Akkadian Nouns - Lessons 1-5 - Old Babylonian

Popularity (by total correct streak): 111
Popularity (by number of users): 2


abum father  
ālum town, city  
amtum female slave, womanservant  
bēlum lord, master, owner  
ḫurāṣum gold  
iltum goddess  
ilum god  
kaspum silver  
mārtum daughter  
mārum son  
qaqqadum head, top; person; principle (amount)  
ṣabum gang, army, troop(s); worker, soldier  
šarratum queen  
šarrum king  
wardum male slave, manservant  
aššatum wife  
išdum base, foundation, bottom; lower extremities; administration, organization (of a gov't)  
šīpātum wool  
bītum house, estate, household  
īnum eye; spring  
emūqūm strenght, power, force, ability; armed forces; value (also used in the dual and pl. with the same meanings)  
libbum heart; mind, thought, wish; inside, center, midst  
mutum husband, man  
nārum river, canal  
ummum mother  
uznum ear; wisdom, understanding  
ṭuppum (clay) tablet, document, letter  
awīlum human being, person; grown man; free man; boss  
mātum country (poly unit), native land; land, open country  
qātum hand; care, charge, responsibility  
ina qātim ša from (a person, with verbs of receiving, taking, seizing, etc.); in the charge of, under the authority of (a person); through the agency of (a person)  
qātam ṣabātum to help  
qātam šakānnum to begin; + ana + infin: 'to do'; + ana + noun: 'begin work on''  
qātātum guarantee, secuirty, pledge  
šarrāqum thief  
aḫum brother  
alpum ox, bull  
eṭlum young man, youth  
kakkum weapon  
napištum life, vigor, good health; person; personnel; self; throat  
šamnum oil, fat  
šikarum beer, intoxicating liquid  
ḫarrānum path, road, way; journey; military expedition, campaign; caravan;  
ḫarrānam ṣabātum to take to the road; undertake a campaign  
kalbum dog  
kišādum neck, throat; bank (of a river, canal, etc.)  
šēpum foot  
narkabtum (war-) chariot  

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