Moving in 3D

Popularity (by total correct streak): 6
Popularity (by number of users): 1


How can you turn on 3D overlays? Click the View and Overlays Options menu at the top right of the Canvas and select the desired tool. Show 3D Overlays must also be selected. These commands are also available from the View pull-down menu as well.  
How many viewpoints can you have open at once? Up to four.  
When adding objects to the Canvas in a 3D environment, how can you automatically align them to the focal plane of the camera? Drag them to the Active Camera view in the Canvas (instead of dragging them to the layers tab).  
When you add light to a scene, what happens to the default ambient light that illuminates all the objects? The default ambient light disappears, and only the light(s) that you have added will cast light on the scene.  
When you rotate a framing camera, what does it rotate around? Its anchor point, which is located at the center of the focal plane of the camera.  
How can you make a framing camera pivot around its own body? Use the Walk Camera tool.  
What behavior can you use to animate a camera so that it rotates around the center of its focal plane? The Sweep behavior.  
What camera parameter can you change to make distant objects disappear from view? The Far Plane paramater.  

Quisition is a browser-based flashcard system that repeats old cards and introduces new ones at optimal time intervals. You can create your own card packs or use those developed by others.