Words occurring 1-50 in the NT from 1 Peter

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Popularity (by number of users): 2


ἀγαθοποιέω I do good, show benefit  
ἀγαθοποιΐα what is (morally) right, good living  
ἀγαθοποιός one who acts morally, a doer of good  
ἀγαλλιάω rejoice, be very happy  
ἁγιάζω make holy, sanctify, consecrate, dedicate  
ἁγιασμός sanctifying work, dedication  
ἁγνίζω to cleanse ritually or morally  
ἄγνοια ignorance, lack of knowledge  
ἁγνός pure, innocent, blameless  
ἀγνωσία ignorance, lack of knowledge, failure to understand  
ἀδελφότης brotherhood, group of believers  
ἄδικος unrighteous, unjust, wrong  
ἀδίκως unjustly, undeservedly  
ἄδολος pure, unadulterated  
ἀεί always, forever, continually  
ἀθέμιτος unlawful, illegal, forbidden  
αἰσχροκερδῶς covetously, greedily (for dishonest gain)  
αἰσχύνω I shame, I am ashamed  
ἀκρογωνιαῖος lying at the extreme corner (of a λίθος  
ἀληθής true, genuine, truthful  
ἀλλοτριεπίσκοπος meddler, busybody  
ἀμαράντινος neg: unfading; pos: enduring  
ἀμάραντος neg: unfading; pos: enduring  
ἁμαρτάνω to sin, do wrong  
ἁμαρτωλός sinner, social deviant  
ἀμίαντος pure, undefiled  
ἀμνός lamb, sheep  
ἄμωμος unblemished, blameless  
ἀναγγέλλω report, announce  
ἀναγεννάω regenerate, give birth again  
ἀναγκαστῶς willingly, in a forced manner  
ἀναζώννυμι get mentally ready, prepare oneself mentally  
ἀναπαύω cause to cease  
ἀνάστασις resurrection  
ἀναστρέφω I turn, return; by ext.: repent  
ἀναστροφή a turn, return; by ext.: conduct, behavior  
ἀναφέρω bear, take up  
ἀνάχυσις lit. flood; adjectivally, excessive  
ἀνεκλάλητος unspeakable, inexpressible  
ἄνευ without, apart from  
ἀνθίστημι (to make) get up, stand up, or arise,  
ἄνθος flower, blossom  
ἀνθρώπινος humanlike, common to humans  
ἀντί against, opposite; on behalf of, for  
ἀντίδικος accuser, adversary  
ἀντιλοιδορέω retaliate  
ἀντιτάσσω stand against, oppose  
ἀντίτυπος representation, correspondence, 'antitype'  
ἀνυπόκριτος without hypocrisy, genuine  
ἅπαξ once  
ἀπειθέω disobey, do not believe  
ἀπειλέω threaten, warn  
ἀπεκδέχομαι expect, await  
ἀπέχω receive in full; be away from; be enough; experience  
ἀπιστέω do not believe, refuse to believe; be unfaithful  
ἀπογίνομαι die; cease from doing; be finished with  
ἀποδίδωμι give, repay  
ἀποδοκιμάζω reject; declare useless  
ἀπόθεσις what has been put off, removed; fig. death  
ἀποκαλύπτω reveal, make known  
ἀποκάλυψις revelation, that which has been revealed  
ἀπολογία defense against accusation  
ἀπονέμω assign a portion; ascribe honor  
ἀποτίθημι put off, take off, get rid of  
ἀπροσωπολήμπτως impartially  
ἀργύριον silver; precious/valuable metal  
ἀρετή goodness  
ἀρκετός enough, sufficient, adequate  
ἄρτι now, at present  
ἀρτιγέννητος recently born, newborn; immature  
ἀρχιποίμην chief shepherd  
ἀσεβής godless; subst. ungodly person  
ἀσέλγεια life without moral restraint; lustful indulgence  
ἀσθενής weak, sick, helpless  
Ἀσία Asia  
ἄσπιλος pure, clean  
ἀσωτία immoral living  
αὐξάνω I grow, increase  
ἄφθαρτος imperishable; immortal  
ἄφρων foolish, senseless  
βαβυλών Babylon  
βάπτισμα baptism  
βασίλειος royal, kingly  
βιθυνία Bithynia  
βιόω I live  
βλασφημέω I blaspheme, I speak against  
βούλημα intention, will  
βρέφος baby (either unborn or newborn)  
γάλα milk  
Γαλατία Galatia  
γένος race, group, family  
γεύω I taste, eat; fig. come to know  
γνῶσις knowledge, insight  
γογγυσμός grumbling, complaining; murmuring, secret talk  
