blood section of ch6

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agglutin/o clumping  
bas/o base  
chrom/o color  
coagul/o clotting  
eosin/o rosy red  
erythr/o red  
fibrin/o fibers, fibrous  
granul/o granules  
-apheresis removal, carry away  
-cytosis more than norm # of cells  
-emia blood condition  
-globin protein  
-penia abnorm decrease, too few  
-phil attracted to  
-poiesis formation  
-statis standing still, stable  
hem/o blood  
hemat/o blood  
leuk/o white  
morph/o shape, change  
neutr/o neutral  
phag/o eat, swallow  
sangin/o blood  
thromb/o clot  
erythrocytes RBC  
formed elements RBCs, WBCs, & platelets  
hematopoeisis blood cell production  
leukocytes WBCs  
plasma watery liquid of blood  
platelets clotting part of blood  
red blood cells erythrocytes  
white blood cells leukocytes  
chem. in blood Ca,K,Na,fats,glucose, amino acids  
wastes in blood creatinine and urea  
albumin type of plasma protein  
fibrinogen type of plasma protein, blood clotting protein  
gamma globulin antibody plasma protein  
globulins type of plasma protein  
plasma proteins albumin, fibrinogen, globulins  
enucleated contain no nucleus (ex RBC)  
bilrubin waste disposed by liver in old RBC  
hemoglobin iron-containing pigment  
erythrocytes 120 day life, no nucleus, 35 trillion in adults  
agranulocytes without granule in cytoplasm, type of WBC  
granulocytes with granules in cytoplasm, type of WBC  
pathogens bacteria, viruses,& foreign material  
basophils release histamine&heparin to damaged tiss., Granulocyte  
eosinophils destroy parasites, increase during allergy, Granulocyte  
neutrophils phagocytosis, most numerous WBC, Granulocyte  
monocytes phagocytosis, agranulocyte  
lymphocytes many roles in immune, agranulocyte  
agglutinate clump together  
fibrin mesh-like clot  
hemostatis blood-clotting process  
prothrombin clotting protein in blood  
thrombin thromboplastin, Ca, & prothrombin combined, converts fibrinogen to fibrin  
thrombocyte platelet, smallest part of elements  
thromboplastin release by platelet (part of clot)  
universal donor type O  
universal recipient type AB  
fibrinogen fiber producing  
fibrinolysis destruction of fibers  
fibrinous pertaining to fibers  
hemoglobin blood protein  
hemolysis blood destruction  
hemolytic blood destruction  
hematic pertaining to blood  
hemorrhage rapid flow of blood  
hemotologist blood specialist  
hematic pertaining to blood  
sanguinous pertaining to blood  
erythrocyte red cell  
leukocyte white cell  
thrombocyte clotting cell  
granulocyte granular cell  
agranulocyte nongranular cell  
erthryocytosis too many red cells  
leukocytosis too many white cells  
thrombocytosis too many clotting cells  
erthyropenia too few RBC  
leukopenia too few WBC  
thrombopenia too few clotting  
pancytopenia too few of all cells  
erythropoiesis red cell producing  
hematopoiesis blood producing  
leukopoiesis white cell producing  
thrombopoiesis clotting cell producing  
blood clot collection of fibrin, blood cells, & tissue debris  
coagulate convert from liquid to solid  
dyscrasia presence of a disease of blood  
hematology branch, treats&diagnoses blood disease  
hematoma collection of blood under skin, bruise  
hemostatis stop bleeding or stagnation of blood in tissue  
packed cells transfusion of formed elements, NO PLASMA  
whole blood mixture of plasma & formed elements  
hemophilia inherited, blood disease, blood-clotting prolonged, more common in males  
hyperlipidema too much lipids (cholestrol) in blood, likely to develop atherosclerosis  
septicemia bacteria or toxins in the bloodstream (blood poisoning)  
anemia general term, reduction in # of red blood cells or amount of hemoglobin, less O2 gets to tissues  
aplastic anemia severe, loss of red bone marrow, may require transplant  
hemolytic anemia excessive loss of RBCs  
hemolytic reaction reaction to bad/incompatible transfusion  
hypochromic anemia insufficient hemoglobin, RBC not the same color  
iron-deficiency anemia not enough iron to make hemoglobin,  
pernicious anemia insuffient absorption of B12 (needed to make RBCs)  
polycythemia vera too many RBC from marrow, blood is thick  
sickle cell anemia genetic, RBCs have sickle shape, easily broken  
thalassemia genetic, unable to make functioning hemoglobin, anemia type  
leukemia cancer of WBC forming red bone marrow, abnorm WBCs made  
complete blood count (CBC) red count, white count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, white differential, & platelet count  
erythrocyte sedimentation rate rate of settling of RBc, indicate inflammorty disease  
hemacrit volume of RBC in total  
hemoglobin measuring amount of hemoglobin in blood  
platelet count # of platelets  
prothrombin time (PT) measure how long it takes for clot to form  
red blood cell count # of RBC  
red blood cell morphology examining blood of abnorm shape, finds sickle cell & anemia  
sequential multiplier analyzer computer(SMAC) machine for blood chem. tests  
white blood count # of WBC  
white blood differential determines # of each type of WBC  
bony marrow aspiration removing bone marrow by aspiration with needle  
phlebotomy drawing blood from view  
autologous transfusion storing patients' own blood prior to need  
blood transfusion transfer of blood into bloodstream  
bone marrow transfusion receiving red bone marrow from donor  
homologous transfusion blood transfusion from someone else  
plasmapheresis removing plasma without depleting formed elements. other cells returned  
anticoagulant prevents clot formation, thinners  
antihemorrhagic prevents/stops hemorrhaging  
antiplatelet agents prolongs bleeding time, interferes with platelets  
hematinic increase # of RBCs or hemoglobin  
thrombolytic dissolves existing clots  

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