Supporting the Editing Process
Popularity (by total correct streak): 58
Popularity (by number of users): 1
How do you sort by a column other than the Name column? | Click a column heading. | |
How do you show a column that you can’t currently see in the Browser? | Control-click a column heading and choose Show Column from the shortcut menu. | |
How do you search for a clip in the Browser using specific criteria? | Select the Browser window and press Command-F to open the Find window, and choose specific search criteria. | |
What determines whether a clip is a master clip in Final Cut Pro? | A clip is a master clip if it represents the first use of that clip in the project. | |
What does it mean when a clip has a red slash through the clip icon? | The clip is offline and disconnected from its media file. | |
How can you look at the detailed information about a single clip or item? | Select the clip, and press Command-9 to open the Item Properties window. You can also Control-click the clip and choose Item Properties from the shortcut menu. | |
Where are all customized layouts saved on your computer? | They are saved at Macintosh HD > Users > [User Name] > Library > Preferences > Final Cut Pro User Data. | |
In what menu can you choose User Preferences? | Choose User Preferences from the Final Cut Pro menu. | |
How do you make changes to an existing sequence? | Make the sequence active in the Timeline, or select it in the Browser, and press Command-0 to open the Sequence Settings window. You can also choose Sequence > Sequence Settings. | |
How do you find a matching frame to a sequence clip? | Position the playhead over the frame of the sequence clip, and press F. | |
What is saved in the Autosave Vault? | Backup copies of your project file. |
Quisition is a browser-based flashcard system that repeats old cards and introduces new ones at optimal time intervals. You can create your own card packs or use those developed by others.