Hanyu Jiaocheng Chapter 35 Shengci

Popularity (by total correct streak): 47
Popularity (by number of users): 2


采 访 cǎi fǎng (Cover (news))  
原 来 yuán lái (at first, originally)  
延长 yán cháng (extend, lengthen)  
差 不 多 chā bù duō (nearly, almost)  
不 过 bú guò (but)  
从 来 cóng lái (always, at all times)  
一 般 yī bān (usually)  
散步 sǎn bù (go for a walk)  
功 课 gōng kè (school work, homework)  
不一定 bù yī dìng (not sure)  
xiàng (such as)  
网 球 wǎng qiú (tennis)  
排 球 pái qiú (volleyball)  
游 泳 yóu yǒng (swimming)  
yóu (swim)  
感 谢 gǎn xiè (thank; be grateful)  
接 受 jiē shòu (accept)  
liàn (practice)  
气 功 qì gōng (a system of deep breathing exercise)  
jiǔ (long; for a long time)  
hǎo (quite)  
钟头 zhōng tóu (hour)  
效 果 xiào guǒ (effect; result)  
tǐng (quite)  
好 处 hǎo chù (benefit; advantage)  
坏 处 huài chù (harm; disadvantage)  
慢 性 病 màn xìng bìng (chronic disease)  
高 血 压 gāo xiě yā (high blood preasure)  
失 眠 shī mián (insomnia)  
必 须 bì xū (must)  
打 鱼 dǎ yú (fishing)  
shài (dry something in the sun)  
wǎng (net)  
miǎo (second)  
寒 假 hán jiǎ (winter vacation)  
暑 假 shǔ jiǎ (summer vacation)  
结 婚 jié hūn (marry)  
zhōu (week)  
sǐ (die)  
天津 Tiānjīn (Tianjin)  

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