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Popularity (by total correct streak): 23
Popularity (by number of users): 1
ear | ouvido | |
neck | pescoc,o | |
throat | garganta | |
shoulders | ombros | |
heart | corac,a~o | |
back | costas | |
liver | figado | |
belly | barriga | |
skin | pele | |
chest | peito | |
chicken pox | catapora | |
measles | sarampo | |
diabetes | diabete | |
flu | gripe | |
cold | resfriado | |
heart attack | ataque cardi'aco | |
heart attack (alternate) | infarte | |
cough | tossir | |
chills | sentir calafrio | |
high BP | pressa~o alta | |
stomachache | dor de barriga | |
toothache | de dente | |
doer | to hurt | |
cough syrup | xarope | |
injection | injec,a~o | |
swell | inchar | |
faint | desmaiar |
Quisition is a browser-based flashcard system that repeats old cards and introduces new ones at optimal time intervals. You can create your own card packs or use those developed by others.