Great to ramble off at yatais and onsens
Popularity (by total correct streak): 5
Popularity (by number of users): 5
reprimand,reproach | 油を絞る | |
idole away one's time | 油を売る | |
boss around | 顎で使う | |
lose patience with,lose interest in | 愛想が尽きる | |
chime in,respond,echo | 相槌を打つ | |
be in the red | 赤字になる | |
think little of,not take seriously | 甘く見る | |
a cinch,easy to do | 朝飯前 | |
too late | 後の祭り | |
succeed or replace someone | 後釜にすわる | |
out of place | 場違い | |
foolishly honest | 馬鹿正直 | |
show one's true colors | 馬脚を露わす | |
an upset,surprise | 番狂わせ | |
a single penny | びた一文 | |
spoil,ruin | 棒に振る | |
expose one's faults | ぼろを出す | |
odds are good advantage/disadvantage | 分が良い/分が悪い | |
acceptable,safe | 無難 | |
deceive,evade,save appearances | 茶を濁す | |
incomprehensible,not understandable | チンプンカンプン | |
flatterer | 提灯持ち | |
adjust to, adapt to, get along with | 調子を合わせる | |
mainstay, breadwinner | 大黒柱 | |
poor actor | 大根役者 | |
sixth sense, intuition | 第六感 | |
double-check | 駄目押しする | |
vast difference in levels | 段違い | |
efficient arrangements | 段取りがよい | |
use as a pretext | 出しにする | |
thwart at the outset | 出ばなを挫く | |
excel, be outstanding | 堂に入る | |
going round and round | 堂堂巡り | |
take advantage of confusion | どさくさに紛れる | |
the last moment | 土壇場 | |
person whose work is not recognized | 縁の下の力持ち | |
good/bad omen | 縁起がいい/悪い | |
mysterious-looking, unfamiliar | 得体が知れない | |
hard to swallow, not convincing, not clear | 腑に落ちない | |
take a person by surprise, catch a person napping | 不意を打つ | |
go back to the starting point, return to square one | 振り出しに戻る | |
screen, select | ふるいに掛ける | |
be short of money | 懐が寂しい | |
make sense, have things come into focus | 合点がいく | |
entrust a matter to a person | 下駄を預ける | |
decorum, something done to be polite | 義理立て | |
suspicion begets fear, paranoia, anxiousness | 疑心暗鬼 | |
the same difference | 五十歩百歩 | |
happy-go-lucky fellow, a layabout | 極楽蜻蛉 | |
curry favor | 胡麻をする | |
scandalous, perfectly outrageous | 言語道断 | |
up into the air, no idea what to do | 五里霧中 | |
grumble, complain, gripe | 愚痴をこぼす | |
control, run, dominate, be at the helm | 牛耳る | |
not to mince words | 歯に衣を着せない | |
a desperate, final effort | 背水の陣 | |
be humiliated, be embarrassed | 恥をかく | |
girl who's had a sheltered upbringing, naïve girl | 箱入り娘 | |
gain prestige, have a feather added to one's cap | 箔が付く | |
have a wild time, get out of control | 羽目をはずす | |
proud, stuck up | 鼻が高い | |
detestable, disgusting | 鼻持ちならない | |
farewell remarks | 餞の言葉 | |
discussion narrows done | 話が煮詰まる | |
kick up one's heels | 羽を伸ばす | |
everyone's friend | 八方美人 | |
one's mood, feelings | 腹の虫 | |
show one's true feelings, open up to someone | 腹を割る | |
no hope of success | 箸にも棒にもかからない | |
intermediary | 橋渡し | |
unfavorable outlook | 旗色が悪い | |
bluff | はったりをきかせる | |
say smart, sassy remarks | 減らず口を利く | |
save up secretly | へそくりを貯める | |
crazy about something, yet unskilled at it | 下手の横好き | |
suffering due to lack of money | 火の車 | |
have financial difficulties, have things go badly | 左前になる | |
taking things easy and not working | 左うちわ | |
hold one's own, compare favorably with | 引けを取らない | |
kill time, waste time | 暇をつぶす | |
be frowned upon | 顰蹙を買う | |
a person much in demand | 引っ張りだこ | |
attain success, seek one's fortune | 一旗揚げる | |
a futile effort | 一人相撲 | |
be treated coldly, be kept in a low position | 冷や飯を食う | |
set about in earnest | 本腰を入れる | |
talk big | ほらを吹く | |
an unexpected dividend | ひょうたんから駒 | |
the tip of the iceberg | 氷山の一角 | |
ignorant of worldly affairs, out of touch | 井の中の蛙 | |
