Screening and Marking in the Final Cut Pro Interface
Popularity (by total correct streak): 97
Popularity (by number of users): 2
Name three ways to launch Final Cut Pro. | Double-click the application in the Applications folder, click the Final Cut Pro icon on the Dock, or double-click a Final Cut Pro project file. | |
To open and close projects, you choose the appropriate option from which menu? | The File menu. | |
What are the four modifier keys that are often used in conjunction with keyboard shortcuts to initiate functions or commands? | Shift, Control, Option and Command. | |
How do you access a shortcut menu? | Ctrl-click or right-click with a two-button mouse. | |
Name three ways to create a bin. | Choose File > New Bin, press Cmd-B or Ctrl-click in the gray area of the Browser. | |
What are three ways to open a clip into the Viewer? | Double-click the clip in the Browser, drag it to the Viewer, or select it and press Return. | |
Besides using the Play button, what keys on your keyboard can you press to play a clip or sequence forward? | The Spacebar and the L key. | |
What keys move the playhead forward or backward in one-frame increments in the Viewer, Canvas, and Timeline? | The Left and Right Arrow keys. | |
How do you mark an In or Out point on a clip? | Use the Mark and Out buttons in the Viewer or the keyboard shortcuts I and O. | |
What is the visual indicator in the Viewer that lets you know you are on the first or last frame of the entire clip? | A filmstrip appears on the left side of the image in the Viewer indicating the first available frame of media, and on the right side indicating the last. | |
What is the visual indicator in the Canvas window that lets you know the playhead is on the first or last frame of an edited clip in the Timeline? | An L in the lower left means you’re on the first frame of the edited clip, and a reverse Lin the lower right means you’re on the last frame. | |
When viewing the audio portion of a clip, what do you see instead of a video image? | A waveform display. | |
What are the shortcuts to save, hide, and quit Final Cut Pro? | Press Command-S to save current changes, press Command-H to hide the application, and press Command-Q to quit. |
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