |
power/dynamic force | 動力 | |
registration | 登録 | |
debate/discussion | 討論 | |
go roundabout way | 遠回り | |
sometimes | 時折 | |
special skill | 特技 | |
dictatorship | 独裁 | |
special product | 特産 | |
original/peculiar/characteristic | 独自 | |
feature (newspaper) | 特集 | |
monopoly | 独占 | |
originality | 独創 | |
score/points | 得点 | |
send specially/special envoy | 特派 | |
characteristic | 特有 | |
marriageable age/age of puberty | 年頃 | |
lock [bolt, fasten] the doors | 戸締り | |
half way | 途上 | |
foundation/base | 土台 | |
special permission | 特許 | |
special right | 特権 | |
suddenly | 突如 | |
breaking through | 突破 | |
embankment | 土手 | |
feudal lord | 殿様 | |
arena | 土俵 | |
door | 扉 | |
a ditch/a drain/a gutter | 溝 | |
going on foot | 徒歩 | |
public works | 土木 | |
wealth | 富 | |
working together(husband and wife) | 共稼ぎ | |
dual income | 共働き | |
treatment/handling | 取扱い | |
torii (Shinto shrine archway) | 鳥居 | |
swap/exchange | 取り替え | |
control/management/supervision | 取締り | |
deal with | 取引き | |
stupid/dull/stolidity(slow) | 鈍感 | |
forget for a moment | 度忘れ | |
wholesale store | 問屋 | |
cabinet(government) | 内閣 | |
from...to/between...and/or | 乃至 | |
secrecy/privacy | 内緒 | |
innermost thoughts/inmost heart | 内心 | |
internal organs | 内蔵 | |
the inside/the interior | 内部 | |
civil war | 内乱 | |
inland | 内陸 | |
rice seedling | 苗 | |
sink | 流し | |
too long | 長々 | |
middle/midway | 中程 | |
beach/shore | 渚 | |
a go-between | 仲人 | |
remains memory | 名残 | |
sympathy | 情け | |
avalanche | 雪崩 | |
name card | 名札 | |
living flesh/flesh and blood | 生身 | |
lead (the metal) | 鉛 | |
average/ordinary | 並 | |
trouble/worry/problem | 悩み | |
practice;experience | 慣れ | |
difficulty/hardships | 難 | |
load/baggage/cargo | 荷 | |
blood relationship | 肉親 | |
the body | 肉体 | |
westering sun | 西日 | |
day and night | 日夜 | |
packing | 荷造り | |
obtaining | 入手 | |
winning a prize or place (icontest) | 入賞 | |
bathing | 入浴 | |
urine | 尿 | |
recognition | 認識 | |
pregnancy | 妊娠 | |
duty/mission/task | 任務 | |
appointment | 任命 | |
pond | 沼 | |
a tone (color) | 音色 | |
value/worth | 値打ち | |
zeal/eagerness | 熱意 | |
boiling water | 熱湯 | |
temperature | 熱量 | |
stickyness | 粘り | |
price reduction/discount | 値引き | |
spadework/groundwork | 根回し | |
sense/thought/feeling | 念 | |
New Years greetings | 年賀 | |
yearbook | 年鑑 | |
wish [desire] | 念願 | |
name of an era | 年号 | |
burning | 燃焼 | |
seniority | 年長 | |
fuel | 燃料 | |
annual tree ring | 年輪 | |
brain | 脳 | |
farming | 農耕 | |
farm | 農場 | |
agricultural land | 農地 | |
payment | 納入 | |
row of houses | 軒並み | |
total | 延べ | |
edge (of a sword) | 刃 | |
grasp/catch/understanding | 把握 | |
lung | 肺 | |
scrap | 廃棄 | |
distribution | 配給 | |
bacteria | 黴菌 | |
spouse | 配偶者 | |
Dear- | 拝啓 | |
background | 背景 | |
back | 背後 | |
abolition/repeal | 廃止 | |
borrowing | 拝借 | |
exclusion/removal | 排除 | |
reparations/indemnity/compensation | 賠償 | |