taking a chance | 一か八か | |
giving someone due respect | 一目置く | |
be taken in | 一杯食わせる | |
hardheaded | 石頭 | |
killing two birds with one stone | 一石二鳥 | |
become natural or comfortable to one | 板につく | |
dip into one's own pocket | 自腹を切る | |
getting what one has coming | 自業自得 | |
sharp ears | 地獄耳 | |
one's speciality | 十八番 | |
admit defeat | 兜を脱ぐ | |
peak season | 書き入れ時 | |
trick someone into confessing | 鎌をかける | |
make a sucker out of a person | 鴨にする | |
not as good as it looks | 看板倒れ | |
business is bad | 閑古鳥が鳴く | |
run out of patience | 堪忍袋の緒が切れる | |
have influence over people | 顔が利く | |
cause someone to lose face | 顔に泥を塗る | |
cast into a mold | 型にはめる | |
take a load off one's mind | 肩の荷が下りる | |
take over a person's responsibility, shoulder a person's debt | 肩代わりする | |
take it upon one's self to do something, volunteer for a difficult job | 買って出る | |
want to avoid | 煙たがる | |
curt, blunt, brusque | けんもほろろ | |
come of good stock | 毛並みがよい | |
settle a matter | けりを付ける | |
being in an entirely different class | けた違い | |
get on track, get into the swing of things | 軌道に乗る | |
keep something in mind | 肝に銘ずる | |
endless | 切りがない | |
stiff and formal way of speaking | 切り口上 | |
worry needlessly, entertain groundless fears | 杞憂する | |
the only female in a crowd of men, the only lady present | 紅一点 | |
time flies like an arrow | 光陰矢の如し | |
to plead something as an excuse, use as justification for | 口実にする | |
reflect badly on one's dignity | 沽券にかかわる | |
make a grand homecoming | 故郷に錦を飾る | |
make connections, have an insider connection | コネを付ける | |
have humility | 腰が低い | |
have a knack or a particular technique | こつがある | |
be dismissed, be fired | 首になる | |
start, trigger | 口火を切る | |
call special attention to, make something clear | 釘を刺す | |
look the other way | 臭い物に蓋 | |
be stupid, out of place | 間が抜ける | |
unwilling to admit defeat | 負け惜しみ | |
take care not to be fooled | 眉につばを塗る | |
have a discerning eye | 目が高い | |
a stumbling block | 目の上の瘤 | |
look bewildered | 目を白黒させる | |
a stone's throw away | 目と鼻の先 | |
save face | 面子を立てる | |
serve one right, suffer the consequences of one's own deeds | 身から出た錆 | |
fool around on the way, dawdle | 道草を食う | |
show off | 見栄を張る | |
right hand, right-hand man | 右腕 | |
deceptive appearance, deceitful | 見掛け倒し | |
one who can't stick to anything | 三日坊主 | |
come to nothing | 水の泡 | |
throw a wet blanket on | 水を差す | |
like oil and water | 水と油 | |
an endless debate | 水掛け論 | |
standoffish, reserved, distant | 水臭い | |
stone-broke | 文無し | |
make a success of something | 物にする | |
lack something | 物足りない | |
giving something a try | 物は試し | |
find a vulnerable spot, notice a blind spot | 盲点を突く | |
lose everything | 元も子もない | |
go on a wild goose chase | 無駄足を運ぶ | |
completely preoccupied | 無我夢中 | |
contradictory | 矛盾する | |
be overcome with emotion | 胸が一杯になる | |
trembling with excitement | 武者震い | |
taking a lot for granted | 虫がいい | |
reckless, thoughtless | 無鉄砲 | |
endure a disappointment, swallow one's tears | 涙を呑む | |
unusual, exceptional | 並々ではない | |
criticize, find fault with something | 難癖を付ける | |
hit rock bottom | 奈落の底 | |
apathy toward appearance or attitude | 形振りかまわない | |
one's own territory, one's turf | 縄張り | |
totally unfounded, completely untrue | 根も葉もない | |
anybody and everybody | 猫も杓子も | |
play the hypocrite | 猫を被る | |
negotiate, behind the scenes | 根回しをする | |
a bolt out of the blue | 寝耳に水 | |
repeat another's folly, make the same mistake | 二の舞を踏む | |
a repeat performance | 二番煎じ | |
dirt cheap, a give-away | 二束三文 | |