γρηγορέω I watch, I pay attention  
γυναικεῖος wife, woman  
γωνία corner, cornerstone  
δέησις plea, request, prayer  
δεσπότης master, lord; Lord  
δηλόω show clearly, make known, indicate  
διάβολος accuser, devil  
διακονέω I serve, minister  
διάνοια mind, intellect; attitude  
διασπορά Dispersion; scattering  
διασῴζω I rescue; bring safely through  
δικαίως justly, righteously  
διότι because, for that, inasmuch as  
διώκω I persecute; make run; pursue  
δοκιμάζω I test/examine; I prove; I approve  
δοκίμιον the act of testing: scrutiny; the result of testing: genuineness, approval  
δόλος bait; fig. deceit, fraud  
ἐγγίζω I draw near, approach  
ἐγκομβόομαι clothe oneself, take on a characteristic  
ἐγκόπτω I hinder, delay, detain  
εἰδωλολατρία idol worship, idolatry  
ἐκδίκησις vengeance, revenge  
ἐκζητέω I seek out, search diligently  
ἐκκλίνω I turn away from, avoid  
ἐκλεκτός chosen  
ἑκουσίως spontaneously, deliberately  
ἐκπίπτω I fall, fall off  
ἐκτενής intense, fervent  
ἐκτενῶς eagerly, fervently  
ἐλεέω I show mercy  
ἔλεος mercy  
ἐλευθερία freedom  
ἐλεύθερος free  
ἐλπίζω I hope  
ἐμπλοκή braid  
ἔνδυσις a dressing up, putting on  
ἔννοια insight, idea; intent, resolution  
ἔντιμος honored, distinguished, prized, valuable  
ἐξαγγέλλω I proclaim widely  
ἐξεραυνάω I investigate thoroughly, inquire carefully  
ἔξωθεν outwardly, externally  
ἔπαινος praise, approval  
ἐπακολουθέω I follow in the same way; I live in the same way  
ἐπερώτημα question; appeal, request  
ἐπηρεάζω I mistreat; revile, slander  
ἐπιεικής gentleness, forbearance  
ἐπιθυμέω (pos) I desire; (neg) I lust  
ἐπιθυμία desire; impulse  
ἐπικαλέω I call; I summon; I give a name  
ἐπικάλυμμα covering; pretext; excuse  
ἐπίλοιπος the remaining things/ones; left over  
ἐπιμαρτυρέω I affirm  
ἐπιποθέω I have great affection for, yearn for  
ἐπιρίπτω throw on; fig. cast cares upon  
ἐπισκοπέω I shepherd; care for; watch over  
ἐπισκοπή (1) coming visitation; (2) shepherd, overseer  
ἐπίσκοπος guardian, keeper, overseer  
ἐπιστρέφω turn around, return; repent  
ἐπιτελέω finish, complete; (pass.) undergo, endure  
ἐποπτεύω look on, observe, watch  
ἐραυνάω examine, search carefully; investigate  
ἕτοιμος ready, prepared  
ἑτοίμως readily, willingly  
εὐλογέω praise, speak well of; bless  
εὐλογητός worthy of praise, worthy of blessing  
εὐλογία praise, blessing; flattery  
εὐπρόσδεκτος quite pleasing, particularly acceptable  
εὔσπλαγχνος tenderhearted, compassionate  
ζηλωτής zealous, enthusiastic  
ζῳοποιέω give life, come to life  
ἡγεμών leader, governor  
ἡσύχιος (of behavior) quiet, peaceful  
θανατόω I die, put to death; (fig.) exterminate, put a stop to  
θαυμαστός wonderful, marvelous  
θεμελιόω establish, strengthen, settle  
θρίξ hair  
θυσία sacrifice; acceptable service  
ἰάομαι heal, cure  
ἱεράτευμα priesthood, body of priests  
ἰσχύς strength, might  
ἴχνος footprint, footstep; (fig.) record of one's life as example for others  
καθαρός clean, pure  
καθό insofar, to the degree that  
κακία evil, vice; misfortune  
κακοποιέω to do evil; be a criminal  
κακοποιός evildoer, criminal, deviant  
κακόω to do harm, mistreat  
καλύπτω to hide, keep secret  
Καππαδοκία Cappadocia (or Kappadokia)  
καταβολή foundation, beginning  
καταισχύνω to shame, disgrace  
κατακυριεύω to gain power; rule over; domineer  
καταλαλέω speak against, slander (cp. βλασπημέω)  
καταλαλιά evil report, slander  
καταπίνω to drink in a gulp; devour; (fig.) overpower, destroy  