drainage | 排水 | |
defeat/losing a game or war | 敗戦 | |
arrangement (resources)/disposition | 配置 | |
distribution | 配布 | |
distribution/allotment | 配分 | |
defeat | 敗北 | |
diameter/magnification | 倍率 | |
consideration/forethought | 配慮 | |
arrangement/array (programming) | 配列 | |
destruction | 破壊 | |
revocation | 破棄 | |
persecution | 迫害 | |
weakness | 薄弱 | |
confession | 白状 | |
obscure/vague | 漠然 | |
bomb | 爆弾 | |
explosion | 爆破 | |
exposure | 暴露 | |
dispatch/send staff | 派遣 | |
shame/embarrassment | 恥 | |
bridge building | 橋渡し | |
damage | 破損 | |
barefoot | 裸足 | |
honey | 蜂蜜 | |
(divine) punishment | 罰 | |
(physical) growth | 発育 | |
burgeoning | 発芽 | |
excavation | 発掘 | |
speech | 発言 | |
occurrence/happening | 発生 | |
attack (disease) | 発病 | |
something heard for the first time | 初耳 | |
the end/the extremity | 果て | |
(flower) petal | 花びら | |
beach/seashore | 浜 | |
beach/foreshore | 浜辺 | |
anger | 腹立ち | |
open field | 原っぱ | |
poster | 張り紙 | |
explosion/break off | 破裂 | |
group | 班 | |
seal/stamp | 判 | |
edition | 版 | |
prosperity | 繁栄 | |
art print | 版画 | |
antipathy/revolt/animosity | 反感 | |
echo/eaction | 反響 | |
counterattack/counteroffensive | 反撃 | |
judicial decision/judgement | 判決 | |
reflection | 反射 | |
prosperity | 繁盛 | |
breed | 繁殖 | |
judgement/decision | 判定 | |
everybody/10000 people | 万人 | |
ones last years | 晩年 | |
reaction/response | 反応 | |
versatile/an all-arounder | 万能 | |
a fraction/half-willed. | 半端 | |
repelling/rebound/recover | 反発 | |
insurrection/mutiny/rebellion | 反乱 | |
overflowing | 氾濫 | |
a monument | 碑 | |
beauty | 美 | |
waiting room | 控室 | |
pessimism/disappointment | 悲観 | |
rejection/negation | 否決 | |
delinquency/misconduct | 非行 | |
normally/everyday life | 日頃 | |
misery | 悲惨 | |
specific gravity | 比重 | |
fine arts | 美術 | |
secretary | 秘書 | |
small smile | 微笑 | |
secret | 密か | |
left-handed | 左利き | |
required (subject) | 必修 | |
necessary | 必然 | |
match/equal | 匹敵 | |
a breath/take a deep breath | 一息 | |
a shadow/a figure | 人影 | |
personality(character) | 人柄 | |
once/some time ago | 一頃 | |
hostage | 人質 | |
in a line/single-mindedly | 一筋 | |
be seen/be noticed | 人目 | |
a date(fix a date) | 日取り | |
chick | 雛 | |
Girls (dolls) Festival | 雛祭 | |
in the sun | 日向 | |
blame | 非難 | |
refuge/shelter/(an) evacuation | 避難 | |
the Japanese flag | 日の丸 | |
spark | 火花 | |
scream | 悲鳴 | |
sunburn | 日焼け | |
a vote | 票 | |
motto/slogan/catchword | 標語 | |
description | 描写 | |
ratio/proportion/percentage | 比率 | |
extremely small quantity | 微量 | |
lunch | 昼飯 | |
proportion | 比例 | |
tired/fatigue/weariness | 疲労 | |
sensibility | 敏感 | |
poverty/lack | 貧困 | |
quality | 品質 | |
poor/meagre | 貧弱 | |
kind | 品種 | |
frequency | 頻繁 | |
poor | 貧乏 | |
sudden/abrupt/unexpected/unforeseen | 不意 | |
seal | 封 | |
blockade/freezing (funds) | 封鎖 | |
a windmill | 風車 | |
custom | 風習 | |
manners/customs/sex service | 風俗 | |
