Avancemos text 1: Unidad 2: Leccion 1 (Reversed)

Popularity (by total correct streak): 80
Popularity (by number of users): 3


At what time is? A que hora es?  
What time is it? Que hora es?  
At... o'clock A la(s)  
It is... o'clock Es la... / Son las...  
In the morning (with a time) De la manana  
In the afternoon (with a time) De la tarde  
At night (with a time) De la noche  
Hour; time La hora  
Schedule El horario  
To; before (telling time) Menos  
Minute El minuto  
Quarter Past .. y cuatro  
(Ten) past ... y (diez)  
Half past ...y media  
Art El arte  
Science Las ciencias  
Spanish El espanol  
History La historia  
English El ingles  
Math Las mathematicas  
To answer Contestar  
To teach Ensenar  
To arrive Ilegar  
To need Necesitar  
To get a good grade Sacar una buena nota  
To get a bad grade Scar una mala nota  
To take notes Tomar aputes  
To use the computer Usar la computadora  
Once in a while De vez en cuando  
Often, many times Muchas veces  
A lot Mucho  
Never Nunca  
Always Siempre  
Every day Todas los dias  
Almost Casi  
How many... ? Cuantos(as)?  
Difficult Dificil  
In En  
Exam, test El examen (pl. los examenes)  
Easy Facil  
There is, there are... Hay...  
Many Muchos(as)  
Late Tarde  
Early Temprano  
To have to Tener que  

Quisition is a browser-based flashcard system that repeats old cards and introduces new ones at optimal time intervals. You can create your own card packs or use those developed by others.