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What is publicity? It involves securing editorial spaces as divorced from paid space, in all media read, viewed, or heard by a company's customers or prospects, for the specific purpose of assisting in the meeting of sales goals  
Explain the cost of publicity. With publicity, we do not pay for the medium, but we do pay for the PR team--the people who produce the stories.  
4 Kinds of Publicity 1)news release 2)feature article 3)captioned photograph 4)press conference  
What is the difference between a news release and a feature article? A news release is a single page, usually under 300 words. A feature article is a longer manuscript prepared for a specific publication.  
3 Benefits of Publicity 1)makes people aware of firm's product 2)helps company maintain a positive image 3)enhances a particular image  
3 Requirements of a Publicity Program 1)create & maintain a systematic, continuous publicity program 2)establish good relations with the media 3)avoid poorly written material  

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