climate | 風土 | |
subordinate person | 部下 | |
indispensable ((to)) | 不可欠 | |
bad luck | 不吉 | |
recession(business) | 不況 | |
tea-towel | 布巾 | |
good fortune | 福 | |
composite/complex | 複合 | |
welfare | 福祉 | |
mask | 覆面 | |
business recession | 不景気 | |
wealthy person/millionaire | 富豪 | |
issue a proclamation/make an announcement | 布告 | |
debt | 負債 | |
absence | 不在 | |
irregularity/unseasonableness | 不順 | |
injury | 負傷 | |
insult/contempt | 侮辱 | |
doubt;/suspicion/strangeness | 不審 | |
slump | 不振 | |
be armed | 武装 | |
burden | 負担 | |
bad condition | 不調 | |
revival/reborn | 復活 | |
public discussion (criticism) | 物議 | |
restoration/reconstruction | 復旧 | |
revival/renaissance/reconstruction | 復興 | |
material/substance | 物資 | |
Buddhist image (statue) | 仏像 | |
object | 物体 | |
boiling(water) | 沸騰 | |
injustice/unjust | 不当 | |
real estate | 不動産 | |
safety | 無難 | |
(proceeding to) new appointment | 赴任 | |
decay/depravity | 腐敗 | |
bad reputation | 不評 | |
an objection/complaint | 不服 | |
universality/ubiquity | 普遍 | |
unknown | 不明 | |
category/department/field | 部門 | |
support/maintenance | 扶養 | |
starting point | 振り出し | |
badness/failure | 不良 | |
floating power | 浮力 | |
military power | 武力 | |
impolite/rude | 無礼 | |
appendix/supplement | 付録 | |
indignation/resentment | 憤慨 | |
cultural assets/cultural property | 文化財 | |
division of labor | 分業 | |
written language/literary language | 文語 | |
dispersion | 分散 | |
numerator/molecule | 分子 | |
losing something | 紛失 | |
spewing/gushing/spouting | 噴出 | |
document/writing/letter | 文書 | |
dispute/trouble | 紛争 | |
sharing | 分担 | |
hard struggle/strenuous effort | 奮闘 | |
division/sharing | 分配 | |
denominator | 分母 | |
fine powder | 粉末 | |
separation/detachment | 分離 | |
split/break up | 分裂 | |
arms weapons | 兵器 | |
shut mouth | 閉口 | |
closing/lockout | 閉鎖 | |
soldier | 兵士 | |
normal/usual | 平常 | |
square (metre)/square | 平方 | |
arrangement/parallel/abreast | 並列 | |
wince/shrink back/succumbing to | 辟易 | |
explanation/justification/defence/excuse | 弁解 | |
change/reform/revolution | 変革 | |
return | 返還 | |
a convenience/facilities | 便宜 | |
prejudice | 偏見 | |
defense/justification | 弁護 | |
repayment | 返済 | |
pay [make up] for | 弁償 | |
change/transition | 変遷 | |
reply | 返答 | |
change/fluctuation | 変動 | |
discussion/debate/argument | 弁論 | |
ear (plant)/head (plant) | 穂 | |
nurse/bring up/take care of | 保育 | |
bill (law) | 法案 | |
defense/protection/self-defense | 防衛 | |
fire prevention | 防火 | |
decay (physics)/breaking down | 崩壊 | |
disturbance/obstruction | 妨害 | |
law | 法学 | |
feudalistic | 封建 | |
abundant harvest | 豊作 | |
policy | 方策 | |
attendance/service | 奉仕 | |
a form/a method | 方式 | |
radiation/emission | 放射 | |
radioactivity | 放射能 | |
reward | 報酬 | |
release | 放出 | |
spinning | 紡績 | |
dumbfounded/overcome with surprise/in blank amazement | 呆然 | |
leave as is | 放置 | |
