Japanese vocab from Minna no Nihongo II, L28
Popularity (by total correct streak): 50
Popularity (by number of users): 3
うれます | sell, be sold | |
おどります | dance | |
かみます | chew, bite | |
えらびます | choose | |
ちがいます | be different | |
かよいます | go to and from | |
メモします | take a memo | |
まじめ[な] | serious | |
ねっしん[な] | earnest | |
やさしい | gentle, kind | |
えらい | great, admirable | |
ちょうどいい | proper, just right | |
しゅうかん | custom | |
けいけん | experience | |
ちから | power | |
にんき | popularity | |
かたち | form, shape | |
いろ | colour | |
あじ | taste | |
ガム | gum | |
しなもの | goods | |
ねだん | price | |
きゅうりょう | salary | |
ボーナス | bonus | |
ばんぐみ | program | |
ドラマ | drama | |
しょうせつ | novel | |
しょうせつか | novelist | |
かしゅ | singer | |
かんりにん | janitor | |
むすこ | my son | |
むすめ | my daughter | |
しょうらい | future | |
しばらく | a little while | |
たいてい | usually | |
おしらせ | notice |
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