be in a predicament | 二進も三進もいかない | |
perpetually, constantly | のべつ幕なし | |
a homebody | 糠みそ臭い | |
be in a dilemma | 抜き差しならない | |
surprise | 抜き打ち | |
be falsely accused | 濡れ衣を着せられる | |
make easy money | 濡れ手で粟 | |
exaggerate, brag | 大風呂敷を広げる | |
one's turn comes around | お鉢が回る | |
throw away, fire someone, be fired | お払い箱にする | |
stretch the facts | 尾ひれを付ける | |
be spoiled, be ruined | おじゃんになる | |
one's wishes, expectations | 思う壺にはまる | |
expect the gratitude of another | 恩を売る | |
take the lead | 音頭をとる | |
when the cat's away the mice will play, relax while the heat's off | 鬼の居ぬ間に洗濯 | |
distinguished persons, VIPs | お歴々 | |
guaranteed, acknowledged | 折り紙つき | |
well-mannered | 折り目たらし | |
riding on one's father's coattails | 親の七光り | |
making arrangements, paving the way for | お膳立て | |
remain unsettled | 埒が明かない | |
be branded | 烙印を押される | |
falsify numbers | 鯖を読む | |
give up in despair | 匙を投げる | |
degrade, demote, humiliate | 左遷する | |
instigation, suggestion | 差し金 | |
the best one can do, the best one can expect | 関の山 | |
lose one's patience | しびれを切らす | |
hesitating to visit someone | 敷居が高い | |
have difficulties, be in dire straits | 四苦八苦 | |
completely surrounded by foes | 四面楚歌 | |
a beginner, new hand | 新米 | |
compete fiercely | 鎬を削る | |
making a mountain out of a molehill | 針小棒大 | |
play innocent, feign, ignorance | 白を切る | |
be chosen | 白羽の矢が立つ | |
ignorance is bliss | 知らぬが仏 | |
be amazed at | 舌を巻く | |
incomplete and unclear expression or pronunciation | 舌足らず | |
smack one's lips | 舌鼓を打つ | |
successfully, with success | 首尾よく | |
violent scene, scene of carnage | 修羅場 | |
bribe | 袖の下 | |
commit to memory | 空で覚える | |
not see eye to eye | 反りが合わない | |
polish, improve | 推敲する | |
assuming a nonchalant air, looking unconcerned | 涼しい顔 | |
be stranded, be nonplussed | 立ち往生する | |
having an overbearing attitude | 高飛車な態度 | |
do well for one's self by marrying into a wealthy family | 玉の輿にのる | |
not acknowledge one's own faults | 棚に上げる | |
a direct or frank way of speaking | 単刀直入 | |
pretending to be asleep | 狸寝入り | |
pass on responsibility from one person to the next | たらい回しにする | |
tighten the reins | たずなを締める | |
be able to do, be careful and thorough, be nearing | 手が届く | |
get involved in, hit, make advances, steal | 手を出す | |
cut corners, do things in a slipshod fashion | 手を抜く | |
close a deal | 手を打つ | |
wrap around one's finger, have a person well in hand | 手玉に取る | |
wearing the pants in the family | 亭主関白 | |
estimate, making allowances, taking into consideration | 手加減 | |
get things done quickly and efficiently | テキパキしている | |
be obstinate, not yield an inch | てこでも動かない | |
be difficult to solve, afford, manage, or take care of | てこずる | |
weigh one's options | 天秤に掛ける | |
ultimate result, final consequence | とどのつまり | |
pass the critical point, peak | 峠を越す | |
stand head and shoulders above others | 頭角を現す | |
all the way, to the bitter end, thoroughly | とことんまで | |
sudden, unexpected, surprising | 突拍子もない | |
savings, a nest egg, treasured belongings | とらの子 | |
worrying unnecessarily | 取り越し苦労 | |
a group of hangers-on | 取り巻き | |
the indiscretion of old age | 年寄りの冷や水 | |
make something (sound) coherent | 辻褄を合わせる | |
veneer, hastily but not thoroughly acquired knowledge | 付け焼刃 | |
as different as day and night, totally different, no comparison | 月とスッポン | |
learn to be like someone else | 爪の垢を煎じて飲む | |
awkward, difficult, moody | つむじ曲がり | |
keeping someone in the dark | つんぼ桟敷 | |
be jealous, get angry | 角を出す | |
a voice of authority | 鶴の一声 | |
with one's eyes peeled, looking intensely for | 鵜の目鷹の目 | |
