cardiovascular system pp144-152 path, procedure, rx

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angina pectoris severe pain, constriction around heart, lack of O2 for heart  
arrhythmia irregular heartbeat, some serious; some not  
bundle branch block (BBB) block of e. signal in bundle of His or branches, ventricles beat different than atria, Heart Block  
cardiac arrest complete stopping of heart  
cardiomyopathy any disease of the myocardium, reason for heart transplant  
congenital septal defect hole in septum, born with  
congenital heart failure born with, reduced flow, lf ventricle too weak  
coronary artery disease low blood supply to heart muscle, obstruction blocks  
endocarditis inflam of inner membrane (in chambers), baterial or abnorm immune  
fibrillation serious arrhythmia, quivering of the fibers, ventricular-cause death  
flutter arrhythmia-artia beat to fast but regularly  
heart valve prolapse cusp too loose, blood flows back, common in mitral  
heart valve stenosis cusp too stiff, don't open or shut, any valve  
myocardial infarction (MI) closing of coronary artery, possible dying of heart tissue, heart attack  
myocarditis inflamm. of muscle layer of heart  
pericarditis inflamm. of pericardial sac  
tetralogy of Fallot 4 congential problems, pulmonary stenosis, intervent. septum defect, wrongly placed aorta, & hypertrophy of rt. vent.  
aneurysm weak wall in artery, widens artery (swells)  
arteriosclerosis thick & hard arteries  
atherosclerosis common type of arteriosclerosis, yellow plaque formed  
coarctation of aorta severe congential narrowing of aorta  
embolus obstruction of blood vessel, blood clot broken from thrombus  
hemorrhiod varicose vein in anal region  
hypertension high BP, primary from CV disease, secondary from another disease  
hypotension low BP, from shock, infection, cancer, anemia, or near death  
patent ductus arteriosis (PDA) congental, connection between pulmonary artery & aorta is not closed  
perpheral vascular disease any abnorm condition affect blood vessel outside the heart  
polyarteritis multiple swollen arteries  
Raynaud's phenomenon periodic ischemic attacks in extremities, become cyanotic, cold or emotional stress  
thrombophlebitis inflammation of vein, clot  
thrombus clot in blood vessel  
varicose veins swollen & distended veins, usually legs  
cardiac enzymes tests level of enzymes, increase=heart damage  
serum lipoprotein level tests cholesterol & lipids in blood  
angiography inject dye & X-ray vessels,  
cardiac scan radioactive thallium, scans to visualize heart, determine damage  
Doppler ultrasonography measure sound waves, viscosity of blood & find clots  
echocardiography noninvasive diagnositic, visualize interal cardiac structure & valves  
venography X-ray of veins, tracing venous pulse, find thrombus  
cardiac catherization cath in blood vessel to heart, detect abnorm, collect samples,determine BP  
electrocardiography record of heart's electricity, finds arrhythmia & damage  
Holter monitor portable ECG monitor  
stress testing evaluating CV fitness, treadmill or bike, EKG & O2 levels checked  
cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR, chest compression & artificial respiration  
defibrillation electric shocks to heart, correct severe arrhymia  
extracorporeal circulation routing of blound to heart-lung maching during open heart surgery  
implantable cardioverter-defibrillator device in heart delivering electric shock, correct fibrillation  
pacemaker implantation electric device that control heart beat (implanted)  
thrombolytic therapy drugs dissolving clots (streptokinase, plasminogen activator)  
aneurysmectomy removal of aneurysm  
arterial anastomosis joining of two arteries  
coronary artery bypass graft open heart, other vessel grafted to bypass blocked coronary artery  
embolectomy removal of clot  
endarterectomy removal of diseased inner lining of artery  
heart transplantion replacement of heart  
intracoronary artery stent stent in coronary artery, treat arteriosclerosis  
ligation and stripping treatment for varicose veins, tied off & removed  
percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty treat coronary narrowing, ballon catheter insertedto inflate  
valve replacement replacing valve with artificial  
ace inhibitors produce vasodilation & lower BP  
antiarrhymic reduce or prevent arrhythmia  
anticoagulant prevent blood clot formation  
antilipidemic reduce cholesterol & lipids in blood  
beta-blocker drugs treat hypertension & angina pectoris by lowering heart rate  
calcium channel blockers treats hypertension, angina pectoris, congestive heart failure, heart beats less forcefully  
cardiotonic increase force of heart contraction, treat congestion heart failure  
diuretic increase urine, reduces plasma, lowers BP  
thrombolytic dissolves existing blood clots  
vasoconstrictor contracts walls of blood vessels, raises BP  
vasodilator relaxes walls of blood vessels, increases circulation&lowers BP  

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