Finishing and Outputting
Popularity (by total correct streak): 13
Popularity (by number of users): 1
What is the most efficient way to find the audio peaks in a sequence? | Using the Audio Peaks function, located in the Mark menu. | |
How are audio peaks indicated in the Timeline? | By markers in the Timeline ruler area where each audio peak occurs. | |
What can you do to determine whether an image falls within the broadcast safe range? | Choose View > Range Check > Luma, and move through the sequence to see where the out-of-range clips are. | |
How can you correct an out-of-range clip so its range is acceptable for broadcast? | Apply the Broadcast Safe filter to the clip. | |
What two tools can you use to help prepare the audio and video of your sequence for output? | The Audio Mixer and Video Scopes. | |
What is a self-contained QuickTime movie? | A movie that uses Final Cut Pro sequence presets and that can be played on any computer without having the original media files present. | |
When might you use the QuickTime Conversion option to export a sequence? | When you want to export a sequence at settings other than the current ones (for example, for the web or a DVD). | |
What are the three ways you can output a sequence to tape? | By recording manually, or by using the Print to Video or Edit to Tape options. | |
What Export command do you choose to create a list of clip information? | Batch List. |
Quisition is a browser-based flashcard system that repeats old cards and introduces new ones at optimal time intervals. You can create your own card packs or use those developed by others.