to make arrangements, plan an activity ahead of time | 打ち合わせる | |
strong and assertive at home, but weak and timid outside | 内弁慶 | |
a private matter, a family affair | 内輪の話 | |
be in seventh heaven, be carried away, be overjoyed | 有頂天になる | |
cannot get ahead, have no hope of rising in the world | うだつが上がらない | |
borrowing someone else's ideas | 受け売り | |
waver or panic, be ready to run away | 浮き足立つ | |
in one ear and out the other | 馬の耳に念仏 | |
a sly old fox, someone who knows every trick in the book | 海千山千 | |
rising rapidly and steadily | うなぎ昇り | |
a big difference | 雲泥の差 | |
believe anything | 鵜呑みにする | |
turn out badly, backfire | 裏目に出る | |
like two peas in a pod | 瓜二つ | |
something to cheer one up, a diversion, a break | 憂さ晴らし | |
fishy, suspicious-looking | うさん臭い | |
a lie is sometimes expedient | うそも方便 | |
be engrossed in, be addicted to | うつつを抜かす | |
be wishy-washy, hedge or obscure the issue | うやむやにする | |
split the bill, go Dutch | 割り勘にする | |
put one's foot in one's mouth | 薮蛇 | |
heckle | 野次を飛ばす | |
curiosity seekers, spectators | 野次馬 | |
become desperate | 自棄になる | |
a mere drop in the bucket | 焼け石に水 | |
envy, get jealous | 焼きもちを焼く | |
meet with success | やまが当たる | |
a fixed game | 八百長 | |
have one's own way | 横車を押す | |
interfere | 横やりを入れる | |
work at night, do night work | 夜なべをする | |
carelessness is the greatest enemy | 油断大敵 | |
be puffed up, push one's luck | 図に乗る | |
hit the bull's eye, hit the nail on the head | 図星を指す | |
topsy-turvy, upside down | あべこべ | |
chase two hares and catch neither | あぶはちとらず | |
walk on thin ice | 危ない橋を渡る | |
making matters worse, as the final outcome | 挙句の果て | |
be left dumbfounded, be flabbergasted | 開いた口がふさがらない | |
a complete stranger | 赤の他人 | |
be urbane and sophisticated | 垢抜ける | |
come on too strong or too assertive | アクガ強い | |
someone who always disagrees | あまのじゃく | |
groping in the dark, left without a clue | 暗中模索 | |
faultfinding, nitpicking | あら捜し | |
unwelcome favor or deed, misplaced favor | ありがた迷惑 | |
commonplace, ordinary | ありきたり | |
run over the budget, be faced with a shortage | 足が出る | |
a wet blanket, burden, impediment | 足手まとい | |
take advantage of someone's misfortune | 足元を見る | |
respect or admire someone | 頭が下がる | |
blow one's top, get very angry | 頭にくる | |
be puzzled or perplexed | 頭をひねる | |
undependable, unreliable | 当てにならない | |
outstanding | 抜群 | |
draw a bad lot | 貧乏くじを引く | |
dig one's own grave | 墓穴を掘る | |
make money hand over fist | ぼろ儲けする | |
do something unprepared, without rehearsal | ぶっつけ本番 | |
shrewd, cunning, deceiving, calculating | ちゃっかりした | |
start work on | 着手する | |
cold-blooded, stone-hearted | 血も涙もない | |
slow on the uptake, slow-witted | 血の巡りが悪い | |
be much waited upon, lionized | ちやほやされる | |
be unreasonable, ask for the impossible | 駄々をこねる | |
play it safe, act cautiously | 大事をとる | |
ruin, spoil, make a mess of | 台無しにする | |
audacious, fearless | 大胆不敵な | |
forestall, outwit, outmaneuver | 出し抜く | |
off to a good start | 出足がいい | |
talk at random, talk without thinking | 出任せを言う | |
make up a story, fabricate | でっちあげる | |
go overboard, overstep one's bounds | 度をこす | |
be very nervous, have butterflies in one's stomach | ドキドキする | |
good-for-nothing | 毒にも薬にもならない | |
bold, brave, courageous | 度胸がある | |
having little to choose from | どんぐりの背比べ | |
crude, unpolished | 泥臭い | |
locking the garage after the car has been stolen | 泥縄 | |
ambiguous, noncommittal | どっちつかずの | |
slip one's mind, forget for the moment | 度忘れする | |
use small fry to catch a big fish | エビで鯛を釣る | |
play favorites | えこひいきする | |
