vocab in chapter 1- fig 1.5

Popularity (by total correct streak): 141
Popularity (by number of users): 4


forehead frontal  
temple temporal  
eye orbital or ocular  
ear otic  
cheek buccal  
nose nasal  
mouth oral  
chin mental  
breastbone sternal  
breast mammary  
navel umbilical  
hip coxal  
groin inguinal  
thumb pollex  
hand manual  
pubis public  
top of foot dorsum  
great toe hallux  
head cephallic  
skull cranial  
face facial  
neck cervical  
armpit axillary  
arm brachial  
front of elbow antecubital  
wrist carpal  
forearm antebrachial  
palm palmer or volar  
fingers digital or phalangeal  
thigh femoral  
front side of knee patellar  
leg crural  
ankle tarsal  
foot pedal  
toes digital or phalangeal  
base of skull occipital  
shoulder blade scapular  
spinal column vertebral  
back of elbow olecranal or cubital  
back dorsal  
loin lumber  
between hips sacral  
buttock gluteal  
chest thoracic  
abdomen abdominal  
pelvis pelvic  
behind knee popliteal  
sole of foot plantar  
heel calcaneal  
back of hand dorsum  
between anus&genitals perineal  

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