expansion | 膨張 | |
courtroom | 法廷 | |
report | 報道 | |
beginning | 冒頭 | |
a riot/an uprising | 暴動 | |
a reward/a prize | 褒美 | |
storm | 暴風 | |
violence | 暴力 | |
saturation | 飽和 | |
keeping heat in | 保温 | |
capture/seizure | 捕獲 | |
safekeeping/deposit/storage | 保管 | |
supply/supplying/replenishment | 補給 | |
compensation/reinforcement | 補強 | |
collection of funds | 募金 | |
pastor/minister | 牧師 | |
whale fishing | 捕鯨 | |
insurance | 保険 | |
protection/care | 保護 | |
mother school | 母校 | |
mother country | 母国 | |
dried washing (clothes) | 干し物 | |
conservative | 保守 | |
supplementation/supplement | 補充 | |
assistance/support/aid/auxiliary | 補助 | |
guarantee/security | 保障 | |
compensation | 補償 | |
road surface | 舗装 | |
supplement/complement | 補足 | |
a graveyard/a churchyard | 墓地 | |
fit/spasm | 発作 | |
forfeited | 没収 | |
make a start/be inaugurated | 発足 | |
fall/collapse | 没落 | |
a rest/recreation/recuperation. | 保養 | |
prisoner (war) | 捕虜 | |
real/ | 本格 | |
main building | 本館 | |
seriousness | 本気 | |
own country | 本国 | |
essence/true nature | 本質 | |
the main boby/substance | 本体 | |
truth/real feeling | 本音 | |
instinct | 本能 | |
the home/the best place | 本場 | |
text (document) | 本文 | |
real name | 本名 | |
buried property/treasure trove | 埋蔵 | |
just above | 真上 | |
advance sale | 前売り | |
preface/introduction | 前置き | |
membrane | 膜 | |
sincerity | 真心 | |
truth/faith/sincerity | 誠 | |
right under | 真下 | |
anaesthesia | 麻酔 | |
groin/crotch(thigh) | 股 | |
closing years (period days)/last stage | 末期 | |
in two equal parts | 真っ二つ | |
target | まと | |
conclusion/settlement | 纏まり | |
settlement/conclusion | 纏め | |
invitation | 招き | |
a blink/a twinkle | 瞬き | |
paralysis | 麻痺 | |
eyebrow | 眉 | |
ball | 鞠 | |
full moon | 満月 | |
be adopted by a unanimous vote | 満場 | |
right in front | 真ん前 | |
match making | 見合い | |
savage land/uncivilized | 未開 | |
taste(sence) | 味覚 | |
a trunk | 幹 | |
prospects/expectation | 見込み | |
unmarried | 未婚 | |
unripe/immature | 未熟 | |
smash〈a thing〉to atoms | 微塵 | |
moisture/dampness | 水気 | |
show/exhibition | 見せ物 | |
not yet known | 未知 | |
close/familiar | 身近 | |
to be guided/lead to | 導く | |
crowd/congestion | 密集 | |
related/connected(close) | 密接 | |
density | 密度 | |
estimation | 見積もり | |
not yet fixed | 未定 | |
perspective/outlook/forecast/prospect | 見通し | |
source;origin | 源 | |
personal appearance | 身なり | |
peak/ridge | 峰 | |
welfare/personal history | 身の上 | |
personal appearance/personal belongings | 身の回り | |
view | 見晴らし | |
gesture | 身振り | |
pulse | 脈 | |
be still attached to | 未練 | |
private home providing lodging | 民宿 | |
a race/a nation | 民族 | |
folk customs | 民俗 | |
nonsense/no meaning | 無意味 | |
reticence | 無口 | |
son-in-law | 婿 | |
invalid | 無効 | |
silence | 無言 | |
innocence | 無邪気 | |
conclusion/union | 結び | |
connection/relation | 結び付き | |
wireless(radio) | 無線 | |
without permission/without notice | 無断 | |
