Lab Quiz?

Popularity (by total correct streak): 11
Popularity (by number of users): 1


The four wide-spectrum antibiotics are: ampicillin, cephalothin, chloramphenicol, and tetracycline  
AK amikacin  
AM ampicillin  
CB carbenicillin  
CF cephalothin  
CM chloramphenicol  
CC clindamycin  
E/EM erythromycin  
GM gentamicin  
DP methicillin  
NA nalidixic acid  
NF nitrofurantoin  
PN penicillin  
S/SM streptomycin  
TO tobramycin  
VM vancomycin  
N neomycin  
CZ cefazolin  
TE tetracycline  
CIP cipro  
CB carbenicillin  
AM ampicillin  
Kills pathogens on INANIMATE objects: disinfectant  
Kills pathogens on ANIMATE objects: antiseptic  
Acids inactivate enzymes, denature proteins, generally kill bacteria though at high concentrations they will kill much more  
Alcohols generally are bactericidal, surfactants, also coagulate proteins. Used as skin antiseptic, most effectively at 50-70% concentration. Cheapest and most readily available.  
Phenol Phenols kill almost everything, bacteria fungi viruses Tb but not spores, generally by damaging plasma membranes.  
Halogens iodine and chlorine; Halogens kill all, through inactivation of proteins  
iodine tincture generally 1-2% iodine in alcohol and is used for wounds (skin antiseptic)  
Aldehydes formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde;VERY toxic and thus use is restricted, and aldehydes kill all, by inactivating proteins  
heavy metals generally are just bactericidal, precipitate proteins  
soaps emulsifiers and surfactants, wash away microorganisms  
emulsifiers break down oils  
surfactants decrease surface tension  
cationic detergents capable of solubilizing the cell membranes of microorganisms and are thus able to kill bacteria and fungi  
gases kill all due to their ability to penetrate and denature proteins  
hydrogen peroxide mild antiseptic in that it only kills anaerobic microorganisms  
dyes crystal violet, basic fuchsin and eosin-methylene blue (EMB) are dyes that inhibit the growth of gram positive bacteria  
Three categories of disinfectants/antiseptics that kill all: halogens, aldehydes, and gases  
penicillins inhibit cell wall synthesis of gram positive bacteria  
What is used when penicillin allergies are present? erythromycin  
cephalosporins inhibit cell wall synthesis  
aminoglycosides inhibit protein synthesis in gram negative bacteria  
tetracyclines broad spectrum, inhibit protein synthesis  
erythromicin effective against gram positive bacteria  
TB drugs: rifampin, ethambutol, streptomycin, PASA, and isoniazid  
vancomycin interferes with cell wall synthesis  
chloramphenicol broad spectrum with severe side effects  
sulfa drugs competitive inhibitors effective against gram positive bacteria  

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