skeletal system pg 98-101

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Ewing's sarcoma malignant growth in shaft of long bones (removal=treatment)  
osteogenic sarcoma most common bone cancer, begins in osteocytes  
osteomalacia softening, deficiency in sun & vit D  
osteoporosis decrease in bone mass, thining, bone=porous  
Paget's disease common metabolic dis., bone destruction&deformity (mid-aged&elderly)  
rickets defiency in calcium & vit. D, childhood, deformities, bow legs  
ankylosing spondylitis inflammation of spine, gradual stiffening &fusion (men more than women)  
hernaited nucleus pulposus protrusion of disc (hernaited disc or ruptured disc)  
scoliosis abnormal lateral curvature of spin  
spina bifida congential, no vertebrae around spinal cord  
spinal stenosis narrowing of the spinal canal, causes pressure  
spondylolisthesis sliding of lumbar vertebra  
spondylolosis ankylosing of spine, any degenerative con. of spine  
whiplash injury to bone of cervical spine  
bunion inflammation of bursa of the base of big toe  
dislocation bones in joint of displaced, ends not in contact  
osteoarthritis degen. of bones&joints (esp weight bearing)  
rheumatiod arthritis chronic inflammation of joints, autoimmune  
sprain damage to ligament, over stretching  
subluxation incomplete dislocation  
systemic lupus erythematosus chronic, inflammatory, autoimmune, of connective tissue  
talipes congenital deform of ankle, clubfoot  
arthrography pic of joint by injection of contrast medium  
bone scan nuclear med, radioactive dye, pic of bone (shows stress fractures&cancers)  
dual-energy absorptiometry measures bone density with low-dose x-rays (looking for osteoporosis)  
myelography spinal column study, inject constrast, finds herniated  
radiography imaging using x-rays, esp. bone&joints  
arthoscopy viewing inside of joint with camera  
amputation removal of part or whole limb  
arthoscopic surgery surgery that views inside of joint with camera  
bone graft part of bone taken to repair defect at another site  
bunionectomy removal of bursa of great toe  
laminectomy removal of vertebral posterior arch (correct severe back problems)  
percutaneous diskectomy removal of disc, sucked out or laser  
spinal fusion surgical immbolization  
total hip arthroplasty implanting prosthetic hip (total hip replacement)  
total knee arthroplasty implanting prosthetic knee (total knee replacement)  
fixation stablize fractured bone  
reduction correcting by realigning fragments  
traction apply pulling force to fractured or dislocated limb  
bone reabsorption inhibitors reduces reaborbtion (helps osteoporosis, Paget's)  
calicium & vit D therapy high blood of lvls of Ca&vitD, maintains density, treats osteomalacia,-porosis,&rickets  
corticosteriods adernal cortex hormone, strong anti-inflammatory (RA treatment)  
nonsteroidal anti-inflammoratory drugs mild pain relief & anti-inflammotatory (ex advil)  

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