Keying Mattes and Shapes

Popularity (by total correct streak): 0
Popularity (by number of users): 2


What does a key do? A key tells Motion which parts of a composited image should be visible and which parts should be transparent. White in the mask indicates which areas will be opaque and black indicates which will be transparent.  
What filter can be used to compensate for varying midrange luminance levels in source footage you are trying to key and composite? The Gamma filter can be used to correct the contrast of video content from difference sources.  
Name a filter that can trim and smooth pixels from the edges of a key. The Matte Magic Filter.  
Describe how you would deal with the problem areas in a key that a general luminance, blue/green screen, or manual key might not address. Layers or groups can be duplicated to localize effects, and individual masks can be manipulated to address particular areas of an image.  
How would you manually adjust a key over a period of time? You can move and animate B-Splines and their tangent handles using a process known as rotoscoping. The Record Animation button allows you to record changes at particular points in time and have the computer interpolate changes between the resultant keyframes.  
What type of key can use the inherant black and white levels of an image or footage to pull a key? A luma key  
toggles snapping on/off in the Canvas N  
selects the Select/Transform tool Shift-S  
toggles Record Animation on/off A  
selects all command-A  

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