ESL Vocabulary from The Stranger by Albert Camus
Popularity (by total correct streak): 142
Popularity (by number of users): 3
vigil | wakefulness maintained for any reason during the normal hours for sleeping | |
condolence | expression of sympathy with a person who is suffering sorrow, misfortune, or grief | |
lapel | either of the two parts of a garment folded back on the chest, esp. a contunuation of a coat collar | |
casket | a coffin | |
complaxion | appearance | |
destitute | without means of providing for oneself | |
ashen | gray | |
sentiment | regard | |
altar | an elevated place or structure, as a mound of platform | |
acolyte | an altar attendant in public worship | |
pallor | unusual or extreme paleness, as from fear, ill health or death | |
to limp | to walk with a labored, jerky movement, as when lame | |
to flunk | to fail in course or examination | |
to fondle | to handle or touch lovingly, affectionately, or tenderly | |
frail | weak | |
fig | any tree or shrub belonging to the genus of the mulberry family | |
to cower | to crouch | |
quay | a landing place, esp. one of solid masonry constructed along the edge of a body of water | |
to fluster | to put into a state of agitated confusion | |
feverishly | having fever | |
zeal | fervor for a person | |
vaudeville | theatrical entertainment consisting of a number of individaul performances, acts, or mixed numbers, as by comedians, singers, dancers, acrobats, and magicians | |
adhesive | coated with glue, paste, or other sticky substance | |
attorney | a lawyer |
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