Quiz 2

Popularity (by total correct streak): 85
Popularity (by number of users): 1


Name some unique benefits ear monitor systems provide. No feedback, more mobility, better sightlines, safer on ears, no stage noise  
Give some application examples or an in ear monitor system. Theatre, broadcast, live performance, studio monitoring  
A basic wireless in ear monitor system consists of? Console, multiband peak limiter/processor, receiver, ear molds  
Why is it important to drive an in ear monitor system transmitter properly? if the input is too low, you will have to operate the receiver volume at too high a level leading to excessive noise, if the input is to high, you will cause over modulation distortion. there is also danger of bleed in the adjacent channels.  
Why is a peak limiter neccesary at the transmitter input? to prevent hearing damage due to a level spike or feedback loop, enhance the mix  
What band positions typically use a hardwired in ear mix? stationary performers  
What is the first thing you need to do to obtain custom ear molds? go to a hearing center or audiologist and have impressions taken of your ears  
How does an ambient microphone fed into a musicians in ear monitor mix help the artist? helps them hear crowd response, helps with localization when using isolating molds, allows communication on stage  
Explain why a monitor wedge would be used in combination with an in ear mix? supplement low end  
What is multi-band limiting? multi-band limiters allow seperate limiter control over multiple frequency bands  
Name some techniques used to enhance the low end of an in ear mix. Bass Shaker, Side Fill Subs  
What is another name for a constant voltage system? High Impedance, Disrtibuted, 70 volt  
Where are constant voltage audio systems commonly used? Commercial establishments  
Why is a transformer required at each speaker in a distributed system? Step down the voltage  
What three voltages are commonly used for constant voltage systems? 100 Volts (europe), 70.7 Volts, 25 Volts  
How are speakers rated in distributed systems? dBSPL per wattage tap  
How many speakers can be connected to an amplifier in a constant voltage system? as many or as few as u wish as long as you do not exceed amplifier capacity also keep an eye on load impedance  
Besides the power used by the speaker, what are the two other factors to consider when concerning power loss? Transformer Insertion Loss (TIL) loss due to cable  
What is the industry rule of thumb used when figuring required amplifier output wattage for a constant voltage system? total TAP wattage plus 20%=amp wattage OR total TAP wattage* 1.2=amp wattage  
What is dynamic range? Peak Level-Noise Floor  
What is thermal noise? the result of atoms bumping into each other, electronic noise  
Why are we forced to deal with a systems gain structure? there is no standard noise floor, there is no standard peak input/output level  
What is the benefit of graphing out a systems gain structure? helps in making design and purchase decisions.  
How many volts does 0dBu equal? .775 volts  
What devices are used to adjust attenuation when setting a systems gain structure? external pads, onboard input/output controls provided they are  
How must we approach aligning the crossover's outputs with each of it's associated amplifier inputs? treat them as individual gain structure branches, start by adjusting the largest portion  
What is the purpose of a system limiter? act as an early warning device that allows you to take measures to protect the system.  
What ratio setting is best for a system limiter? 8:1 or greater  
What three methods are used to determine clip points in a system? piezo, onboard indicators, oscope  
When using an Oscope to find clip points, how do you connect the positive and negative leads to the device under test? tie low to ground  
Before physically setting gain structure, why do you first run signal through the system? check integrity of the system  
Why would we zero out an EQ before attempting to set gain structure? any cuts or boosts will affect the EQ output during calibration  
In a typical audio circuit it is beneficial to have the load impedance______ times the source impedance to insure efficient ______ transfer from device to device. 10, voltage  
What is amplifier input sensitivity? amount of voltage required at an amplifiers input or the amplifier to produce full rated output  
What is crest factor? distance between average and peak signal.  

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