shape up, straighten oneself, sit up straight | 襟を正す | |
write well | 筆が立つ | |
a poor letter writer, a lazy correspondent | 筆無精 | |
copious writer | 筆まめ | |
gang up and beat someone up | 袋叩きにする | |
bilk on a bill or debt | 踏み倒す | |
throw one's weight around | 振り回す | |
be in full operation | フル操業する | |
incur someone's wrath, step on the toes of a powerful person | 逆鱗に触れる | |
try to avoid responsibility, be noncommittal | 言を左右にする | |
sweeten someone's grade, jack up the test scores | 下駄をはかせる | |
with no room to spare, the very limit | ぎりぎり | |
start with a clean slate | 御破算にする | |
mixture of wheat and chaff, mixture of good and bad | 玉石こんこう | |
be beyond someone's ability | 歯が立たない | |
feel resentment, displeasure | 歯が浮く | |
grit one's teeth | 歯をくいしばる | |
reign supreme, exercise great influence | 幅をきかせる | |
like a madhouse, stir up a hornet's nest, be furious | 蜂の巣をつついたよう | |
bump into each other, meet unexpectedly | 鉢合わせする | |
grind one's teeth, be mortified | 歯ぎりをする | |
walk on thin ice, face a dangerous situation | 薄氷をふむ | |
spur on, place a premium on | 拍車をかける | |
always having the same old reply | 判で押したような答え | |
give a person a cold reception, treat with scorn | 鼻であしらう | |
bread is better than the songs of birds | 花よりだんご | |
have a lively discussion | 話しがはずむ | |
topic of conversation | 話の種 | |
scheming, blackhearted | 腹黒い | |
bed of nails, harsh situation | 針のむしろ | |
touch one's food | 箸をつける | |
outside one's field | 畑違い | |
something heard for the first time | 初耳 | |
jumping to a conclusion leading to a mistake | 早とちりする | |
someone who contradicts others just for contradicition's sake | へそまがり | |
add fuel to the fire | 火に油を注ぐ | |
see the light of day | 日の目を見る | |
where there is smoke, there's fire | 火のないところに煙はたたない | |
no faults to criticize, perfect | 非のうちどころがない | |
feel inferior; feel small | 引け目を感じる | |
shy and withdrawn, introverted, unenterprising | 引っ込み思案 | |
affairs of others | 人ごと | |
lend a helping hand | 一肌脱ぐ | |
love at first sight | 一目ぼれ | |
monopolize, have something all to oneself | 独り占めにする | |
smugness, acting without consulting others | 独りよがり | |
without the least resistance, helplessly | 一溜りもない | |
root for the underdog | 判官ビイキ | |
waste of time, gain nothing for all one's efforts | 骨折り損のくたびれ儲け | |
one's real intention | 本音 | |
a picture is worth a thousand words | 百聞は一見にしかず | |
have the wind taken out of one's sails, lose momentum | 拍子抜けする | |
settle a matter for the time being | 一段落つける | |
arresting a group with one sweep | 一網打尽 | |
out of the frying pan and into the fire | 一難去ってまた一難 | |
become an adult, become independent, come of age | 一人前になる | |
be in the same boat | 一蓮托生 | |
cramming for an exam | 一夜漬け | |
housewives' gossip | 井戸端会議 | |
catch someone off balance, catch someone by surprise | 意表をつく | |
breathe one's last breathe, die | 意気をひきとる | |
haphazard, happy-go-lucky | 行きあたりばったりの | |
a walking encyclopedia | 生き字引 | |
swing from joy to sorrow | 一喜一憂する | |
head of a family | 一国一城のあるじ | |
narrowly escape from death | 命拾いする | |
a lone wolf | 一匹狼 | |
plant an idea in someone's head | 入れ知恵する | |
look before leaping, act with uptmost caution | 石橋をたたいて渡る | |
telepathy | 以心伝心 | |
haste makes waste | 急がば回れ | |
one in body and spirit | 一心同体 | |
laugh off a problem | 一笑に付す | |
in a single bound | 一足飛びに | |
dilemma | 板挟み | |
in a single day, in a brief time period | 一朝一夕に | |
stubborn insistence, persistence | 一点張り | |
out of date | 時代遅れ | |
being on the point of bankruptcy | 自転車操業 | |
beginning, first stage | 序の口 | |
