chapter 1 's suffix-- other list

Popularity (by total correct streak): 93
Popularity (by number of users): 1


-algia pain  
gastralgia stomach pain  
-cele protusion, hernia  
cystocele protusion of bladder  
-cise cut  
excise to cut out  
-cyte cell  
erthrocyte red cell  
-dynia pain  
cardiodynia heart pain  
-ectasis dilation  
bronchiectasis dilated brochi  
-gen that which produces  
mutagen that which produces mutations  
-genesis produces, generates  
osteogenesis produces bone  
-genic producing, produced by  
carcinogenci producing cancer  
-ia state, condition  
hemiplegia condition of half paralyzed  
-iasis abnormal condition  
lithiasis abnormal condition of stones  
-ism state of  
hypothyroidism state of low thyriod  
-itis inflammation  
cellulitis inflammation of cells  
-logist one who studies  
cardiologist one who studies heart  
-logy study of  
cardiology study of heart  
-lysis destruction  
osteolysis destruction of bone  
-malacia abnormal softening  
chondromalacia abnormal cartilage softening  
-megaly enlargement, large  
cardiomegaly enlarged heart  
-oma tumor, mass  
carcinoma cancerous tumor  
-osis abnormal condition  
cyanosis abnormal blue condition  
-pathy disease  
myopathy muscle disease  
-plasia abnormal development  
dysplasia abnormal development  
-plasm formation, development  
neoplasm new development  
-ptosis drooping  
proctoptosis drooping rectum  
-rrhage excessive, abnormal flow  
hemorrhage excessive bleeding  
-rrhea discharge, flow  
rhinorrhea discharge from nose  
-rrhexis rupture  
hysterorrhexis ruptured uterus  
-sclerosis hardening  
arteriosclerosis hard artery  
-stenosis narrowing  
angiostenosis narrowing of vessel  
-therapy treatment  
chemotherapy treatment with chemicals  
-trophy nourishment, development  
hypertrophy excess development  

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