ignorance | 無知 | |
unreasonable | 無茶 | |
make a mess | 無茶苦茶 | |
regret | 無念 | |
inefficiency/incompetence | 無能 | |
useless/no use | 無用 | |
of course/naturally | 無論 | |
noted product | 名産 | |
name | 名称 | |
a hit | 命中 | |
clearly | 明白 | |
register of names | 名簿 | |
honor/prestige | 名誉 | |
clarity | 明瞭 | |
bright/cheerful | 明朗 | |
weight | 目方 | |
blessing | 恵み | |
female (animal) | 雌 | |
expression of the eyes | 目付き | |
a fall; ruin/destruction/annihilation | 滅亡 | |
scale/gradations | 目盛 | |
interview | 面会 | |
exemption ((from))/ remission | 免除 | |
honor/credit | 面目 | |
application/entry | 申込み | |
proposal | 申出 | |
objection/shortcomings | 申し分 | |
blind spot | 盲点 | |
violent/vehement/rage | 猛烈 | |
catalogue/catalog/list | 目録 | |
a plan/a scheme | 目論見 | |
model | 模型 | |
groping (for) | 模索 | |
hot topic/talk of the town | 持ち切り | |
wholly/solely/entirely | 専ら | |
curiosity | 物好き | |
exemplar/model | 模範 | |
imitation/copying | 模倣 | |
thigh | 腿 | |
arrow | 矢 | |
open air | 野外 | |
bed/bedclothes | 夜具 | |
official position | 役職 | |
town hall | 役場 | |
mansion | 屋敷 | |
ambition | 野心 | |
wild | 野生 | |
you!(informal) | 奴 | |
opposition party(political) | 野党 | |
darkness/the dark | 闇 | |
hold a dominant position/get an advantage ((over))/have the upper hand of | 優位 | |
depression/melancholy/dejection | 憂鬱 | |
beneficial/profitable | 有益 | |
supremacy/predominance/being superior to | 優越 | |
bravery | 勇敢 | |
organic | 有機 | |
evening;(evening) twilight | 夕暮れ | |
loan/financing | 融資 | |
superiority/superior power | 優勢 | |
priority | 優先 | |
guidance/leading | 誘導 | |
adaptable/flexible/lend/accommodate | 融通 | |
grace/refinement/elegance | 優美 | |
promising/hopeful | 有望 | |
nomadism | 遊牧 | |
sunset | 夕焼け | |
strong/powerful/influential | 有力 | |
ghost | 幽霊 | |
seduction/temptation/allurement | 誘惑 | |
a reason/a cause | 故 | |
bow (and arrow) | 弓 | |
world/society | 世 | |
primary factor/main cause | 要因 | |
solution (liquid) | 溶液 | |
business | 用件 | |
nursing | 養護 | |
blank form | 用紙 | |
style/form/pattern | 様式 | |
demand/request | 要請 | |
aspect | 様相 | |
articles/supplies | 用品 | |
western style | 洋風 | |
uses/usage/how to use | 用法 | |
demand/equest | 要望 | |
leisure time(spare time) | 余暇 | |
have a presentiment | 予感 | |
side show/entertainment | 余興 | |
deposit(bank account) | 預金 | |
desire/appetite | 欲 | |
oppress/suppress/repress/check | 抑圧 | |
bathroom | 浴室 | |
suppression | 抑制 | |
desire/appetite | 欲望 | |
prediction | 予言 | |
sumo champion | 横綱 | |
dirty | 汚れ | |
good | 良し | |
good or bad/merits or demerits | 善し悪し | |
expectation/prediction/forecast | 予想 | |
looking away/looking aside | 余所見 | |
room [space, scope] ((for)) | 余地 | |
government party | 与党 | |
staying up late | 夜更し | |
late at night | 夜更け | |
very/much/(by) far ((better))/highly/considerably | 余程 | |
attendance | 来場 | |
dairy (farm) | 酪農 | |
