para a prova
Popularity (by total correct streak): 17
Popularity (by number of users): 3
registration | matri'cula | |
tuition | mensalidade | |
registration fee | taxa de inscric,a~o | |
fill out application | preencher formula'rio | |
take an exam | fazer exame | |
grade | nota | |
flunk | reprovar | |
cheat | colar | |
flunk (colloquial) | levar bomba | |
tutor | professor particular | |
cut class | matar aula | |
office hours | horas de atendimento | |
leave school | trancar matri'cula | |
entrance exam | vestibular | |
freshman | calouro | |
B.A. | bacharel | |
M.A. | mestrado | |
Ph.D | doutorado | |
vacancy | vaga | |
scholarship | bolsa de estudo | |
research | pesquisa | |
advisor | orientador | |
T.A. | monitor | |
President | reitor | |
graduate | formar-se | |
graduation party | festa de formatura | |
transcript | histo'rico escolar | |
SAT prep | cursinho |
Quisition is a browser-based flashcard system that repeats old cards and introduces new ones at optimal time intervals. You can create your own card packs or use those developed by others.