Popularity (by total correct streak): 13
Popularity (by number of users): 1


zhào 照 to take photograph  
guāngquān 光圈 aperature  
duì 对 set  
闭 close  
yóuhuà 油画 oil painting  
fàngdà 放大 enlarge  
bèi 倍 times,- fold  
yǎnjìng 眼镜 eye glasses  
shuāi 摔 fall, tumble  
破 be broken  
chà(yì)diǎnr 差(一)点儿 nearly; barley  
dǔchē 堵车 traffic jam  
pèng 碰 meet, run into  
起 ( a quantifier for accidents)  
zàochéng 造成 cause, bring about  
shìgù 事故 accident  
zhěngzhěng 整整 exactly ( used to indicate a fairly large round number)  
biétíle 别提了 no need to mention  
dǎo méi 倒霉 out of luck, get in trouble  
shuaī jiāo 摔跤 have a fall  
diào 掉 drop  
chūlái 出来 come out  
dìshang 地上 ground  
zūnshǒu 遵守 abide by  
guīzé 规则 rule  
bǎozhèng 保证 guarantee  
yōngjǐ 拥挤 be crowded  
yuányīn 原因 cause, reason  
zhī yī 之一 one of  
yǐnqǐ 引起 arouse  
gǎnkuài 赶快 hurriedly, quickly  
fāzhǎn 发展 develop  
dìtiě 地铁 subway  
jiǎo 脚 foot  
pèng 碰 knock , bump  
suì 碎 broken to pieces  

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