Personal Selling

Popularity (by total correct streak): 2
Popularity (by number of users): 2


What is Personal Selling? Informing customers and persuading them to purchase products through personal communication in an exchange situation. It is face-to-face p??romotion.  
9 Steps of the Personal Selling Process 1)Prospecting 2)Preapproach 3)Approach 4)Make the Presentation 5)Trial Close 6)Overcome Objections 7)Trial Close Again 8)Close 9)Follow Up  
What is a Lead? the name of a person  
What is a Suspect? an unqualified lead  
What is a Prospect? a qualified lead  
Describe what needs to be done during the preapproach step in personal selling. Preapproach is all about preparation. 1)define your objective 2)create a prospect profile--make sure you know who is the decision maker 3)develop a prospect benefit plan (FAB) 4)rehearse your sales presentation  
How should a salesperson present herself during the approach? 1)wear business clothes, be well-groomed 2)don't smoke or chew gum 3)don't bring umbrella/overcoat inside 4)good posture 5)ask for a seat 6)be positive, don't talk about competitors 7)smile and maintain eye contact 8)shake hands firmly 9)learn to pronounce the prospect's name 10)do not apologize for taking the prospect's time  
What should a salesperson do when making the presentation? 1)use logical reasoning 2)make it fun 3)personalize by flattering the prospect 4)build trust (be honest) 5)use body language 6)control the presentation 7)be a diplomat (retreat if prospect's temper rises) 8)use the Paul Harvey dialogue--save the best for last 9)use simile, metaphor, analogy  
How is a trial close different from an actual close? In a trial close, the salesperson asks the prospect if he likes the feature of a product. A trial close is meant to elicit objections. The actual close involves asking the prospect to buy the product.  
What is the proper way to close a sale? 1)ask the customer to buy the product 2)be quiet and wait for the customer to make a decision 3)if no response after 30 seconds, again ask the customer to buy 4)repeat this cycle 3-5 times if necessary  
What does it mean to follow up? Follow up involves 1)handling customer complaints 2)following through on promises 3)showing appreciation (often through thank you notes or birthday cards)  

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