English ~ Chinese

Popularity (by total correct streak): 45
Popularity (by number of users): 3


lecture 讲 座 jiǎng zuò  
knowledge 知 识 zhī shí  
economy 经 济 jīng jì  
talk, speak 讲 jiǎng  
society 社会 shè huì  
background 背 景 bèi jǐng  
other, besides 另 外 lìng wài  
main, chief 主 要 zhǔ yào  
vocabulary 词 汇 cí huì  
enough 够 gòu  
special field of study, speciality 专 业 zhuān yè  
master 掌握 zhǎng wò  
about, around 左右 zuǒ yòu  
complete, whole 完 全 wán quán  
expert 专 家 zhuān jiā  
more than, above 以 上 yǐ shàng  
true, truly, exact 可 不 是 kě bú shì  
give instructions, assign 布 置 bù zhì  
thesis, paper 论 文 lùn wén  
VCD 影 碟 yǐng dié  
particularly, especially 特 tè  
interesting 好 看 hǎo kàn  
photography, taking pictures 摄 影 shè yǐng  
put out, give out 放 fàng  
quite a while, a long time 半 天 bàn tiān  
( suceeding in ) 着 zháo  
go through a procedure, handle 办 bàn  
visa 签 证 qiān zhèng  
handbag 手 提 包 shǒu tí bāo  
pocket 口 袋 kǒu dài  
forgetful 丢三落四 diū sān là sì  

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