Popularity (by total correct streak): 0
Popularity (by number of users): 0
adipose | pertaining to fatty tissue throughout the body | |
ambilateral | pertaining to both sides | |
anatomy | literally means to cut up or to cut apart; the study of the structure of an organism such as humans. A specialist in the field of anatomy can learn about the structure of the human body by cutting apart. This process is called dissection | |
android | To resemble man | |
anterior | pertaining to a surface or part situated toward the front of the body | |
apex | pointed end of a cone-shaped structure | |
base | lower part or foundation of a structure | |
bilateral | pertaining to two sides | |
biology | study of life | |
caudal | pertaining to the tail | |
center | midpoint of a body or activity | |
chromosome | microscopic bodies that carry the genes that determine hereditary characteristics | |
cilia | hairlike processes that project from epithelial cells; they help propel mucus, dust particles, and other foreign substances from the respiratory tract | |
cranial | pertaining to the cranium ( the portion of the skull that contains the brain) | |
cytology | study of cells | |
deep | far down from the surface | |
dehydrate | to remove water; to lose or be deprived of water from the body; to become dry | |
diffusion | process in which parts of a substance move from areas of high concentration to areas of lower concentration | |
distal | farthest from the center or point of origin | |
dorsal | pertaining to the back side of the body | |
ectomorph | slender physical body form marked by predominance of tissue derived from the ectoderm (the outer layer of cells in the developing embryo) | |
endomorph | round physical body form marked by predominance of tissue derived from the endoderm (the inner layer of cells in the developing embryo) | |
filtration | process of filtering or straining particles from a solution | |
gene | hereditary unit that transmits and determines one's characteristics or hereditary traits | |
histology | study of tissue | |
homeostatis | state of equilibrium maintained in the body's internal environment | |
horizontal | pertaining to the horizon, of or near the horizon, lying flat, even, level | |
human genome | complete set of genes and chromosomes tucked inside each of the body's trillions of cells | |
inferior | pertaining to below or in a downward direction | |
inguinal | pertaining to the groin, of or near the groin | |
internal | pertaining to within or the inside | |
karyogenesis | formation of a cell's nucleus | |
lateral | pertaining to the side | |
medial | pertaining to the middle or midline | |
mesomorph | well-proportioned body form marked by predominance of tissue derived from the mesoderm ( the middle layer of cells in the developing embryo) | |
organic | pertaining to the organ or organs; pertaining to or derived from vegetable or animal forms of life | |
pathology | study of disease | |
perfusion | process of pouring through | |
phenotype | physical appearance or type of makeup of an individual | |
physiology | study of the nature of living organisms | |
posterior | pertaining to the back part of a structure; toward the back | |
protoplasm | essential matter of a living cell | |
proximal | nearest the center or point of origin; nearest the point of attachment | |
somatotrophic | pertaining to stimulation of body growth | |
superficial | pertaining to the surface, on or near the surface | |
superior | pertaining to above or in an upward direction | |
systemic | pertaining to the body as a whole | |
topical | pertaining to a place, definite locale | |
unilateral | pertaining to one side | |
ventral | pertaining to the front side of the body, abdomen, belly surface | |
vertex | top or highest point; top or crown of the head | |
visceral | pertaining to body organs enclosed within a cavity, especially abdominal organs |
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