Basic Spanish Lección 7 Vocabulario
Popularity (by total correct streak): 72
Popularity (by number of users): 3
la información | information | |
la licencia | license | |
la novela | novel | |
el pasaporte | passport | |
la reservación | reservation | |
la agencia de viajes | travel agency | |
el (la) agente de viajes | travel agent | |
la avenida | avenue | |
el avión | plane | |
la carne | meat | |
la embajada | embassy | |
la ensalada | salad | |
España | Spain | |
los folletos turísticos | tourist brochures | |
el guía, la guía | guide | |
la oficina de turismo | tourist office | |
el país | country | |
el pasaje | ticket | |
el billete | ticket | |
el postre | dessert | |
la sopa | soup | |
la suerte | luck | |
la verdad | truth | |
el viaje | trip | |
el vuelo | flight | |
buscar | to look up | |
cancelar | to cancel | |
conducir (yo conduzco) | to drive | |
manejar | to drive | |
confirmar | to confirm | |
conocer (yo conozco) | to know, to be familiar with | |
conseguir | to obtain, to get (e:i) | |
nadar | to swim | |
poner (yo pongo) | to put, to place | |
quedar | to be located | |
saber (yo sé) | to know how, to know a fact | |
salir (yo salgo) | to go out, to leave | |
seguir (e:i) | to follow, to continue | |
traducir (yo traduzco) | to translate | |
ver | to see | |
extranjero(a) | foreign | |
helado(a) | iced | |
¡Buen viaje! | Have a nice trip!, Bon voyage! | |
de memoria | by heart | |
entonces | then, in that case | |
sobre | about | |
tener suerte | to be lucky |
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