Hanyu Jiaocheng Chapter 36 Shengci

Popularity (by total correct streak): 51
Popularity (by number of users): 3


guàng (leisurely walk)  
shān (hill, mountain)  
风 景 fēng jǐng (scenery)  
měi (beautiful)  
散心 sǎn xīn (relax, enjoying a diversion)  
最 好 zuì hǎo (had better)  
màn (slow)  
piào (ticket)  
zhēn (really)  
排 队 pái duì (queue up; make line)  
hú (lake)  
pá (climb)  
进 去 jìn qù (enter)  
shēn (body)  
出汗 chū hàn (sweat, perspire)  
shù (tree)  
qiáo (bridge)  
划 船 huáchuán(row a boat, boating)  
照相 zhàoxiàng (take a picture, potograph)  
经常 jīngcháng (frequently; often)  
出 差 chū chāi ( be away on official business; be on a business trip)  
shuǐ (water)  

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