fall/drop | 落下 | |
optimism | 楽観 | |
abuse/misuse/misappropriation | 濫用 | |
theory/reason | 理屈 | |
interest (bank) | 利子 | |
profit | 利潤 | |
reason;sense | 理性 | |
interest (bank) | 利息 | |
solid body | 立体 | |
a cube | 立方 | |
legislation/lawmaking | 立法 | |
advantage | 利点 | |
plunder/pillage/sack/loot | 略奪 | |
an abbreviation | 略語 | |
distribution | 流通 | |
area/territory | 領域 | |
acceptance | 了解 | |
territorial waters | 領海 | |
the two poles | 両極 | |
good/excellent/satisfactory | 良好 | |
good sense | 良識 | |
good quality | 良質 | |
acknowledgement/understanding | 了承 | |
conscience | 良心 | |
territory/dominion | 領地 | |
a territory/a possession | 領土 | |
be consistent [compatible] | 両立 | |
passenger (transport) | 旅客 | |
passport | 旅券 | |
personal historr/career | 履歴 | |
theory | 理論 | |
forestry | 林業 | |
a kind | 類 | |
analogy | 類推 | |
analogous | 類似 | |
coldheartedness | 冷酷 | |
cold storage/refrigeration | 冷蔵 | |
coolness | 冷淡 | |
love | 恋愛 | |
consecutive holidays | 連休 | |
every day | 連日 | |
solidarity | 連帯 | |
colleagues/company | 連中 | |
commonwealth/federation of states | 連邦 | |
league/union | 連盟 | |
senility/senile decay | 老衰 | |
reading aloud/recitation | 朗読 | |
waste | 浪費 | |
labour | 労力 | |
plain/blunt/indecent | 露骨 | |
discussion | 論議 | |
logic | 論理 | |
frame | 枠 | |
planet | 惑星 | |
technique | 技 | |
migratory bird | 渡り鳥 | |
apology | 詫び | |
sentence in Japanese | 和文 | |
straw | 藁 | |
allotment/assignment | 割当て | |
bad fellow | 悪者 | |
do with difficulty | なんとか | |
unless- really- | よほどーないと | |
link to | に関連づける | |
name A after B | にあやかって | |
put into | を込める | |
in the same way as | と同様に | |
(what etc) on earth? | いったい-か | |
as if - | まるで-のように | |
apply B to A | AにBを当てる | |
how difficult | いかに-か | |
nothing but- | でしかない | |
only merely | に過ぎない | |
never satisfied with | あくことなく | |
suppose | とすれば | |
should | べきであろう | |
not really | たいして-ない | |
originally | もとはといえば | |
at the time of | における | |
in contrast to | に対して | |
in the progress | つつある | |
from the view of | からいって | |
be limited to | にとどまる | |
so to speak | いわば | |
when it comes to | にいたっては | |
can not avoid doing | ざるをえない | |
in the first place | そもそも | |
there are some points- | plain+ふしがある | |
seems as if- | いかにも | |
cannot be worried | 言っておられない | |
begin to do- | stem+かける | |
has even become- | まで | |
via- | を通して | |
it is ture | もっとも | |
N will do | て済ませる | |
if it comes to- | ともなれば | |
per- | につき- | |
even inclube- | にも及ぶ | |
with N as the center | を中心とするN | |
if A, then - but if conversely B, then- | Aと-、逆にBと- | |
as a result of- | をきっかけに | |
be concerned about | こだわりがある | |
can sense | がうかがわえる | |
concering | NをめぐるN | |
it suggest/hints/infers | をうかがわせる | |
cannot avoid becoming- | になりかねない | |
is not the only one | だけではない | |
even if | Negative Ta+って | |
if someone/thing is to- | Volitional+ものなら |
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