First chapter of Call of the Wild with vocabulary and roots
Popularity (by total correct streak): 0
Popularity (by number of users): 2
antagonist | the principal opponent or adversary of the main character | |
author | the person who writes a book, story, article | |
character | a person in the story | |
climax | the point of highest interest when the fate of the main character is decided | |
colloqualism | informal spoken or written language | |
closure | conclusion, finish, ending | |
definition sentence | meaning a word is given within the sentence | |
epilogue | information added to the end of a novel | |
fable | short story with animals that speak like humans; teaches a lesson | |
fiction | not a fact; made up | |
flashback | a break in a story to show an event in the past | |
foreshadow | hints or clues to suggest what will happen later in a story | |
genre | kind; sort | |
hyperbole | exaggeration | |
legend | a story handed down from earlier times after believed to be historically true | |
plot | pattern or system of events and actions that make up the story | |
protagonist | the hero or character in a story around whom the interest centers | |
prose | not poetry | |
setting | time, place of story | |
simile | comparison using like or as | |
gen | beginning, race | |
re | back, again | |
co, com, con, col, cor | with, together | |
glac | ice | |
im, in, il, ir, ig | not | |
de | down, away | |
inter | between | |
bel | war | |
vis | see | |
mono | one | |
dis | not | |
mal | bad | |
uni | one | |
anim | spirit | |
pel | drive | |
_less | totally without | |
ver | truth | |
epi | outside, on | |
log | account, word | |
Buck | a St. Bernard-Scotch sheherd who is kidnapped | |
Buck's original owner | Judge Miller | |
the gardener who kidnaps Buck | Manuel | |
When was Buck kidnapped? | at night while Judge Miller was sleeping | |
Where was Buck first taken? | to a train station | |
How long was Buck on the train? | 2 days and nights | |
How was Buck treated? | Badly - no food or water | |
Morgan | The man in charge of all the stolen dogs | |
What weapon did Morgan have? | a club |
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