καταρτίζω to put in order, prepare  
κατασκευάζω prepare, make ready; build, construct  
κατεργάζομαι to do, accomplish, achieve, prevail  
κερδαίνω to gain advantage, profit; (fig.)win someone over  
κιβωτός ark; boat, ship  
κλέος credit, honor, praise  
κλέπτης thief  
κληρονομέω to inherit, gain possession of  
κληρονομία inheritance  
κλῆρος portion; responsibility  
κοινωνέω to share, to have in common  
κοινωνός companion, fellow participant  
κολαφίζω beat, afflict, buffet  
κομίζω to bring; (middle) to receive (back)  
κοσμέω to adorn, decorate  
κραταιός strong, mighty, powerful  
κράτος power, might, control  
κρίμα judgment, verdict, punishment  
κρυπτός hidden, secret  
κτίσις creation, creature; order; (fig.) authority  
κτίστης creator (used only of God in the NT)  
κῶμος carousing, excessive indulgence  
λέων lion; (fig.) hostile forces  
λογίζομαι to take into account; reckon; believe  
λογικός true to the nature of  
λόγιον sayings, message  
λοιδορέω to insult, reproach, shame publicly  
λοιδορία slander, insult  
λυπέω to suffer, grieve, be distressed  
λύπη pain, suffering, distress, anxiety  
λυτρόω I redeem, set free  
μακροθυμία patience, endurance  
Μᾶρκος Mark  
μάρτυς witness;  
μάταιος deceptive, empty, foolish; τὰ μάταια worthless things, idols  
μέλω to care for, be concerned  
μέριμνα anxiety, worry  
μηκέτι no longer, no more  
μόλις with difficulty, hardly, scarcely, rarely  
μώλωψ welt, bruise, wound  
νέος new, young, fresh  
νήφω to be sober (opp. of drunk, μεθύω); to be self-controlled, clear-headed  
Νῶε Noah  
ξενίζω to receive as a guest; to be surprised, astonished; to think someth. is strange  
ξένος stranger, something strange  
ξηραίνω to dry out; (passive fig.) to become damaged, worthless  
ξύλον wood; cross used for crucifixion; tree  
τοὐναντίον formed from ὁ + ἐναντίον; instead, on the other hand, on the contrary  
οἰκέτης member of a household; household servant  
οἰκοδομέω to build; establish; strengthen  
οἰκονόμος steward, manager, administrator  
οἰνοφλυγία drunkenness  
ὀκτώ eight  
ὀλίγος few, little, small; adverbially a little while  
ὁμοίως likewise, similarly  
ὁμόφρων like-minded, united in thought  
ὀνειδίζω to revile, disparage, insult; passive: to suffer, be insulted  
ὁπλίζω to prepare, get ready  
ὀσφύς waist; fig. genitals; fig. a descendant  
οὖς ear  
πάθημα suffering, misfortune; passion  
παρακύπτω to stoop down; fig. to look closely  
παρατίθημι to put beside; fig. to expound, point out, tell  
παρεπίδημος stranger, foreigner, temporary resident (exiled person)  
παρέρχομαι to pass by; to perish, pass away  
παροικία temporary resident (exiled person)  
πάροικος stranger, foreigner; opp. of οἰκεῖος (member of household)  
πάσχω I suffer; I die  
πατροπαράδοτος inherited, traditional  
παύω to cease, stop; cause to stop  
πειρασμός test, trial; temptation  
περιέχω to encircle, surround; contain  
περίθεσις the act of putting around; adornment  
περιποίησις the act of saving, preserving something for oneself; possession  
πέτρα stone, rock  
πλανάω to deceive; lead astray  
πλῆθος fullness; of a group of people: multitude, community  
πληθύνω to increase, grow; cause to grow  
πνευματικός spiritual (opp. of σαρκινός, fleshly, worldly)  
ποικίλος diverse, various  
ποιμαίνω to shepherd, guide, feed  
ποιμήν shepherd, overseer, caretaker; leader  
ποίμνιον flock of sheep; fig. followers of Jesus, church  
ποῖος (interrog. adj.) what kind? what sort? by what means?  
