humanities vocab practice

Popularity (by total correct streak): 76
Popularity (by number of users): 2


local color the use of details that are common in a certain region or country  
melodrama is an exagerated sensional form of drama  
mood the feeling that arouses the reader  
moral value or lesson learned  
motif a tearm for a often repeted idea or theme  
myth a story that attempts to explain a natural phenomenom  
narration writting that realtes to a series or events  
narrator person telling the story  
novel lengthy ficitonal story with a plot  
novella is a prose work longer than a standad story  
oxymoron combination of contradictory tearms  
parable is a short story that illustrates a belief or moral  
paradox a statement that contrary to common sense  
parody form of litterature intended to mock something  
plot the action or sequences of events in a story  
plot is the graphic display of action or events in a story  
poetic justice a character  
poetry is an imaginative response to an experience  
point of view the vantage point from which the story is told  
protagonist main character or hero of the story  
pseudonym false name used in place of a writters realy name  
pun a word or phrase which is used in such a way to suggest more than one possible meaning  

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