Popularity (by total correct streak): 0
Popularity (by number of users): 5
Variable Ration Schedule | Hardest to extinguish or reduce | |
Fixed Ration Schedule | Easier to reduce than on variable ration schedule | |
Variable Interval Schedule | Behavior reinforced after a variable internal of time | |
Fixed Interval Schedule | Easiest to reduce or extinguish | |
Becks Cognitive Therapy | Goal is to help clients see the connections between their cognitions and emotions | |
Premack Principle | The reinforcer is a frequently occurring behavior that is used to improve a secondary behavior | |
Biologically based phobias | generally viewed as unconditioned responses | |
Socially based phobias | Considered to be conditioned (learned) responses | |
Operant Conditioning includes these techniques: | Stimulus control, self monitoring, overcorrection and response cost | |
Response cost | Involves the removal of a specific positive reinforcement each time a behavior is performed, | |
Mnemonic devises are: | Superior to rote rehearsal in short term memory | |
Elaboration | Best for both short term and long term memory | |
Interference Hypothesis | Been used specifically to explain age related deficits in selective attention | |
Behavioral Chain | Failure to initiate the sequence of responses is often a problem because the person will not receive the final (primary) reinforcer untilt he chain has been completed. | |
D.R.O | Differential Reinforcement for other Behavior | |
Differential Reinforcement for other behavior is used: | Both to eliminate an underirable behavior and establish alternative (desirable) behaviors | |
Diathesis Stress Model | Describes illness as the result of a combination of vulnerability and stress | |
Becks cognitive theory of depression identifies ______ as the source of vulnerability. | Cognitive factors | |
Two Factor Theory | It describes phobic reactions as involving both classical conditioning and negative reinforcement. | |
Decatastrophizing (Beck's Cognitive Strategy) | Useful for people with an Anxiety Disorder since they tend to overestimate the risk and consequences of perceived danger. | |
Shaping | Involves reinforcing successive approximations to the target behavior | |
Albert Bandura's Theory of Self Efficacy | It proposes that people undertake activities they beleive they are capable of performing. | |
What are the four sources of self efficacy that Bandura has identified: | Past accomplishments, observations of others, verbal persuasion, logical verification | |
Divergent Thinking | Think flexible and consider a wide range of soulutions | |
Creative Thinking is most associated with what type of thinking? | Divergent | |
Crystallized Intelligence is associated with what type of thinking? | Convergent Thinking | |
What is crystallized intelligence | Ability to utilize previously acquired skills, knowledge and experiences | |
What is fluid intelligence | It is the ability to draw inferences and understand the relationships of various concepts, independent of acquired knowledge. Find meaning in confusion and solve new problems | |
Emotional reasoning is: | I feel, therefore I am |
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