πολυτελής costly, expensive, very precious  
πολύτιμος expensive, of great value; very valuable  
Πόντος Pontus  
ποτέ once, at one time, when  
πότος drinking party, carousing  
ποῦ Where? In what place?  
πραΰς gentle, kind, considerate, meek  
πραΰτης gentleness, meekness, consideration  
πρό before, ahead  
πρόβατον sheep  
προγινώσκω to know beforehand, to foreknow  
πρόγνωσις foreknowledge  
προθύμως eagerly, willingly  
προμαρτύρομαι to declare in advance  
προσάγω to bring toward; come near, approach  
προσευχή prayer, petition  
πρόσκομμα as action: stumbling; as result of action: hindrance, obstacle  
προσκόπτω to strike, hit, beat  
πρότερος first, earlier, former, prior  
προφητεύω I prophesy, foretell, preach, reveal  
πτόησις fear, something fearful or terrifying  
πύρωσις purifying fire, fiery test, painful suffering  
ῥαντισμός a sprinkling  
ῥύπος dirt, filth  
σαρκικός fleshly, carnal, human (opp. of πνευματικός)  
Σάρρα Sara  
σθενόω I strengthen, make strong  
Σιλουανός Silvanus, Silas  
Σιών Zion  
σκάνδαλον something that causes one to stumble; (fig.) enticement (to sin)  
σκεῦος object, thing; vessel, container; belongings; person; male sex organ (1 Thess 4)  
σκολιός crooked; (fig. of social behavior) deviant, dishonest; (of masters toward slaves) harsh  
σκότος darkness; (fig.) ignorance  
σπορά the action of sowing; a seed  
στερεός hard, firm, solid  
στέφανος a (wreath) crown; (fig.) a reward  
στηρίζω I fix firmly, establish, support  
στρατεύω I perform military service; (fig.) resist opposing forces; cause conflict  
συγκληρονόμος substantivally, a fellow heir, fellow receiver  
συμβαίνω to come about, happen  
συμπαθής 'sympathetic,' compassionate  
συμπρεσβύτερος fellow elder, fellow 'older person'  
συνείδησις self-awareness; conscience  
συνεκλεκτός fellow chosen one  
συνοικέω I live with; to live together  
συντρέχω to run together; to join in with, participate with  
συσχηματίζω I conform; shape my behavior  
σωτηρία salvation, preservation, deliverance, healing  
σωφρονέω to be healthy; to be of sound mind  
ταπεινός of attitude, sad; of behavior, humble, unpretentious; of status, lowly; meek  
ταπεινοφροσύνη humility, self-effacement, self-abasement  
ταπεινόφρων humble, humble in attitude  
ταπεινόω to humble oneself  
ταράσσω to shake up; (fig.) to intimidate, cause fear, cause anxiety  
τελείως fully, completely  
τέλος end; result, goal; purpose  
τιμάω to honor  
τιμή honor  
τίμιος honorable, valuable  
τύπος mark, example, pattern  
ὑπακοή obedience, compliance  
ὑπακούω to listen to, obey  
ὑπερέχω to surpass, excel, be better than; to be in authority, rule  
ὑπερήφανος arrogant, proud, haughty  
ὑπογραμμός a copy of writing; (fig.) an example, pattern, guideline  
ὑπόκρισις hypocrisy, pretense  
ὑπολιμπάνω I leave behind  
ὑπομένω to tarry, stay behind; hold out, stand one's ground; put up with, endure  
ὑποτάσσω to put into subjection, under control; be submissive  
ὑποφέρω to bear up under, endure  
ὑψόω to lift up, exalt  
φαίνω to shine; (mid.) to make known, become visible  
φανερόω to make known, reveal  
φθαρτός mortal, perishable  
φθόνος envy, jealousy  
φιλαδελφία love or affection for a brother, sister, or fellow believer  
φιλάδελφος fellow-believer-lover, brother/sister-lover  
φίλημα kiss; expression of belonging to a group  
φιλόξενος stranger-lover; (fig.) hospitable  
φιμόω shut; muzzle; silence  
φόβος fear, dread; reverence, respect  
φονεύς murderer, killer  
φρουρέω to guard, protect  
φυλακή guard; prison; confinement  
χάρισμα gift, grace  
χεῖλος lip; (fig.) speech; edge  
χορηγέω to provide, supply  
χόρτος grass  
χρηστός good, useful; kind  
Χριστιανός 'Christian'; Messianist; follower of Christ  
χρυσίον gold  
ὠρύομαι to roar, bellow, howl  

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