Aramaic vocab from Lesson XV
Popularity (by total correct streak): 980
Popularity (by number of users): 37
אֲזָה | to light, heat | |
אֲרִיךְ | fitting, becoming | |
אֶשְׁתַּדּוּר | revolt | |
אתה | Haphel-to bring | |
דָּכְרָן | record (book) | |
הוךְ | to go | |
הֲלַךְ | to go, reach | |
הלךְ | Pael/Aphel-to walk about | |
חרב | Hophal-to be laid waste | |
ידה | Haphel/Aphel-to praise | |
יצא | Shaphel-to finish, be finished | |
מְלַח | verb-to eat salt, be under obligation of loyalty; noun-salt | |
סבל | Poel-to bring, lay, preserve | |
סֲגַר | to shut | |
סלק | Haphel-to take up; Hophal-to be lifted up | |
עַרְוָה | nakedness, shame | |
שֵׁיצִיא | to finish, be finished | |
שְׁתָה | to drink |
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