
Popularity (by total correct streak): 0
Popularity (by number of users): 2


What are the lobes of the cerebellum? Flocculonodular, anterior, and posterior.  
What are the zones of the cerebellum? The vermis, intermediate zone, and lateral zone.  
What are the phylogenetic areas of the cerebellum in order of development? Archicerebellum, paleocerebellum, and neocerebellum.  
What are the functional anatomic divisions of the cerebellum in order of development? Vestibulocerebellum, spinocerebellum, and cerebrocerebellum.  
How do the functional anatomic divisions and the phylogenetic areas of the cerebellum relate? Archicerebellum = vestibulocerebellum, paleocerebellum = spinocerebellum, and neocerebellum = cerebrocerebellum.  
What is the main output cell from the cerebellum and inhibitory on deep cerebellar nuclei? Purkinje cells.  
Which fiber type is involved in motor learning, arise from the inferior olivary nucleus, are excitatory to purkinje cells, inhibitory to deep cerebellar cells, and change their firing rates while learning new movements? Climbing fibers.  
Which fibers bring in sensory info and info from other motor areas and indirectly excite the purkinje cells via the granule cell (interneuron)? Mossy fibers.  
What are the functions of the vestibulocerebellum? Balance, coordination of eye and head movements in relationship to positions in space, equilibrium, control of axial muscles.  
What are the afferent/inputs to the vestibulocerebellum? Vestibular apparatus, vestibular nuclei, lateral geniculate (visual stimulus for balance), superior colliculi (vision center), striate cortex (primary visual cortex).  
What is the efferent/output for the vestibulocerebellum? The vestibular nuclei (do not go to the deep cerebellar nuclei) axons for the medial tract assist in head and neck tone related to vision, the lateral tract facilitates the extensors and inhibits the flexors.  
What is the difference between the vestibulocerebellum and the two other areas? The majority of the efferent info goes through the vestibular nuclei directly instead of going to the deep cerebellar nuclei.  

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