first section of vocab on Integumentary SYSTEM

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integumentary 4 funct. 2-way barrier, temp regulation, sensory rec., secret fluids  
integ. organs (5) skin, hair, nails, sebaceous gl, sweat gl.  
albin/o white  
bi/o life  
cry/o cold  
cutane/o skin  
derm/o skin  
dermat/o skin  
diaphor/o profuse sweating  
electr/o electricity  
erythr/o red  
hidr/o sweat  
ichthy/o scaly, dry  
kerat/o hard, horn  
leuk/o white  
lip/o fat  
melan/o blackk  
myc/o fungus  
necr/o death  
onych/o nail  
pil/o hair  
phot/o light  
py/o pus  
rhytid/o wrinkle  
scler/o hard  
seb/o oil  
trich/o hair  
ungu/O nail  
vesic/o bladder  
xer/o dry  
-derma skin  
-opsy view of  
-tome instrument used to cut  
allo- other, different  
xeno- strange, foreign  
cutaneous membrane 1 part of the integ sys, part of skin  
integument 1 part of the integ sys, part of skin  
pathogens disease causing organisms  
sebaceous glands produce oil for lubrication  
sensory receptors detect temp, pain, touch, pressure  
sweat glands produce sweat to cool  
dermis middle layer, fibrous connective tissue  
epidermis thin top layer, epithelial tissue  
subcutaneous layer lowest layer, made of lipocytes,insulates,  
basal layer deepest layer, growing & multipling  
keratin hard protein that fill cells of higher layers  
melanin black pigement, protect against UV  
melanocytes produce melanin, in basal layer  
stratified squamous epithelium type of tissue with flat cells in layers  
collagen fibers strong fiberous protein, flexible glue  
corium another name for dermis  
hypodermis another name for subcutaneous  
lipocytes fat cells in subcutaneous  
arrector pili smooth muscle causes hair standing up or "goose bumps"  
hair follicle cavity for the hair  
hair root bottom of hair  
hair shaft upper section of hair  
cuticle soft tissue around base of nail  
free edge expose nail (white part)  
lunula light half-moon area at base of nail  
nail bed tissue under the nail, connected to nail body  
nail body plate of keratin  
nail root tip where nails grow from  
sebum oil that lubricates hair & skin  
sudoriferous gl other name from sweat gl  
apocrine gl pubic & underarms glands (BO)  
perspiration sweat norm=colorless&odorless  
sweat duct channel for sweat  
sweat pore opening of the sweat duct  

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