skeletal system pg 80-4

Popularity (by total correct streak): 82
Popularity (by number of users): 2


ankyl/o stiff joint  
arthr/O joint  
articul/o joint  
burs/o sac  
carp/o wrist  
cervic/o neck  
chondr/o cartilage  
clavicul/o clavicle  
coccyg/o coccyx  
cortic/o outer portion  
cost/o rib  
crani/o skull  
femur/o femur  
fibul/o fibula  
humer/o humerus  
ili/o ilium  
ischi/o ischium  
kyph/o hump  
lamin/o lamina (part of vertebrae)  
lord/o bent backwards  
lumb/o loin  
mandibul/o mandible, jaw  
maxill/o maxilla (above upper teeth)  
medull/o inner part  
metacarp/o metacarpals (mid bones in hands)  
metatars/o metatarsals (mid bones in feet)  
myel/o bone marrow, spinal cord  
orth/o straight  
oste/o bone  
patell/o knee cap  
ped/o child, foot  
pelv/o pelvis  
phalang/o finger or toe  
pod/o foot  
pub/o pubis  
radi/o radius  
sacr/o sacrum  
scapul/o scapula  
scoli/o crooked or bent  
spondyl/o vertebrae  
stern/o sternum  
synovi/o synovial membrane  
synov/o synovial membrane  
tars/o ankle  
thorac/o chest  
tibi/o tibia  
uln/o ulna  
vertebr/o vertebra  
-blast immature, embryonic  
-clasia to break (surgical)  
-desis stabilize, fuze  
-listhesis slipping  
-porosis porous  
bone marrow site of blood production  
bone unique hard organ that carries blood&lymph ves, & nerves  
joints place where 2 bones meet  
tendons connects muscle to bone  
ligaments connects bone to bone  
cartilage connective tissue that prevents friction, forms fetal skeleton  
osseous tissue bone tissue, hardest material in body  
ossification process of forming bone  
osteoblasts immature bone cells  
osteocytes mature bone cells  
articular cartilage covers ends of bones, prevent rubbing  
cancellous bone inside bone (spongy), has spaces  
compact bone dense hard exterior surface of bone  
cortical bone another name for compact bone  
diaphysis long shaft in long bones  
epiphysis the wider ends of long bones  
flat bones plate shaped bones, Ex; sternum, scapulae, pelvis, ribs  
irregular bones irregular shaped bones, Ex: vertebrae  
long bones bones that are longer than wide, Ex: femur, humerous  
medullary cavity open canal in center of bone  
periosteum membrane around the bone, have vessels&nerves  
red bone marrow inside space of spongy bone  
short bones as long as they are wide, Ex: carpals, tarsals  
spongy bone cancellous bone, lacks osteons  
yellow bone marrow inside the center cavity, fat cells  
condyle smooth, round projection at end of bone  
epicondyle projection above or on a condyle  
fissure slit type opening  
foramen smooth, round opening for nerves & blood ves.  
fossa shallow cavity or depression on bone  
head ball-shaped end on long bone  
neck narrow area that separates the head of bone from the shaft  
process a bony projection  
sinus hollow cavity in bone  
trochanter large, blunt process, (on femur protrudes below neck), type of tuberosity  
tubercle small rough process for tendon attachment  
tuberosity large rough process for tendon/muscle attachment  

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