Lesson 35 vocab from Ross' textbook

Popularity (by total correct streak): 9
Popularity (by number of users): 3


דּוֹר/דֹּר generation; age; period  
יָדָה give thanks; praise; (Hithpael) to confess; (Hiphil) to acknowledge  
יָהַב (Qal) to give  
יָטַב (Qal) to be good; well; pleasing  
יָמִין right-hand  
יָסַף (Qal) to add; (Hiphil) to add  
יָרָה point; cast; (Hiphil) to throw; teach; (Qal) to throw; direct  
יָרַשׁ take possession; (Qal) to inherit; dispossess  
יָשֵׁן/יָשַׁן (Qal) to sleep  
יָשַׁע deliver; (Niphal) to be saved; (Hiphil) to save  
יָתַר (Niphal) to be left over; remain over; (Hiphil) to leave; let remain  
לְבַד alone  
קָרוֹב near  
רָחוֹק (adj.) far; distant; (n) distance  

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