hanyu jiaocheng lesson 39 all words

Popularity (by total correct streak): 34
Popularity (by number of users): 2


ai (love, like)  
滑冰 hua bing (skate, skating)  
滑雪 hua xue (ski, skiing)  
有名 you ming (famous)  
qu ( district)  
旅游 lü you (travel, tour)  
避暑 bi shu ( spend summer holiday in a resort)  
尤其 youqi (especially)  
人家 renjia ( family)  
kao ( rely on )  
经营 jingying ( manage) V.  
发财 facai (get rich)  
红叶 hongye ( red autumn leaves)  
luo (fall)  
jian ( pick up a thing)  
好事/怀事 haoshi / huaishi (happy event/bad thing)  
着急 zhaoji (feel anxious/worried)  
着呢 zhene (a modal particle)  
biao (watch) n.  
怀 huai (bad,broken)  
ting ( stop)  
gai ( should)  
电池 dianchi(battery)  
迟到 chidao ( arrive late)  
母亲 /父亲 muqin/fuqin ( mother/father)  
de (a structural particle)  
告诉 gaosu ( tell)  
结婚/ 离婚 jiehun/lihun (marry/divorce)  
未婚夫/未婚妻 weihunfu/weihunqi ( fiance/fiancee)  
愿意 yuanyi( be willing)  
yin (cloudy)  
shan (lightning )  
qing (clear)  
lei (thunder)  
开演 kaiyan (to begin a show)  

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