old ploy, trick | 常套手段 | |
split hairs | 重箱の隅をほじくる | |
have one's reputation improve | 株が上がる | |
create bitter feelings | 角が立つ | |
like father like son | カエルの子はカエル | |
look pale and unhealthy | 影が薄い | |
give someone too much credit, overestimate | 買いかぶる | |
corner the market, buy up all the goods | 買い占める | |
shrewd bargaining | 駆け引き | |
network, keep up one's connections | 顔をつなぐ | |
show deference to | 顔をたてる | |
be sensitive to someone's mood | 顔色をうかがう | |
build a wall around one's self, retire into one's shell | 殻にとじこもる | |
hide behind one's authority | 笠にきる | |
feel strained, feel pressured | 肩がこる | |
take sides, support, give assistance, stand up for | 肩を持つ | |
be on par with, compare with | 肩を並べる | |
settle a question, bring one's work to a close | 片をつける | |
be a partner, take part in | 片棒をかつぐ | |
stiff, formal, stand on ceremony | 堅苦しい | |
warming up, light training, limbering up | 肩ならし | |
hold one's breathe, be intensely anxious | 固唾を呑む | |
come under severe criticism or pressure | 風当たりが強い | |
find fault with, throw cold water on | けちをつける | |
draw a line, discriminate | けじめをつける | |
fighting like cats and dogs | 犬猿の仲 | |
chip on one's shoiulder, defiant or aggressive attitude | 喧嘩腰 | |
turn red with anger | 血相を変える | |
feel reserved, hesitate | 気がひける | |
uneasy, anxious and concerned about something | 気が気でない | |
considerate | 気がきく | |
armchair theory | 机上の空論 | |
by the skin of one's teeth, in the nick of time | 危機一髪で | |
be scared to death, be frightened | 肝を冷やす | |
hustle about due to work pressure | キリキリ舞いする | |
fight without support from others | 孤軍奮闘する | |
indian summer | 小春日和 | |
too late to be sold, no use crying over split milk | 後悔先にたたず | |
happened to hear, hear word of | 小耳にはさむ | |
learning by experience what not to do, having had enough of something | コリゴリ | |
a telling phrase, a clincher | 殺し文句 | |
slow to act, unwilling to work | 腰が重い | |
mix business with personal affairs | 公私混同する | |
an open secret | 公然の秘密 | |
be upto one's neck in debt | 首がまわらない | |
have doubts, think about seriously | 首をひねる | |
anxiously await | 首を長くして待つ | |
deeply involved in | 首をつっこむ | |
head over heels in love | 首ったけ | |
can't keep a secret, glib talker | 口が軽い | |
put one's nose into other people's business, meddle in | くちばしをいれる | |
talk back, contradict | 口答えする | |
verbal agreement, verbal promise | 口約束 | |
be riveted to | 釘付けになる | |
hold contrary opinions | 食い違う | |
come into the limelight, be spotlighted | 脚光を浴びる | |
spoil the fun, dampen enthusiasm | 興ざめ | |
have nothing to fill the time with | 間が持たない | |
be possessed by an uncontrollable urge, be tempted | 魔が差す | |
take something at face value | 真に受ける | |
a fluke, lucky hit | まぐれ当たり | |
hate to lose, unbending | 負けず嫌い | |
a barefaced lie | 真っ赤な嘘 | |
work out smoothly, settle amiably | 丸く収める | |
a golden opportunity | 又とない機会 | |
missing the mark, completely off base | 的外れ | |
frown | 眉をひそめる | |
be hectic, have one's head spin | 目がまわる | |
feast one's eyes on, be delighted by seeing something | 目の保養 | |
regarding a person or thing with enmity, loathing the very sight of | 目の敵 | |
as long as one is alive | 目の黒いうち | |
be astonished at, stare wide-eyed | 目を丸くする | |
wink at | 目をつむる | |
make an educated guess, single out something | 目星をつける | |
shop item used to entice people to come in | 目玉商品 | |
see the light at the end of the tunnel | 目処がつく | |
materialize, take shape | 目鼻をつける | |
win honor, get credit for | 面目を施す | |
be conceited, not know one's place | 身の程を知らない | |
marry and settle down | 身を固める | |
