greek and latin roots quiz
Popularity (by total correct streak): 227
Popularity (by number of users): 6
Micro- | small | |
mono- | one, single | |
multi- | many | |
anthropo- | man | |
-logy | study of, science of | |
phono- | sound | |
photo- | light | |
post- | after | |
pre- | before | |
anti- | against | |
pseudo- | false | |
thermo- | heat, temperature | |
psycho- | mind | |
helio- | sun | |
macro- | large | |
bio- | life | |
chrono- | time | |
circum- | around | |
auto- | self | |
aqua- | water | |
poly- | many | |
zyg- | pair | |
neuro- | nerve | |
corpus- | body | |
derm- | skin | |
hemi- | half | |
avi- | bird | |
chlor- | green | |
opthalamo- | eye | |
sub- | below, under | |
entomo- | insect | |
contra- | against | |
cardi- | heart | |
magni- | great, large | |
hypo- | below, under | |
zoo- | animal | |
sect- | cut | |
sphere- | round, globe | |
ornitho- | bird | |
phyll | leaf | |
octo- | eight (8) | |
bene- | good | |
morpho- | form | |
epi- | upon | |
hetero- | mixed | |
entero- | intestine | |
-ectomy | cut out | |
denti-, -dont | tooth, teeth | |
-phil(e) | loving | |
-onym | name | |
neo- | new | |
arthro- | joint | |
gastro- | stomach | |
sol- | alone | |
dys- | faulty, bad | |
ped- | child | |
chrom- | color | |
luna- | moon | |
exo- | outside | |
som(e)- | body | |
super- | over, above | |
intro- | within | |
de- | down, away | |
ex- | out of, from | |
nephro- | kidney | |
per- | through | |
erg- | work | |
-itis | inflammation | |
-osis | abnormal | |
natal- | birth | |
frater- | brother | |
scribo- | write | |
gen- | race, kind | |
pedi-, pod- | foot | |
com- | with |
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