word build roots p 36-7

Popularity (by total correct streak): 112
Popularity (by number of users): 1


Organization Levels (5) cell, tissue, organ, system, body  
abdomin/o abdomen  
adip/o fat  
anter/o front  
brachi/o arm  
caud/o tail  
cephal/o head  
cervic/o neck  
chondri/o cartilage  
crani/o skull  
crur/o leg  
cyt/o cell  
dist/o away from origin  
dors/o back of body  
epitheli/o epithelium  
glute/o buttock  
hist/o tissue  
infer/o below  
later/o side  
medi/o middle  
muscul/o muscle  
neur/o nerve  
organ/o organ  
oste/o bone  
pelv/o pelvis  
peritone/o peritoneum  
pleur/o pleura  
poster/o back  
proxim/o toward the origin  
pub/o gential  
somat/o body  
spin/o spine  
super/o above  
system/o system  
thorac/o chest  
ventr/o belly  
vertebr/o vertebra  
viscer/o internal organ  

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