Akkadian Prepositions - Lessons 1-5 - Old Babylonian
Popularity (by total correct streak): 38
Popularity (by number of users): 1
ana | to, toward, unto, for; temporally: for, (with)in | |
ina | in, into, at, among; with (things), by means of, by; from, from within (a place, w/vbs of motion and taking/seizing); see; temporally: in, on, at the time of | |
ištu | from, out of, away from (a place); temporally: since | |
itti | with (pp, dieties), in the company of, from (a person, w/vbs of taking/recieving) | |
ša | the one of; of | |
eli | on, upon, over, above, towards, against, beyond, more than | |
ul (or ula) | not | |
kīma | like, as, according to, instead of |
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