Lymph section of ch6

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adenoid/o adeniods  
immun/o protection  
lymph/o lymph  
lymphaden/o lymph node  
lymphangio/o lymph vessel  
path/o disease  
splen/o spleen  
thym/o thymus  
tonsill/o tonsils  
tox/o poison  
-glubulin protein  
lymphatic system l. vessels, l. nodes, spleen, thymus gl., tonsils  
lacteals lymph vessels around the sm intestine, absorb fat to transport  
lymph fluid in the lymph vessel  
lymphatic capillaries beginning of lymp system, small vessels in tissues  
lymphatic ducts where lymph drains into, (rt. lymphatic duct or thoracic duct)  
right lymphatci duct drains right arm, rt side of neck & chest, empty into rt. subclavian vein  
thoracic duct drains rest of body, empty into left subclavian vein  
valves ensure that lymph moves one way, toward thoracic cavity  
lymph glands (also nodes) sm organs along lymph vess, hold antibodies & lymphocytes  
sites for lymph nodes axillary, cervical, inguinal, mediastinal  
axillary in armpits, drains arms&shoulders&cancer cells from breasts  
cervical in neck, drains head &neck, enlarge w/ upper respiratory infection  
inguinal in groin, drains legs and lower pelvis  
mediastinal in chest, drains chest cavity  
adenoids other name of pharyngeal tonsils  
types of tonsils lingual,palatine, pharyngeal  
pharynx throat  
spleen filters old RBCs, recycles iron, stores extra blood  
blood sinuses part of spleen, slow moving blood  
macrophages line blood sinuses, engulf &remove pathogens  
thymus gland active from fetus to adolence, begins to shrink  
T cells role in imunue response  
T lymphocytes another name for T cells  
thymosin hormone of the thymus, changes lymphocytes to T cells  
immune response series of mechanisms to neutralize agent  
immunity body's defense against pathogens  
pathogens (6) bacteria, cancerous tumors, fungi, toxins, protozoans, viruses  
immunizations vaccinations, types of active aquired immunity exposed to weakened version of disease  
natural immunity innate immuntiy, no prior exposure & not particular to a disease (ex. macrophage)  
passive aquired immunity receving protective substances from elsewhere, placenta or injection  
active acquied immunity after direct exposure to a disease  
antibody protive protein, attaches to antigens  
antigen-antibody complex targets forgein stuff, or prevents damage  
antigens forein proteins that stimulate response  
B cells B lymphocytes, make antibodies  
cellular immunity (cell-mediated immunity), produces T cells, NK cells  
cytotoxic physically attack & destroy pathogens  
humoral immunity a(ntibody-mediated immunity), produces B cells  
natural killer(NK) cells cytotoxic cells  
cross infection aquiring pathogens from another patient or worker  
nosocomial infection exposure to others pathogens in facilities  
Occupational Safety&Health Admin made guideline to avoid spread of disease  
reinfection becoming infecting again with same pathogen  
self-inoculation become infected in different part of the body  
adenoidectomy removal of adenoids  
adenoiditis inflammation of adenoids  
immunologists immunity specialist  
lymphadenectomy removal of lymph gland  
lymphadenopathy lymph gland disease  
lymphangiogram record of lymph vessels  
lymphangioma lymph vessel tumor  
lymphoma lymph tumor  
lymphatic pertaining to lymph  
pathogenic disease producing  
pathology study of disease  
splenectomy removal of spleen  
splenomegaly enlarged spleen  
thymectomy removal of the thymus  
thymoma thymus tumor  
tonsillar pertaining to the tonsils  
tonsillectomy removal of the tonsils  
tonsillitis inflammation of the tonsils  
allergin antigen the causes allergic reaction  
allergist allergy specialist  
allergy hypersensitivity to substance or medicine  
autoimmune disease immune system attack the body as pathogens  
hives appearance of wheals, part of allergic reaction  
human immunodeficiency virus HIV, virus that causes AIDS, retrovirus  
immunocompromised too weak immune system  
immunoglobulins antibodies, secreted by B cells  
immunology branch, treatment of immune diseases  
inflammation tissue response to pathogens, injury, or physical agents (red, swollen, pain, hot)  
lymphedema edema in extremities, from obstruction of lymph vessels  
opportunistic infections infections that take advange of immunocompromised person  
urticaria severe itching with hives, links to food allegry, stress or drug reaction  
anaphylactic shock life threat, severe allergic reaction, respiratory&circulation problems  
elephantiasis inflammation, obstruction&destruction of lymph vessels  
Hodgkin's disease cancer of lymphatic cells, concentrated in nodes  
lymphadenitis inflammation of lymph nodes  
mononucleosis acute infectious disease, abnormal lymphocytes, caused by epstein-barr virus  
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cancer of other lymph tissue than Hodgkin  
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS, disease, defect in cell-mediated immunity, syndrome of opportunist infections  
AIDS related complex early stage of AIDS, + for virus, but only mild symptoms (wgt loss, fatigue, rash, anorexia)  
graft vs. host disease serious complication of bone marrow transplant, donor cells attack recipient  
Kaposi's sarcoma skin cancer common in AIDS, brownish purple  
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia pneumonia common in AIDS  
sarcoidosis unknown cause/auto immune, fibrous lesions in nodes, skin, liver, spleen, eyes, & bones of hands&feet  
severe combined immunodefiency sydrome (SCIDS) children born without functioning immune system (bubble boy)  
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ELISA; blood test for AIDS virus antibody; means there was exposure  
Western blot test after ELISA; confirms; for HIV antibody  
lymphangiography X-ray of lymph vessels; flow is traced  
monospot test for mononucleosis  
scratch test allergy testing, exposed to allergens via pricks/scratches  
immunotherapy inject antibodies to treat disease, (ex antivenom for snakebites)  
vaccination exposure to weak pathogen, to produce antibodies  
lymphadenectomy removal of lymph node, test for malignancy  
antihistamine block effects of histamine in allergic reactions  
corticosteriods anti-inflammatory, treats auto immune disease  
immunosuppressants block certain action of immune, prevent rejection of transplant  
protease inhibitor inhibits protease, enzyme viruses need  
reverse transcriptase inhibitor inhibits r. transcriptase,enzyme viruses need  

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