skeletal system pg 85-92

Popularity (by total correct streak): 62
Popularity (by number of users): 2


axial skeleton division of skeleton with ribs, spinal column, & skull  
hyoid bone u-shaped, between mandible& larnyx (for speech)  
intervertebral disc fibrocartilage discs between vertebrae  
ribs # 24, or 12 pairs of ribs  
true ribs 7 pairs, attached to sternum  
false ribs 3 pairs, attached to last true rib  
floating ribs 2 pairs, attached to vertebral column  
sternum chest bone  
sternum parts(3) manubrium (top triangle), body, xiphiod process  
costal cartilage cartilage attaching ribs to sternum or each other  
cranial bones 8 bones of the skull  
frontal bone forehead (1) cranial  
parietal bone main roof &sides (2)  
temporal bone behind ears, base of cranium (2)  
occipital bone back& base of head (1)  
spheniod bone bat-shaped, near and behind eyes (1)  
ethmoid bone eye orbit, nose, & floor of cranium  
facial bones 14 bones of the face  
lacrimal bone inner corner of eye (2)  
nasal bone septum & bridge of nose (1)  
maxilla upper jaw (1)  
mandible lower jaw (1)  
zygomatic bone cheekbones (2)  
vomer bone base of nasal septum (1)  
palatine bone palate of mouth & floor of nose (1)  
vertebre # 24  
cervical vertebra # 7, neck region  
thoracic vertebra # 12, chest region with ribs  
lumbar vertebra # 5, small of back, waist region  
sacrum 1, 5 vertebrae fused together, trigular flat bone at base  
coccyx 1, 3-5 small fused vertebra, at bottom  
appendicular skeleton pectoral grindles, upper limbs, lower limbs, pelvic gridles  
pectorial girdles (4) clavicles & scapulas  
clavicle (2) collar bone  
scapula (2) shoulder blade  
upper limbs # (60) humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metac., phalanges  
humerus (1*2) upper arm bone (largest of arm)  
radius (1*2) thumb side of forearm, rotates around  
ulna (1*2)little finger side of forearm, goes under  
carpal (8*2) bones of the wrist  
metacarpal (5*2) bones of the palm  
phalanges (14*2) finger bones, finger have 3, thumbs 2  
pelvic girdles (6) ilium, pubis, ischium  
ilium (1*2) upper part of hipbone  
ischium (1*2) lowest back part of hipbone  
pubis (1*2) lower-mid front part of hipbone  
lower limbs # (60) femur, tibia, fibula, patella, tarsal, metat., phalanges  
femur (1*2) thigh bone, largest in body  
patella (1*2) knee cap  
tibia (1*2) shin bone  
fibula (1*2) thin, long on the side in calf  
tarsals (7*2) ankle & heel  
metatarsals (5*2) foot bones  
phalanges (14*2) toe bones, toe-three, big toe-2  
os coxae another name for pelvic girdle  
innominate bone another name for pelvic girdle  
articulation joint  
types of joint synovial, cartilaginous, fibrous  
bursa sac of connective tissue, lined with synovial membrane (in synovial joint)  
cartilaginous joints some movement, firm hold (right&left pubic bones)  
fibrous joints almost no movement (skull)  
joint capsule elastic enclosure of a synovial joint  
synovial fluid secrete by membrane for lubrication  
synovial joint freely moving joint type (ball & socket, etc)  
synovial membrane lines synovial joint capsules  

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