produce a result, bare fruit | 実を結ぶ | |
follow suit | 右へならえする | |
letter of divorce, rejecting someone | 三行半 | |
be ashamed to hear something, have something embarrassing pointed out | 耳が痛い | |
get sick and tired of hearing something | 耳にたこができる | |
shut one's ears to, pay no attention to, disregard | 耳を貸さない | |
feel regret, have a lingering affection for | 未練がある | |
what is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave | 三つ子の魂百まで | |
airtight, tight security | 水も漏らさぬ | |
forgive and forget | 水に流す | |
privately, alone, without outsiders | 水入らず | |
two people helping each other out, give and take | 持ちつ持たれつ | |
refuse to see someone, shut the door on someone | 門前払い | |
not know what to do with, be embarrassed by | 持て余す | |
waste one's efforts | 無駄骨を折る | |
say useless things, talk idly | 無駄口をきく | |
feel uneasy without a specific reason | 胸騒ぎがする | |
feel relieved, be at ease | 胸をなでおろす | |
ostracism | 村八分 | |
completely unreasonable demand, impossible demand | 無理難題 | |
have a premonition or hunch | 虫が知らせる | |
useless and obstructive things, something good for nothing | 無用の長物 | |
take a long term view, think of the future | 長い目で見る | |
if you can't beat them, join them, yield to the powerful | 長い物には巻かれる | |
last a long time | 長持ちする | |
assistance of one's wife | 内助の功 | |
asking for the moon | 無い物ねだり | |
one cannot give what one hasn't got, can't get blood from a stone | ない袖はふれぬ | |
cry one's self to sleep, be compelled to accept, resign one's self to | 泣き寝入りする | |
misfortunes never come alone | 泣きっ面に蜂 | |
wishy-washy, lenient | 生温い | |
sentimental, easily moved to tears | 涙もろい | |
ups and downs of life | 七転び八起き | |
just what one wants | 願ったり叶ったり | |
hold a grudge | 根に持つ | |
like casting pearls before swine, waste something by giving it to someone who doesn't appreciate it | 猫に小判 | |
a narrow piece of land, tiny area | 猫の額 | |
be very busy and shorthanded | 猫の手も借りたいほど忙しい | |
coaxing voice | 猫なで声 | |
hesitate to do, think twice | 二の足を踏む | |
be struck dumb, be at a loss for a reply | 二の句がつげない | |
an everyday affair, occurrence | 日常茶飯事 | |
pigeonhole, ignore, not do anything about | 握りつぶす | |
doing twice what could just as easily be done once | 二重手間 | |
split personality | 二重人格 | |
double dealing | 二枚舌 | |
pursue two objectives, have fingers in two pies | 二足のわらじをはく | |
want something intensely | 喉から手が出る | |
useless, like beating the air | 暖簾に腕押し | |
shrewd, cunning | 抜け目がない | |
being completely free of worry and concern | 大船に乗ったつもり | |
walk with one's head held high, act with impunity | 大手を振る | |
exaggerate | 大げさ | |
be outdone in one's own field | お株を取られる | |
beat someone at their own game | お株を奪う | |
barking up the wrong tree | お門違い | |
be arrogant | 大きな顔をする | |
secrets, one's best cards | 奥の手 | |
talk as if one were concealing something | 奥歯に物が挟まった | |
overlook someone's fault | 大目に見る | |
misunderstanding | 思い違い | |
sympathetic, considerate | 思いやりのある | |
expect something in return, demand gratitude | 恩に着せる | |
bite the hand that feeds you | 恩を仇で返す | |
immensely powerful | 鬼に金棒 | |
ingratitude | 恩知らず | |
a couple of love birds | おしどり夫婦 | |
be stuck up, be super serious, put on airs | お高くとまる | |
person whose temperament frequently changes | お天気屋 | |
cringe to, kowtow | ペコペコする | |
adapting to particular circumstances | 臨機応変 | |
having two beautiful persons or things | 両手に花 | |
having both brains and beauty | 才色兼備 | |
plan ahead | 先を読む | |
be consummate, be ideal, be all-around | 三拍子そろう | |
third time lucky, three's the charm | 三度目の正直 | |
two heads are better than one | 三人寄れば文殊の知恵 | |
