Avancemos text 1: Unidad 2: Leccion 1 (Reversed)
Popularity (by total correct streak): 80
Popularity (by number of users): 3
At what time is? | A que hora es? | |
What time is it? | Que hora es? | |
At... o'clock | A la(s) | |
It is... o'clock | Es la... / Son las... | |
In the morning (with a time) | De la manana | |
In the afternoon (with a time) | De la tarde | |
At night (with a time) | De la noche | |
Hour; time | La hora | |
Schedule | El horario | |
To; before (telling time) | Menos | |
Minute | El minuto | |
Quarter Past | .. y cuatro | |
(Ten) past | ... y (diez) | |
Half past | ...y media | |
Art | El arte | |
Science | Las ciencias | |
Spanish | El espanol | |
History | La historia | |
English | El ingles | |
Math | Las mathematicas | |
To answer | Contestar | |
To teach | Ensenar | |
To arrive | Ilegar | |
To need | Necesitar | |
To get a good grade | Sacar una buena nota | |
To get a bad grade | Scar una mala nota | |
To take notes | Tomar aputes | |
To use the computer | Usar la computadora | |
Once in a while | De vez en cuando | |
Often, many times | Muchas veces | |
A lot | Mucho | |
Never | Nunca | |
Always | Siempre | |
Every day | Todas los dias | |
Almost | Casi | |
How many... ? | Cuantos(as)? | |
Difficult | Dificil | |
In | En | |
Exam, test | El examen (pl. los examenes) | |
Easy | Facil | |
There is, there are... | Hay... | |
Many | Muchos(as) | |
Late | Tarde | |
Early | Temprano | |
To have to | Tener que |
Quisition is a browser-based flashcard system that repeats old cards and introduces new ones at optimal time intervals. You can create your own card packs or use those developed by others.