Medical Terminology

Popularity (by total correct streak): 89
Popularity (by number of users): 2


A Away From; Negative  
Algia Pain  
Append/o Appendix  
Arteri/o Artery  
Arthr/o Joint  
carcin/o cancerous  
cardi/o heart  
centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid  
col/o colon  
ectomy surgical removal  
emia blood; blood condition  
endo within; inside  
gastr/o stomach  
graphy writing; process of recording  
hem/o blood; relating to blood  
hepat/o liver  
hyster/o uterus  
itis inflammation  
laryng/o larynx; voice box  
lymph/o lymphatic tissue  
malacia softening  
myel/o spinal cord; bone marrow  
my/o muscle  
nephr/o kidney  
neur/o nerve or pertaining to nerves  
ology study of or science of  
oma tumor or mass  
osis abnormal condition  
oste/o bone  
ostomy outlet; cutting; incision  
ot/o ear  
otomy cutting or incision  
pathy disease; suffering  
peri around or surrounding  
plasty surgical repair  
psych/o mind  
rrhage bursting forth  
rrhaphy suture or stitch  
rrhea to flow or discharge  
sclerosis hardening  
scopy to see, visual examination  
spasm sudden contracting of muscles  
stasis stopping; controling  
tonsill/o inflammation of tonsils  
ABGs Arterial Blood Gases  
ABO Blood Group System  
BUN Blood Uria Nitrogen  
CBC Complete Blood Count  
CO2 Carbon Dioxide  
Crit Hematocrit  
Diff Differential Count of White Blood Cell  
Hb, Hgb Hemoglobin  
Hct Hematocrit  
HIV Human Immunodifficiency Virus  
K+ Potassium  
Mg++ Magnesium  
Na+ Sodium  
NPO Nothing By Mouth  
O2 Oxygen  
PT Prothrombin Time/Protime  
Pt patient  
RBC Red Blood Cells/Red Blood Count  
Sed rate Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)  
Stat Immediately  
T&C Type & Crossmatch or Type & X  
UA, ua Urinalysis  
UTI Urinary Tract Infection  
WBC White Blood Cell/White Blood Count  
AIDS Acquired Immune Difficiency Syndrome  
ASAP As Soon As Possible  
BBT Basal Body Temperature  
BC Blood Culture  
Bio Life  
BM Bowel Movement  
B/P Blood Pressure  
BS Blood Sugar  
C Carbon  
C&S Culture & Sensitivity  
CAT Computerized Axial Tomography Scan  
CCU Coronary Care Unit  
CDC Center for Disease Control  
ABR Absolute Bed Rest  
Aer/o Air or Aerobic  
ATP Adenosine Triphosphate  

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