have something completely under one's control | 左右する | |
a bolt out of the blue | 青天の霹靂 | |
preconceived ideas | 先入観 | |
send chills up and down one's spine | 背筋が寒くなる | |
be stiff and formal, assume a dignified air | しゃちほこばる | |
go by the book, stick fast to the rules | 杓子定規でやる | |
wry face, perplexed look | 渋い顔 | |
be thrown into confusion due to a lack of preparation | しどろもどろになる | |
line one's own pocket, feather one's own nest | 私腹をこやす | |
trial and error | 試行錯誤 | |
size up, judge the merits | 品定めする | |
turning over a new leaf, completely changing one's mind | 心機一転 | |
feigned ignorance | 知らんぷり | |
be tied to one's wife's apron strings, dominated by one's wife | 尻に敷かれる | |
look askance at, frown upon | 白い目で見る | |
pretend to know all the answers | 知ったかぶりをする | |
fall like dominoes, fall down one upon another | 将棋倒しになる | |
not pay, not be financially worthwhile | ソロバンが合わない | |
think only of profits or one's own interests | ソロバン高い | |
act according to one's principles | 筋を通す | |
be sly, know a trick or two | 隅におけない | |
a sponge, a hanger-on | 脛かじり | |
packed like a can of sardines, jam-packed | すし詰め | |
be so weak as to not provide any competition | 太刀打ちできない | |
great talents mature late, soon ripe soon rotten | 大器晩成 | |
vouch for something or somebody | 太鼓判を押す | |
underestimate, take something lightly | 高をくくる | |
standing by idly, unconcerned spectator | 高みの見物 | |
beyond one's reach | 高嶺の花 | |
a waste of talent, failing to use something useful | 宝の持ち腐れ | |
fly in the ointment | 玉にきず | |
standing on ceremony, acting distant and reserved | 他人行儀 | |
one's only hope, one's last resort | 頼みの綱 | |
use something as an excuse, use on the strength of | 楯にとる | |
be free, have time on one's hands | 手があく | |
fail inspite of giving one's best efforts | 手も足も出ない | |
be beyond one's powers, be too much, be uncontrollable | 手に余る | |
retouch, rework | 手を入れる | |
having time on one's hands and not knowing what to do with it | 手持ち無沙汰 | |
teach the rudiments of a subject to someone | 手解きする | |
not seeing what is right in front of one's eyes | 灯台もと暗し | |
be puzzled as to what to do, be stumped | 途方に暮れる | |
be on the move, make one's self busy | 東奔西走 | |
a quick trip | とんぼ返り | |
be enthralled, be enthralled with | 虜になる | |
clumsy fellow, big oaf | ウドの大木 | |
glum expression | 浮かぬ顔 | |
back up, support | 裏付ける | |
be preoccupied, be absent-minded | 上の空 | |
speak of the devil | 噂をすれば影 | |
be so desperate as to use any means, grab at straws | ワラにもすがる | |
not be worth the trouble | ワリが合わない | |
have a positive and clear-cut solution to an issue | 割り切る | |
be unable to contain one's self | 矢も楯もたまらない | |
make an urgent request | 矢の催促をする | |
feeling that one has nothing more to lose, self-abandonment | 破れかぶれ | |
do one's job | 役目を果たす | |
victimize, single out for criticism | 槍玉にあげる | |
grin and bear it, endure for pride's sake | やせがまん | |
be too ready to make promises | 安請け合いする | |
snarl at the wrong person, take it out on an innocent person | 八つ当たりする | |
in rapid succession | 矢継ぎ早に | |
deviate from, digress | 横道へそれる | |
feel sorry for one's self, give up easily, complain, whine | 弱音を吐く | |
things go from bad to worse | 弱り目にたたり目 | |
inflexible, rigid, inelastic | 融通がきかない | |
straightforward, frank | ざっくばらんな | |
be very common and ordinary | ザラにある | |
don't delay in doing what is good | 善は急げ |
Quisition is a browser-based flashcard system that repeats old cards and introduces new ones at optimal time intervals. You can create your own card packs or use those developed by others.