selected vocabulary for JAPN 112
Popularity (by total correct streak): 67
Popularity (by number of users): 1
to invite | 誘う | |
baseball | 野球 | |
game | 試合 | |
celebration | お祝い | |
section chief | 課長 | |
to be sudden | 突然 | |
to talk about [somebody] | 噂をする | |
[one's own] wife | 家内 | |
arm | 腕 | |
to use one's skill to the most | 腕をふるう | |
bad at | 苦手な | |
not too good | 大したことない | |
without hesitation | 遠慮なく | |
to intrude on s.o.'s time | お邪魔する | |
to enjoy one's self | を楽しみにする | |
director | 監督 | |
samurai | 侍 | |
uncut | ノーカット | |
why! | 何だ! | |
staying up all night | 徹夜 | |
rarely | まったに〜ない | |
definitely, without fail | 絶対 (ぜったい) | |
for sure, surely | きっと | |
to stand in line | 並ぶ | |
thriving | 盛んな (さかんな) | |
fairly | かなり | |
popular | 人気がある | |
and other | その他 | |
to visit a far away place to compete in sports | 遠征する(えんせいする) | |
decade | 〜年代 | |
first half | 前半 | |
second half | 後半 | |
professional baseball | プロ野球 | |
to visit | 訪問する | |
player | 選手 | |
to gather | 集める | |
to fight, to compete | 戦う | |
to win | 勝つ | |
to lose (a game) | 負ける(まける) | |
to throw, to pitch | 投げる | |
several people | 数人 | |
strike out | 三振(さんしん) | |
instantly | たちまち | |
not much later, soon | まもなく | |
Pacific War | 太平洋戦争 | |
to die in battle | 戦死する | |
championship | 優勝(ゆうしょう) | |
the entire nation | 全国 | |
prefecture | 県(けん) | |
representative | 代表 | |
name of a baseball stadium | 甲子園 | |
baseball stadium | 野球場 | |
to gather | 集まる | |
big tournament | 大会 | |
to cheer for | 応援する(おうえんする) | |
funded with private funds | 私立 | |
competition, game (written) | 対戦 | |
spectators | 観客 | |
West | 欧米(おうべい) | |
besides | 〜のほか | |
traditional | 伝統的な | |
undeniably, no doubt | なんと言っても | |
sumo wrestling | 相撲 |
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