cardiovascular system pp130-140

Popularity (by total correct streak): 69
Popularity (by number of users): 1


angi/o vessel  
aort/o aorta  
arteri/o artery  
ather/o fatty substance  
atri/o artrium  
cardi/o heart  
coron/o heart  
hemangi/o blood vessel  
phleb/o vein  
sphygm/o pulse  
steth/o chest  
thromb/o clot  
valv/o valve  
valvul/o valve  
vascul/o blood vessel  
vas/o vessel, duct  
ven/o vein  
ventricul/o ventricle  
-manometer instrument to measure pressure  
-ole small  
-tension pressure  
-ule small  
arteries carry blood Away from heart  
blood vessels arteries, veins, & capillaries  
capillaries where body tiss. exchange gases  
carbon dioxide waste produced from metabolism, transported to lungs, liver, kidneys  
oxygen distrubuted to cells  
circulatory system other name for cardiovascular (CV)  
deoxygened bluish blood without Oxygen (transported to lungs)  
heart 4 chambered muscular pump/ organ, 60-100 bpm  
oxygen obtained in lungs, tranport to cells  
oxygenated red blood going toward cells  
pulmonary circulation CV circuit between heart & lungs  
systemic circulation CV circuit carries blood away from heart and back again  
vein vessels carry blood toward the heart, have valves&thinner walls  
apex lower tip of the heart  
cardiac muscle fibers tissue that makes the heart  
endocardium inner layer, lines heart chambers, reduce friction of blow flow  
epicardium outer layer,  
myocardium musclar middle layer, contraction=^pressure for pumping  
parietal pericardium outer layer of pericardium  
pericardium double layer plueral sac, encloses epicardium, fluid between reduce friction when heart beats  
viseral pericardium inner layer of pericardium, =epicardium  
atria upper 2 chambers of the heart, recieving chambers  
interatrial septum wall between the artia  
ventricles lower 2 chambers of the heart, pumping chambers, thick wall  
cusps leaflets  
atrioventricular valve controls blood flow between atrium & ventricle, makes Lub  
semilunar valve valve shaped like a half moon, make dub  
tricuspid valve from rt. atrium into rt. ventricle, atrioventricular  
pulmonary valve flows from rt. ventricle to pulmonary artery, semilunar  
mitral valve (bicuspid) from left artruim to left venticle  
aortic valve from left ventricle to aorta, semilunar  
aorta largest artery, from left vent into this  
diastole when the chamber is relaxed, lower #  
inferior vena cava lower of 2 large veins, enters rt. atrium  
pulmonary artery recieves blood from rt vent, carry to lungs  
pulmonary veins carries blood to left atrium  
superior vena cava upper of 2 large veins, enters rt. atrium  
systole contraction phase, higher #  
order of pumping (6) vena cava to rt-Atrium, tric. valve, rt. vent to pulmon art. to lungs, pulmonary veins to lf. atrium, mitral valve, lf. vent. to aorta  
sinoatrial (SA) node pacemaker, where electric impulse begins, atrium systole  
atrioventricular node 2nd stimulated, transfers to AV bundle  
atrioventricular bundle also bundle of His  
bundle branches part of the elect. system stemming from AV bundle  
Purkinje fibers in vent. myocardium (triggers vent. systole)  
lumen channel in a blood vessel  
coronary arteries branch from the aorta, provide blood to myocardium  
arterioles small arteries  
capillary bed a network of sm. blood vessel, made of endothelium  
venules small veins  
blood pressure (BP) measure of force of blood against the wall of a blood vessel  
systolic pressure highest pressure during ventricular systole  
pulse surge of blood after heart contraction  
diastolic pressure blood not pushed, lowest pressure  

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